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Everything posted by toothlessHusker

  1. "No I can't" was probably 100% truth. Osborne probably told him "you breathe a word of this before we announce and it could screw the pooch on this deal."
  2. First hire is Callahan for O-line. I think it's important for continuity's sake.
  3. I knew when I saw us get beat in Lubbock 70-10 that we were in for some dark years. But I can see some sunshine!!!
  4. Only because the guy that started this thing keeps bumping it back up to the top. I will NEVER post in this thread. I don't want to promote this silliness one bit. I think you may have a point. I can't believe that someone would make a coaching decision based on a Jew Fish, but stay tuned.
  5. A lesser risk of what? The program's already in the toilet - what more would you be risking?
  6. One thing that's could be critical on this to make it happen... one of the fish, named "Gill" (actually short for Gillman), apparently is a Jew Fish, and Pelini's wife is worried about not having an adequate Jewish community in Nebraska as a support system for this particular fish. Anti-semitism still exists, and examples like this just bring it to the forefront. I can understand her concerns as these coaches and families live inside a glass house - almost like an aquarium. I don't think this is going to tank the deal by any stretch - we should be smooth sailing from here on, but in the process of filtering out some of this stuff there could well be something that surfaces that causes some waves.
  7. Well, i told my guy to keep texting me with the latest cause i didn't feel right about leaving my husker brothers just hanging out there so i am going to keep you guys posted until this deal is done.
  8. Aquarium deal is worked out guys - Pelini's coming. They won't announce it until tomorrow or Mon
  9. Let's see now... First ESPN, then Sporting News, then MSNBC. Ummm. I think you can take this one to the bank.
  10. Callahan for O-line? I think it would be valuable to keep someone around familiar with the Nebraska traditions and what the heck he's already on the payroll.
  11. What's he supposed to say? "Yeah I got the gig" ??? This is just stupid. He's not even denying it's the truth actually. You can bet that TO told Pelini that when an announcement was that TO would be calling the shots, and no one else. You think Pelini's going to screw the pooch before he even works a day?
  12. OK you tell me which you would want: Freeze your arse off in Buffalo at 183 large a year or sit in your climate controlled sky box eating wine and cheese at 500 large a year? hmmm tough decision I know.
  13. HERE'S THE LATEST: THE DETAILS HAVE BEEN WORKED OUT. There is a climate controlled truck with air shocks that has been located in Augusta Georgia and can handle this aquarium. I forgot to tell you guys it's a 400 gallon tank. Right now it's just a matter of ensuring that there is a crew that has some salt water aquarium experience to handle the thing, but it looks like this is GOING TO HAPPEN!! PELINI IS PROBABLY N - SHOULD BE OFFICIAL WITHIN THE NEXT 48!
  14. OK guys... several of you have emailed me fishing around for more info, but i'm not taking the bait. i know it's hard to filter through all of the b.s. floating around out there, but until i hear more from my guy, i'm not going to dive right in to a situation where i'm just feeding the frenzy. i'll let you know more when it becomes available. but only if you're nice to me and don't publicly diss me on this board. Otherwise, i'm just keeping all of the inside knowledge to myself.
  15. well, without going into all the details again, i think i really made this guy mad in the bathroom at the embassy suites downtown. my bad on the loss of this one guys.
  16. I know that everyone says our current class might be in the toilet now, but did anyone ever stop to think that if Turner is hired we would have some of the Buffalo recruits look our way???????????
  17. does anyone on here deal with live coral? Is this the truth about it being real touchy?
  18. look you guys can choose to believe what you want. but there is definitely something fishy here.
  19. look you guys can choose to believe what you want. but there is definitely something fishy here.
  20. I don't see calling Pelini an idiot. He is just trying to make the right decision for his family, and that includes the things his family enjoys and dearly loves. Who are we to sit in judgement when in fact we know full well if the shoe was on the other foot we would react just the same!
  21. LATEST UPDATE: My friend the salt water aquarium guy just text'd me to give me an update. What the Pelinis are debating is the deal about the live coral in the tank. Apparently this stuff is just real sensitive to temperature changes and your basic jossling around in a truck for 700-800 miles. I don't have any experience with the stuff so take that for what it's worth. It could be that the lival coral just stays behind in Baton Rouge and they turn it back to the aquarium shop or simply find a new owner by running a simple classified advertisement on Craigslist. You guys might laugh at all this but people get real serious about pets - especially when you consider that coral is really kind of considered endangered I think and it's not good to mess with it. Anyway, I wouldn't necessarily give up on Bo yet. It is very possible that they will arrive at a decision as soon as this weekend and then we can get this program back where it belongs.
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