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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. I have that set of measuring cups. They're very handy, because they have the smaller measures marked inside each larger cup.
  2. Gentlemen, it is becoming quite apparent that there is some friction here. If you cannot get along, take your disagreement to the Woodshed. Don't muck up these threads with your banter. I'll begin moving posts if I have to, but that won't be the only action I take. Get along or agree to ignore each other - or just go hash it out in the Shed. Just don't keep this up in this forum. Thank you for you support.
  3. I agree with this. I just about typed up a similar response, but you beat me to it. I don't know that I agree with this. In my (admittedly brief) discussions with Coach Brown, he came across as a very open, accepting person who may disagree with your choices, but will still love you as a person. I do not believe he would "put the heat on" a gay athlete, just as I know for a fact that he doesn't persecute (or whatever word is the best descriptor) Abdullah for his Islamic faith. I believe Coach Brown practices a Mark 2:17 approach to people on the team, both coaches and players, On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."
  4. Why should you care if people are open about their faith? This is the same thing with people who hate certain TV shows and want them off the air - if you don't like it, don't watch it. Change the channel. It's as simple as that. There are channels on cable that are 24/7 religion. Bully for them. I don't watch them, but I don't begrudge them the air time. Let them practice their faith. Let them tell me I should be Christian/Buddhist/Muslim/whatever. I don't have to listen to them if I don't want to, and nobody is chasing me down the street shoving a Koran/Bible in my face. I've never understood this thing where people say or insinuate that religion is being "shoved down my throat." No, it isn't. In 99.99% of every situation, you are able to change the channel, leave the room, ignore the conversation, whatever. EDIT - BTW, I'm wondering what will happen if Ameer Abdullah praises Allah in a presser after having a big game. That'll upset not only the theophobes but some of the hardcore Christians in Nebraska, I imagine.
  5. Out of curiosity, when did this change? Because as recently as three weeks ago, you did hate them: Key word openly. I see. You hate gays who don't hide in fear of persecution, but you're OK with those who do, as long as they continue to live in fear.
  6. We're disputing that Niles Paul had great plays? He had both great plays and bone-headed plays. Both should be remembered, but as a Husker, I would think Husker Fans would give him the benefit of the doubt. I don't understand why that's so hard for so many people.
  7. Those are just the jerseys Fonzie and Cassidy still have in the locker room. Most likely both have quite a few more at home. I would imagine these pics were taken as these guys cleaned out their lockers, since players have been doing this for quite a while.
  8. You could buy it HERE and support HuskerBoard.
  9. So.... they left their empty tents to give Rush Limbaugh more free publicity? That's good thinkin'!!!!
  10. I think that genie is out of the bottle already. We're not far away from being able to choose how your baby looks in the womb - blonde/blue-eyed, tall/short, etc. Genetic modification is a reality we'll see in our lifetime. We'll see if they have the ability to modify sexual orientation - I don't know if they can or will be able to - but if they did, I'm guessing most heterosexual couples will choose heterosexuality for their child, given the choice. I doubt that's a choice you'll have, though. "The heart wants what the heart wants." People can't, to my knowledge or supposition, be "programmed" to be attracted to brunettes vs. blondes, short vs. tall, big-busted vs. trim. I think that has so much to do with so many different nature/nurture things that it's like trying to predict where the pachinko bead will fall from half a mile up an imaginary pin array.
  11. I'm curious too! Good question. Doesn't interest me in the least. The very word "cure" implies that something is wrong, and I don't see anything wrong with homosexuality between consenting adults. Nor do I see how it's my business at all. If we're waving a magic wand and "curing" anyone, I'd rather see a cure for pedophiles.
  12. Out of curiosity, when did this change? Because as recently as three weeks ago, you did hate them:
  13. Your deflection of Bush's failure to kill Public Enemy #1 with some BS Republican talking point doesn't mean in any way that I "failed to realize" something. Let's be adults here.
  14. Good grief. That is a tremendously arrogant statement. Shark, you're what? Half my age? You can't just pop something like that off and expect to be taken seriously.
  15. What if your kid is gay? I just about guarantee your attitude will change. You will love your child like nobody's business, gay, straight or otherwise. And you'll wonder how you ever felt this way in the first place. Dick Cheney loves his daughter, and she's very openly gay. Don't paint yourself into a virtual corner at this point, is all I'm saying.
  16. Listen, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a walking bag of BS at times. But this isn't one of those times. I'm wrong often enough to not care if I'm wrong here. But I'm not wrong. My assertions had nothing to do with straw man arguments, they were simply assertions based on verifiable info. If you can show me where I used a straw man to make a point in our recent discussion, I'll admit I'm wrong. It's no biggie. All goofing aside, this isn't a big deal. Me and you are cool, I hope.
  17. That is an NU record, BTW. Breaks Mendoza's previous record of 42 inches.
  18. I see Cassidy as a coach somewhere. Good guy, smart, but not physically gifted enough to make it in the NFL. Of course, this is why I'm not an NFL scout, so take that for the zero it's worth.
  19. Why you just ignore it. we will just agree to disagree that Obama doesn't have any balls. ^^^^just realized that knapplc didn't use a strawman argument and wants to divert attention. DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING!!!!! We have a winner. That, or someone doesn't really know what a straw man is, but has read/heard the term and threw it out there thinking it may apply. Either way.
  20. They're from their Twitter accounts. My guess is it's a nostalgia thing for graduating players.
  21. Show me where I have created straw men in my discussion with you. The floor is yours.
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