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Everything posted by bshirt

  1. Did you follow the forum this past week? "Meltdown" is exactly what happened on this board this past week. Really? I saw a lot of open discussion about what went wrong and intelligent/logical thoughts on how to fix it. Guess that's "melting down" in koolaid land. Yep. Anything suggesting less than relentless rants regarding the superb coaching of Watson & the great, great progress NU has made by going to the wco (and dumping the pathetic power I/option) is indeed "melting down" to a large percentage of my fellow NU fans. Same deal during the Callahan years you will recall. Results??? Heh, who needs them! My God, just "look" at all those garbage points we got last week.....wow! Isn't this great?? Ho Hum.....
  2. I'd say this is pretty close to what I'm thinking. Actually, there's not a single coach on this list IMO that could have pulled off what Snyder pulled off. Here's my list. It's a somewhat different. 1. Snyder. No one manages JuCos as well as he does. It's interesting to note that all other struggling Big 12 teams took a page from his playbook with regards to scheduling extreme patsies in the nonconference to boost team confidence. Heck, Mangino and KU barely even played anyone with a pulse the year they nearly went undefeated. 2. Stoops. It's not because of NC's because he only has one. It's because of the amount of Big 12 titles he's won and BCS bowls he's landed OU into. Can you imagine the wealth of the OU program if it were an independant? Interesting to note that Stoops was once a Snyder assistant. 3. Mangino. It took him a few years, but he's got KU consistantly playing good football. He needs to stress recruiting a bit more and use the strong basketball program more to get better players. As far as I'm concerned the coaches in the 3-10 ranking all have arguments as to why they should be higher or lower than where I have them. 4&5. Mike and Mike (Leach & Gundy) both are great offensive coaches who don't place enough stress on the defensive side of the ball. However, both have shown they can play with and beat the big boys down south. 6, 7, & 8. This is where I'm putting the newcomers Bo included. The reason: how would many of you have ranked the Big 12 coaches with regards to Bill Clownahan after the 2005 season? I mean it appeared we were on our way back and then beating Michigan in the bowl game. I am in no way saying Bo is comparable to Clownahan at all, but I think each of the 3 need to be at their respective schools at least 4 seasons before they can be moved up or down. As far as I'm concerned, these three could all have not rankable beside them because none of them have been at their respective schools long enough to get an accurate ranking. 9 & 10. Mack Brown and Gary Pinkel - Is this too low? Probably. However, I still hold grudges against these two for mistakes in the past. Brown screwed over Major Applewhite. Had he played him, he'd probably have another NC trophy in his case. Pinkel totally messed up with how he played Brad Smith. You don't take the best spread option guy out there and make him a drop back passer. Mack Brown, IMO, underachieves with the talent he gets. Gary Pinkel always seems to do something that makes me just go wow, why? Pinkel has been with his respective school the longest consecutively of the northern schools, yet he has never been able to play with the big boys to the south. Now that it appears Nebraska is on its way back up, the question still lingers whether or not Pinkel can get the recruits he's come accustomed to when Nebraska football was on life support? 11. Mike Sherman - it just smells and looks like another Clownahan experiment down there in Aggieland. IMO, Slocum should never have been forced out. It's been downhill for the program ever since. 12. Dan Hawkins - He got the benefit of the doubt for quite a while. In fact, I thought this year they were a darkhorse to win the northern division. I'm still having trouble determining whether his team is really as slow as West Virginia, Toledo, etc. made them look or if his players just aren't playing for him. Either way, there's big troubles in Boulder especially now after playing their backup QB that was supposed to redshirt this year. Great post. I agree bigtime with 90% of it but I gotta most respectfully disagree with your rating of Bo. Callahan took over a bowl winning 10-3 team and immediately trashed it giving NU it's first losing season in 40 years and it's worst loss in history. Bo has never done anything remotely as bad as that. Oh I know you're not comparing Bo to the "NFL genius" (as zillions of NU fans referred to him then) but as they're rated the same.....well.... Snyder definately deserves his #1 rating imo. Most people have no clue whatsoever how brilliantly he succeeded despite outrageous overwhelming odds against him at KSU. Yeah, #11 sounds terribly familiar. God help the Aggies.....they'll need it. Mangino and Stoops are too close to call imo. They're both brilliant HCs and deserve a tie at #2.
