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Everything posted by T_O_Bull

  1. None of the above. I have no kids so I really dont have to do all that stuff. I will buy my GF some fishing gear , because I know it will end up being my fishing gear soon. I'll send my folks a nice bottle of wine as I do every year. They will send me more fishing gear. A bunch of my relatives in Nebraska have turned into Jahovahs Witnesses so I dont have to worry about them anymore. The GF is going to Minnesota to see her folks for the holidays so it will be the dog , the cat and myself here for Christmas. Sounds like the perfect Christmas to me. Please enjoy. I'll probably be on line at some point. We can have a cup of Egg Nogg together. ...T_O_B
  2. I assume you are taking that "much too hot for you" wife of yours with you and I hope you have as much fun as me and my "much too hot for me" wife of mine with me did when we cruised to Cozamel last April. Have a great time BRI we'll look after Husker World while you are gone. Remember take lots of pictures and be sure to share when you return. God speed and safe travels. ...T_O_B Bon Voyage...
  3. The commercial in whitch AT&T asks us to trust them and then tells us about, "More Bars In More Places." is a big load of crap. Our area in a city of 200,000 could use a couple of neighborhood bars that cater to local (within 2.5 miles) clientel. So far nothing from AT&T to help out our area. As was always true before, it still remains true today. Don't trust the phone company to do anything for you. ...T_O_B
  4. Lots of T-Shirts out there with Cubs - National League Champions on them. Just because its on a shirt doesn't mean squat. ...T_O_B
  5. My wife and I were sitting in the rain in the South End Zone when Sophmore Turner Gill came into the game, took the reins of the Husker offence and came from behind to beat Auburn. This guy has that spark that separates the special leaders from the guys who can just yell, "Let's go." I hope we don't let him slip away because I feel he is the future of Husker Football. ...T_O_B
  6. Good lokin' pup Deb. He/she will love you unconditionally for as long as time allows. ...T_O_B
  7. His plan stinks, stinks, but he'll be around because that's just the way it is. ...T_O_B
  8. A crazy week-end. An old condom. And now I'm the dad of a multi millionaire. Like hitting the Lotto only Thanks Giving will be in Palm Beach with the Trumps. ...T_O_B
  9. Good point, college kids are going to act like A-holes regardless of where they go to school, Huskerdedhed just thinks that there is some monopoly in Boulder on them and we have seen escpecially this year that no one is immune.
  10. Let's just face it if you are not within 500 miles of an ocean the media would just as soon not bother with you. As far as I'm concerned those of us living in the Heartland should just say FU to the national media. How you doin' sCrUm? ...T_O_B
  11. They don't remember that one time, years ago, when you were an a$$ hole and got drunk and stupid, and now feels the need to bring it up at least 4 times a year.
  12. Jimi, Jim and Janis will Rock On forever on that great stage in the sky. Gone too soon, remembered forever. ...T_O_B
  13. I don't usually talk about politics but when it comes to Mr. Reagan I'll say a few words. First, Jimmy Carter, while being smart, was a weak, lame president. Gold was at $900. an oz. Mortgage rates were 18+%. Iran was holding Americans hostage and making the US look like a paper tiger. Mr. Reagan got elected in a land side. The hostages were released. The economy turned around and rates for home loans started to drop. He also engineered the fall of the Soviet Union and Communism. That's the reason for the love affair. ...T_O_B
  14. Well there was a time where USC was a has-been. They were great for a time and then were weak (at which point for a good number of years they were has-beens), and they returned to greatness. Same with OU --- they were great, then there were the 6-7 years where they were weak (at which point they were has-beens) and they returned to greatness. Now, NU was really great for decades, and now for the past 5-6 years Nu has been weak and is currently a has-been. That said, the hope is to follow the USC and OU pattern which is to return to greatness after hiring a great coach. Hopefully that will happen. But, currently there can be no question, NU is a has-been. But the road back starts in a few days..... The Huskers are not "has beens" thet are "Have been and will soon be agains." ...T_O_B
  15. There is a pasta sauce recipe that will make you delusional. I'm thinkin' that's what you had. Sure hope you were'nt driving. ...T_O_B
  16. Why pack until you are ready to leave and if you have kids in school there is that to consider too. The guy just got canned and is in the process of putting his life back together. He will eventually find a position. He's not a bad guy and probably someone that all of us would have lunch with if things were different. I wish him and his family all the best. ...T_O_B
  17. Totally agree with you. Several years ago we were in a Sports Bar/Pizza Place having a good time watching a KSU vr Husker game, unfortunately we were getting beat. There was a table full of KSU fans next to ours and there had been some banter between the two tables. At a point in the 4th quarter and after the KSU fans had been a little over served things turned a bit ugly. Some things were said and my 13 year old daughter looked at the guy who had been the loudest and was wearing a KU sweatshirt and said, "Humph, you're just a basketball school." He shot back, "Shut the f**k up little girl." Before either my son or I could do anything a biker guy who had been sitting at the bar stepped in and said, "Apologize to the young lady or you can step outside with me and my friends." indicating his three buddies who were now standing at the bar. Needless to say a quick apology came from the KSU table and this bunch soon left. I picked up the bikers tab and two more rounds on top. People need to be aware of their surroundings and behave properly where ever they may be. ...T_O_B
  18. Yum, Chopped Liver on warm Pumpernickle bagles. ...T_O_B
  19. Shansen, since you are looking forward to the Spring Game just wanted to make sure you knew about: The First Annual Husker Board Spring Whoop It UP and Party On Dude Party More info as the date gets closer. Be there Aloha. ...T_O_B
  20. My name is Brent. His wife Gayle is my sister Gayle doesn't have a brother named Brent. Nice try. LIAR'S ALL OF YOU!!!!! Next thing you know you'll tell me Santa Clause isn't real! Who in the world could even imagine that Santa isn't real? After all it was proved in court in the documentary entitled, "Miracle On 34th Street." ...T_O_B
  21. Dogs are some ofn the nicest people on earth. ...T_O_B
  22. My source, who is Bob Devaney's ghost, told me you're an :asshat Although I don't agree with belittling people and their sources.........this was a funny ass post.
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