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Recruit (1/21)



  1. I wasn't saying anything about you skersfan...just that I received that same email earlier today and called a contact in Huskervision...they've never heard of that guy and said it was a hoax. I WISH it was true though!!!
  2. This part of the post is BS...this is an email floating around from a ficticious employee for Huskervision. As for IBR's info...I have no reason to doubt him so it works for me!!! Bo knows football!!!
  3. OK, that's BS. He does not like ice cream. Name your source!
  4. Don't get me wrong, I like the kid but so far (see his ENTIRE college career), he hasn't shown that NFL talent. He may have more athletic talent than Zac Taylor did but Zac had a football IQ that Sam hasn't shown. Zac couldn't make a team (although he did try out for the Bucs in a mini camp). Who would you rather have as an NFL QB, an athlete with an average football IQ or a player with a great football IQ that has decent athletic ability???? We've seen MANY examples of this in the NFL. I wish nothing but the best for Keller as he seems like a nice kid but so far, he just hasn't shown the ability.
  5. Thanks guys...does this mean that we can have Bob Stoops???
  6. Gotta be honest...he's played OK but nowhere near NFL quality. I do like the kid but I'm starting to think his hype is way better than he really is. Has a very ugly release (which NFL coaches are going to hate) and really hasn't shown much in his college career. If he wants to have a chance in the NFL, he HAS to have a remarkable 2nd half of the season...
  7. So is anyone who has a 500 horsepower snowmobile or anyone that bags their Elk the first day of hunting season...not saying much. Sorry bro, Bohl is HORRIBLE!
  8. Well, my opinion is that the way this team has played so far this year, those players that are thinking about leaving better start selling themselves pretty damn quickly to improve their marketability...other schools haven't had much positive to go off of this year if they are going to bring in our players...unless of course our kickers want to leave. They are the mid-season MVP's.
  9. Rygolf25


    Cosgrove's had 4 years to turn things around defensively, to no avail. Didn't Watson just get here within a year or so??? Not much time to make a ton of adjustments, especially with his hands tied from the head coach.
  10. Actually he was "asked to resign"...similiar to what he had Frank Solich do. Karma is a b!tch!!! Pederson = :asshat
  11. I officially elect I Bleed Red as official fortune teller for www.huskerboard.com!!! I will continue to await your insights as you've been spot on so far!!!
  12. I seriously doubt we will be taking a "young up and coming coach" who doesn't have some serious experience...We can't afford to bring in another failure at coach. I'm not even sure they'd take a chance on Bo as he doesn't have any head coaching experience. His one plus he has is that he's already a hero here in Nebraska and he could retain Watson to run the offense and be HC and DC. Not sure that that would even work though. May just need to start over...ALTHOUGH last time we did that, it hasn't worked out so well (see recent debacle)...
  13. Shows how much of a moron he is...His decision to donate money is based on his friendship with the guy who ran our current football program into "mediocrity" and not the actual University. So are Cooky's donations going to follow "The Pud" wherever he goes??? Good riddens! By the way, since Cooky is a board member of TDAmeritrade and he's pulling his money, let's try for another donor from the same place...Ol' Petey Ricketts was SO quick to throw his cash to run for a senate seat, maybe he'll do the same for The U!!!
  14. I'm sure the recruits will wait to see who the replacements are for coaching, AD, etc. I doubt ANYONE gave a crap about Pederson and we have all seen the interviews with Callahan. I doubt he is solely responsible for many recruits. My guess is most of the recruits who have seen games this year have been too impressed. New staff and a mix-up could help...Look at the basketball team and what Doc has done for them. I just hope we can get a guy with his energy as head FB coach!!! Would he have enough time to coach both FB and BB??? LOL
  15. As an MN alumni, I'll give my honest opinion, Petito is a jackass...BIG difference between high school and college football bud. My plan for the future: 1. Have a son 2. Coach his little league football team 3. Be the best coach in the league 4. Coach in the NFL because if I was the best in Nebraska pop-warner, might as well give me a chance!!!
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