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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. More murders per capita is worse. I'm glad we agree
  2. How do you say you don't understand per capita without saying you don't understand per capita. If a country of one billion has 900 murders per year is it more dangerous than Chicago at 800? You have to be a gym teacher right? I really don't care either way. I just want you to go walking through Birmingham Alabama alone at night.
  3. This shows three cities in Alabama with higher murder rates than Chicago. Birmingham comes in at number three in the country while Chicago is in at 28. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/pictures/murder-map-deadliest-u-s-cities/ You do understand per capita right?
  4. Go walk in the worst part of Birmingham at night and report back
  5. And we've now reached the "Trump said it but didn't mean it" stage of revisionist history. Of course that comes once Putin's invasion looks to be anything but "savvy", "genius", and "wonderful" rather the sadistic, murderous, reckless and self-destructive boneheaded clusterf#&% that it's turned out to be.
  6. Sad thing is now the mouth breathers in the Cult of Trump will actually believe an ex KGB officer who's killed countless political rivals, used chemical weapons in Syria, flattened Aleppo and Grozny in a reign of terror targeting civilians was up until recently a great guy and "friend". It couldn't be that Trump identified with Putin and now that the political winds have changed, Trump is trying to rewrite history and his man crush on Vlad.
  7. More from Agent Gabbard. And for those counting Ukraine is in Europe not Asia
  8. This is a great thread with sub threads within explaining what was up with that 40 mile convoy and why it wasn't attacked immediately. It also brings up the question of whether our intelligence services saw this playing out and if that factored into the decision not to escalate on our side. Why goad Putin into lobbing some nukes if you don't need to? He may still do so but why give him the cover to justify it?
  9. Hmmm....genius, savvy, wonderful. Maybe Putin not listening to his intelligence services is what got him bogged down in this war in the first place. Only an idiot wouldn't take into consideration what his intelligence services were telling him.
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/mediabiasfactcheck.com/americans-for-prosperity/%3famp=1 Questionable source. Good try though. I also see you're struggling with the concept of correlation does not imply causation. Besides from the graphs you posted didn't gas prices start rising in May of 2020? I mean if we're going to play that game. Maybe you're pointing your finger in the wrong direction.
  11. Thread on the ridiculous biolab disinformation campaign first spouted off by right-wing / Qanon social media and picked up on by Russia after they invaded.
  12. Did I mention you? Did I say treasonous? I did say she's pushing Putin's propaganda that the US is funding dangerous biolabs. Don't most universities and all hospitals have biolabs? And yet Putin is bombing the hell out of those facilities. Where's Tulsi on that? No, she'd rather point to "US funded labs" to gaslight the gullible and support the notion that somehow Russia was justified in their invasion. Whether she explicitly goes that far or whether she's naive about what she's doing is immaterial.
  13. Telling that the Trumpists come out in support of a Democrat only when one starts to spread Putin's propaganda. It's almost like that's been their m.o. from the start.
  14. Didn't somebody here say this Russian asset was their dream candidate for 2024? Fortunately she has zero chance but that doesn't stop her from pushing Putin's disinformation.
  15. More GOP support for Putin.
  16. The cancer in the Republican Party has metastisized to a terminal condition. Can't say they weren't warned. Instead they doubled down in Trumpism and here we are today with a wing openly supporting Putin.
  17. Maybe not such savvy, wonderfully genius move after all.
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