  3. S. Watson in the after game interview is delighted with the NU wco offensive prowess shown....."Our wco is simply unstoppable!"
  4. I'm sick and tired of NU looking like sh*t everytime we play anybody even somewhat decent. The last six years have been pathetic at best. Teams of the 90s my ass......teams of the 70s and 80s are light years above the crap on the field I've seen every since we brought in Callahan.
  5. I was never in the closet. I just call things the way I see them. I've followed the Huskers for a lot longer than you might think. I'm not a husker hater. I just don't care about them now that they're worse than mediocre. Their decline started about Frank's 2nd year. I'm just saying huge changes need to happen before the Huskers are an ass kicking team again on BOTH sides of the ball. Osborne is a great guy but he doesn't understand the game and Pelini is not head coach material. An awesome defensive co-ordinator but not a head coach. Speaking of closets, nothing will change until the University cleans out the football closet from TOP TO BOTTOM. If you followed Husker football for as long as you claim, then you would know that we had a pretty damn good football team in Frank Solich's second year Exactly correct. That 99 NU team should have played for the NC. VT getting there instead of us was a ripoff.
  6. LOL!! What a post!! Can you possibly be serious?? haha...wow!! Hey Guy Chamberlin, guess what?? We're "already" losing to any decent team we play. So we're supposed to be happy and thrilled with that? You really don't think for well over 25 years TO didn't do WAYYYYYYYY better than that??
  7. Of course, this team always looks good against creampuffs. It's the good teams where they sputter. Yep! The price of having a fluffball offense at NU......
  8. Sounds right to me. There is just "no way" TT's run defense is in the same league with VT's (5 of their six top Dlinemen returning from last year's tough Hokie Dline). If our OLine can on reasonable terms run on VT's Dline it should be able to pancake TT's Dline (allowed 4 ypc last year) with little effort. Something changed in a big way.
  9. Call me crazy, but I believe the best D we've faced so far this year was VT. We ran the ball 30 times for 207 yards. I'm wondering if we're attacking the D when running the ball in the right formations and schemes. If our OL was able to handle the most talented and gifted D we've faced, why can't they handle TT? Oh boy, that's a good question. We can pound the rock vs VT but not TT??? Wow....talk about not making any sense whatsoever...... I admit that I just don't get it.
  10. Uh....just "one" game??? Where have you been my compadre'??
  11. NU 3 Clones 0 NU gets fg in OT to win game. Watson at press interview claims NU WCO offense is "back" and as effective as ever!!
  12. Yep! Just more of the same ol Clownahan apologist propoganda....they never quit, I'll give them that!
  13. Bullsh*t. It would be almost impossible to have a worse offense than we have now using "any" other offense. So..... "more" frustated returning to the option (which was never the total failure the current wco is for us!)??? I don't think so.
  14. It sure the heck is the thing to do when your offense worthless! How much proof do you need? You just can't believe your own eyes?? Or maybe you refuse to deal with the reality of our offense getting stuffed like sardines every time we play a decent to good defense?? Maybe we should just pretend the offense is moving the ball just fine??
  15. I love it!! I'll never be more thrilled than when NU officially dumps the pathetic little girl's WCO and commits to some type of smashmouth. This a step in the right direction!
  16. Nope....I don't think so. TO understand results.
  17. Option football is not dated, it just went out of fashion. There is very little difference in the quality of football players from 15 years ago and for schools that won championships in the 90's to just chuck it out the window because it was no longer fashionable was stupid. Amen brother! It most certainly was an incredibly stupid thing we did. In return we got losing seasons (that's right....as in plural.....the 1st losing seasons in 40 years), huge blowout losses (the biggest losses in the history of NU football) and endless humiliation. Yeah, ain't the wco great??
