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Everything posted by Scarlet

  1. Maybe not such savvy, wonderfully genius move after all.
  2. The "adult" version of the brainwashed. What a f#&%ing idiot.
  3. Brainwashing like every other authoritarian regime in history
  4. You do know that historically, bombing civilians is part of Putin's playbook, right? So calling Putin's invasion genius is includes tactics Russia has used before and is using again. Bombing civilians is all part of Putin's invasion. You can't separate that from Putin's "genius" invasion. I guess the leader of the GOP who said that didn't anticipate Russia bombing civilians. Maybe that guy never read his Daily Presidential Brief. I'll post this again since it's straight from the horses a$$ and I'd hate for someone to paper over it.
  5. Not surprisingly Desantis is also pumping Putin's propaganda.
  6. Yeah, just to head off the revisionist history that the spokesman for the Republican Party didn't claim Putin's invasion as "savvy", "genius", "wonderful" and that Putin's troops will be "peacekeepers" and we need something like this on our southern border, this needs to be reposted. Also, let's not pretend that Trump isn't the spokesman for the Republican Party. All the Republicans who are breaking their ankles jumping off the Putin bandwagon could have done so earlier by speaking out on Trump's extortion attempt with his "perfect phone call" to Zelensky.
  7. I wouldn't be surprised if he's talking about the far right wing conspiracy theory going around claiming the Russians attacked the Ukraine to snuff out Fauci's biolabs. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/03/02/ukraine-biolabs-conspiracy-theory-qanon/
  8. Trumpists still carrying Putin's water. Soulless creature
  9. Quite the day for the Party of Law and Order. I'm almost glad the cops didn't kneel on his neck for 15 minutes and claim it's was the fentanyl that killed him.
  10. More from the GOP crime syndicate.
  11. Seems like just the kind of fellow you'd want to vote for as Leader of the Free World not once, not twice, but three times. But gas is expensive. So any guesses on who he kills first?
  12. For those whining about gas prices and probably never thought ahead and bought anything other than a gas guzzling dually to drive 30 miles to work, here's a thread that might change where you point the finger...oh wait this will never be read let alone understood. It's easier just to throw a hissy fit.
  13. Dude fell deep down into the rabbit hole of right wing conspiracy theories and yet people will vote for him just to own the libs. Consider how f#&%ed up the GOP is right now that the Michigan GOP actually endorsed his candidacy.
  14. Lol....gives new meaning to "stand back and stand by"
  15. Where did he say anything about approval rating? https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/utah/
  16. Brain warped by right wing disinformation and you too could be looking at hard time.
  17. Let's see if this rich white guy faces the same charges and what his sentence will be. Anyone care to wager if the justice system will be equal in these cases?
  18. Straight from the mouth of TASS.
  19. That thread in the tweet you posted just shows what a clusterf#&% the Russian army is proving to be. Corruption, low morale, piss poor logistical planning, virtually no opsec. It makes one wonder how much more our intelligence services know that is playing into letting Russia slow bleed in this quagmire Putin dove into. Why risk Putin lobbing some nukes if Russia can't even run over Ukraine in short order? Why give China a reason to get their Jimmies rustled? Of course the humanitarian crisis makes it hard to not want to jump in on our part but is it best to stay the course? Whatever course we take it's not an easy decision.
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