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Everything posted by knapplc

  1. Plains? How hard can it be? Plains are quite busy. Home to such active animals as prairie dogs, coyotes and other varmints. Gotta budget time for all that roaming and the wind is constantly booking time to go whistling.
  2. That will hurt the Big XII. We don't want to lose Stoops.
  3. Not only can this "bitch ass whiner" read English, I'm actually quite good at it. And I'm quite good at showing my point of view. If that causes an opposing fan to react this way, I can't do much about it. I've always respected BB. I've always thought he contributed well here. But I can't control how he feels about us.
  4. I'm a little unhappy that Spiller got to 100K before Suh, but we're catching him. Slowly but surely.
  5. Offense: Burkhead Defense: O'Hanlon Special Teams: Paul I've been a Niles Paul detractor all season, but that punt return for the TD was awesome. It's almost like he's been setting that up all season long with his tendency to go right or left every time he catches the ball. He fakes right, then explodes up the middle for the TD. Good stuff.
  6. Damned right they're scared. I can see that in their eyes. This reeks of desperation. They see that, despite their best efforts, their guy is going down. It is useless to resist. It is... inevitable.
  7. The first rule about Rumorville - TRUST NOBODY!
  8. Welcome back, Rumorville! And here I thought you would be gone forever... Let's hope we're not sorry we asked for this. It was a wild, sometimes stormy ride back in the day.
  9. Well, we won't have to worry about the Buffs using Dan Hawkins' potential termination as motivation. Hawkins told his staff that he's sticking around, no matter what happens against Nebraska: LINK
  10. It's Thanksgiving time in America again, and after the traditional Feats of Strength and Airing of Grievances, there's no better way to celebrate than by taking a quiz about turkeys. I got 11 correct. Post your scores - winner gets an extra drumstick! QUIZ
  11. That would be great to see Frost come in as WR coach.
  12. And remember, the gap was 17,000 when this thread started. If Suh has a good game Friday, he'll be +20,000 by this time next week.
  13. Bingo. People exaggerate or flat-out lie all the time. I have to sift through stories just like this woman's every day, looking for the truth. What we have in the two or three articles I've read about this situation isn't remotely enough to base a solid decision on. The people in this and the last thread going ballistic over this, taking this woman's word for this story, are basing their decision off nothing more than her word and where she was from. I've seen enough "stuff" to know that this woman could be telling the complete truth and this could be a huge injustice. I've also seen enough to know that this woman could be telling a very untruthful story. It's best to wait for all the facts before casting blame.
  14. You've been such a stranger lately, Tuff. Where have you been? The board is dreary without you.
  15. Those are some great pics! You do a pretty good job. That last pic of Tara looks like she's not so pleased you're taking pics of her while she's stretching.
  16. This is definitely not a game to sleep on, that's for sure. It would be tremendously embarrassing to lose.
  17. I kind of hope it goes to court, too, so we can get more info on this. At this point all we have is her word, and since nobody here knows this woman, it's hard to know whether she's telling the whole story. If it doesn't go to court that means one of two things - 1) She's scared enough that she won't prosecute, or 2) There are some things from her story that she's leaving out, like behavior on her part.
  18. It'll be today. Suh is getting 4.25 votes for every vote for Spiller right now. At this rate, Suh will pass him at about 8pm Central tonight.
  19. CU is finally getting around to updating their mascot from this: To something more representative of the school:
  20. When I first checked the other day, the standings were: Spiller: 91,266 Suh: 74,312 Since then, Spiller has gained 3,704 votes, compared to Suh's 14,262. That's impressive, no matter how you slice it.
  21. You could be right. This could be a mockery of our justice system and she could be getting screwed because she's a Husker fan and they're Missouri fans. Or, she could be fudging the facts and failing to explain her actual role in the situation, and/or exaggerating the behavior of the other patrons and the police. Bottom line is, based on the stories we've seen, there's no way to know who's telling the truth.
  22. There is a LOT about this story we don't know. Maybe some more info will come out soon and we can have a better picture of what happened.
  23. Rivalry games are always like that. Wait a minute, didn't you just spend a whole thread saying this isn't a rivalry? Could you be changing your mind? It's a rivalry. Just like our game with Missouri, and Kansas, and Iowa State, and Kansas State.
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