  18. I think we need to return to the past and get us some real deal short-wide-quick road grader Olinemen. The heck with trying to be like everyone else with these fluff spread offenses.....lets return to the power I with the option....the Nebraska offense!! You need to go back through your programs. When was the last time we had short-wide-quick road grader OL? Aaron Graham was over 6'3. Rob Zatecka(sp) was over 6'4. Adam Treau was around 6'3-6'4. The only OL I can remember from the glory years being somewhat what you describe was Aaron Taylor. He was 6'0 and around 300 or so. Relative to the prototype tall pass blocking Olinemen used so much presently at 6'5", 6'6", 6'7", etc........6'0 to 6'4" at 300 some pounds is pretty compact I'd say. A. Taylor (6'1"), W. Shields (6'2"), B. Wade (6'3"), J. Rutherford (6'3"), B. Stai (6'4"), Z. Wiegert (6'4"), D. Raiola (6'3"), C. Dishman (6'4"), G. Austin (6'2") and so on....To say the least, they had a hell of a lot bigger push off the line than anything we've seen for a long, long time.
  19. Exactly!! "Now" is when a return of TO as the OC would be terrific for us!! "Nobody" is recruiting and developing defenses to stop smashmouth power/option.
  20. Oh, if only even a small percentage of NU fans could understand that..... ....but "NOOOOO" we have to pretend we're USC and have endless talent to successfully run fluffball in the midwest.......
  21. You realize that stat is really apropos of nothing, right? What does it show? That we've struggled? Don't just buy into something you read somewhere and think it has meaning. The reality is, this offense is broken. That stat doesn't prove or disprove that. Agreed. The only stats that matter are the scoreboard and rushing totals in my opinion. If you can't run the ball you can't win championships. Texas Tech has a neat little gimmick, but they're a marginal team at best, incapable of doing anything more than having average to good seasons on a consistent basis. Bingo!! Damn well said. We'll never run the ball with authority vs good teams while using this fluffball offense. Six years after dumping the option and firing the HC & staff for a bowl winning 10-3 season, we've never even exceeded or matched that season despite the BigXII North falling into the toilet. Thanks Pedey.....
  22. Bring back TG or sell the ranch to get P. Johnson......we "must" be able to run the ball!
  23. I think we need to return to the past and get us some real deal short-wide-quick road grader Olinemen. The heck with trying to be like everyone else with these fluff spread offenses.....lets return to the power I with the option....the Nebraska offense!!
  24. Totally. If we learned anything today, it's that Cody Green and Zac Lee BOTH come with obvious downsides. I think I'd take Lee's downside at the moment. Green needs to work sh#t out in practice this year, and in limited game time. Green does not look off receivers. CG misses open receivers just like Lee, too. However, Green has much better pocket presence than Lee. He steps up nicely and has a cannon. He will be good next year, but I think starting him for the rest of the year would prove to be very very costly. More risk than reward here, IMO. I am not saying Lee gives NU a tremendous chance to win just by being in the game, but I think he limits mistakes well. I think it would be a better idea to try and get tough with the run blocking and keep Lee in there as a game manager, than to switch to Green and continue to put pressure on the QB to open up the offense. Neither of these guys has the skills to change an opposing defense's game plan right now. Watson needs to stop conceding the run game to every defense that stacks the line. It just comes down to being nasty and making plays. Enough with the "take what the defense gives us" bullsh#t. I agree with you that CG has his drawbacks but Lee isn't doing it for you, Since we aren't going to win a NC this year we might as well start playing the guy that has a better chance of getting us there next year. as for the paul johnson talk, i think we need an offense is quick scoring and that can give us a legitimate chance to win if we are down two scores with only 5 min left. Well, just keep using our fluffball offense and we'll continue to have lots of practice being down two or more scores with only 5 min left.
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