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Guy Chamberlin

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Everything posted by Guy Chamberlin

  1. Wait. The fans are fed up? I reckon they have been inconvenienced for several weeks now. That's the real story of America's civil rights struggle: why won't these colored fellows just dance and jump for our amusement? (actually a majority of the folks who make this country incredible support these athlete protests) https://sports.yahoo.com/poll-most-americans-fine-with-players-protesting-speaking-out-153254478.html
  2. Ignoring Kansas, how many of these teams would you guarantee that recent Husker teams could have beaten up? Oklahoma Oklahoma State Texas TCU Texas Tech Kansas State Iowa State Baylor West Virginia
  3. I checked the internet and you are the only person on Earth who believes this. https://www.1011now.com/2020/09/11/kansas-city-chiefs-fans-boo-teams-during-display-of-unity-against-racism-social-injustice/
  4. Mods, can we move this to the Roundball Shaman Thread? A thread dedicated to posting and quarantining every post Roundball Shaman makes?
  5. Yet out of those 16k, Kansas City managed to find enough people willing to boo the show of brotherhood by the players. Hello, P&R thread. I'm coming.......
  6. The pharma companies are used to tons of scrutiny around safety, but you're right that it isn't typically public or international. The issue for Big Pharma is always overzealous scrutiny and caution. Not only does the FDA make them jump through hoops, repeatedly, for years, they are under constant peer review by fellow scientists who are often competitors. Public transparency only matters when it gets to the public, and that's why every prescription medication advertised on TV is a 2:00 commercial listing side effects, including depression, diarrhea, and death. The legal and R&D costs are tremendous, but they don't get much pity because there are massive profits waiting on the other side. There was a pretty remarkable public statement made last week, with full page ads taken out by the dozen or so global pharmaceutical companies that are fiercely competing with each other for the COVID vaccine. They all agree to abide by the existing FDA protocols for testing and safety. But that's not the transparency you're probably talking about. It is clearly a response to a behind the scenes push for Trump to announce and dispense a vaccine before the election, a fast-track that would bypass traditional trials, make Trump a hero, and any willfully reckless drug company ton of money. If the recklessness blew up on them a few months later --- well it would be too late. Hence the alliance of competitors. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/04/science/covid-vaccine-pharma-pledge.html
  7. It's part of the curious evolution of Anti-Vaxxers from liberal suburban moms and new-agers who mistrust western medicine, to conservatives who've equated vaccinations with sinister motives of The State. The science has always been really clear on this: vaccinations save millions of lives. Not vaccinating yourself or your child puts others at risk. So when the vaccination that ends the dreaded coronavirus becomes available, does your conservative desire to get the economy on track supersede your mistrust of the government? What if people are giving Donald Trump credit for the vaccine, does that mean The State is no longer the enemy? And if it works, can we go back to respecting science?
  8. Glad you had a good interaction with him. He's usually good with players and coaches and parents and fans, but the dude has a history of wearing down everyone who employs him. He's a good coach and good for the game, but he's an odd duck with a self-destructive side.
  9. The NFL debuted last night. It looked and sounded like football. Worked for me. Again, I don't see how you can have football on TV four nights a week, and on high school fields every Friday, and the Big 10 sitting on the sidelines insisting they made the right call. Again, I think the call was defensible in the moment. But everyone else on Earth is working overtime to adapt as things change, and it's not a bad quality.
  10. Again, MLB, NHL, and the NBA are having surprisingly successful seasons & playoffs, even with the expected positive tests. No fans in the stands and considerable lost revenue, but there is a good working model to point to. But I think colleges were keenly aware that their athletes and revenue generators were unpaid young men without any union or collective voice, and if anything went south on their watch it would be a very ugly look. That's still true. But risk assessment and public sentiment is changing on a daily basis. Probably won't know the wisest course of action until after the fact. Agree that the spit test could be a game-changer.
  11. Re: the OP. I think if you use the word "Marxist" in a post, you need to have an understanding of what Marxism is and isn't. The closest thing we have to Marxism in the United States isn't a civil rights movement. It's the local grain co-op. True story.
  12. Listen, I'm grateful we haven't become entangled in a foreign war under Trump (yet) but the President has been far from consistent in his saber-rattling towards China, North Korea, Iran and those who harbor ISIS and their terrorist competition. I'm glad killing General Solemani and destroying that airbase didn't escalate into a full scale war. It was a dangerous but measured retaliation, and it hardly makes Trump different than his predecessors. And with that commitment to avoiding foreign entanglements, you'd think the military budget could be pared down to something more efficient, but of course Trump went the opposite way, throwing additional billions of taxpayer dollars at a symbolic and ham-handed show of power. Interesting, too, that a majority of active service personnel support Biden over Trump. Upside down world, eh?
  13. I'm not a lawyer and I hate baseless speculation, but I'm almost certain the Warren Report is being withheld from public scrutiny because a screenshot included in the supporting documents shows a porn site in the Commissioner's navigation bar.
  14. Media question: I see all these Lincoln Project videos being shared online. Is that the strategy here? Making it free and viral? Or has anyone seen a Lincoln Project video or ad in a paid advertising format, like broadcast TV? I live in California, where neither party bothered to spend money in 2016, conceding it to Hillary. So I never know what the rest of the country is seeing.
  15. I see a lot of bad stuff happening on Trump-Pence's watch. Is that our official burden of proof? Also, apparently a lot of fairly hawkish and oil-friendly stuff happened on the Obama-Biden watch, so you can assure your friends that Biden is nowhere near a socialist lefty.
  16. I see conservatives claiming liberals are unhinged by Trump because he uses rough language and "hurts their feelings." fwiw, it's pretty much the same language we heard from Bo Pelini supporters. Anyway, I think Trump's character flaws are just the low-hanging fruit. Paying off porn stars, playing golf while the world burns, idiotic Twitter rants at D-list celebrities, even the racist dog whistles. A Trump supporter and a seemingly tolerant evangelical can claim the man is flawed, but his "movement" is redemptive for the greater Christian cause. So what is that cause? You can go ahead and remove Trump from the conversation, because he's just the latest delivery system for the GOP agenda. Banging Stormy Daniels and mocking John McCain don't affect my life at all. But cutting taxes for the wealthy, sabotaging Social Security, deregulating everything in sight, blowing up the deficit while pretending to be small government, and mocking anything remotely environmental very much impacts my life and moreso, the lives of my children. I don't need to know how evangelicals justify the personal amorality of Donald Trump. I need to know how they feel about the policies the GOP has been advancing with Trump's rubber stamp. What is it in the teachings of Jesus Christ that makes them want to actively undermine the poor, the sick, and the Other in order to benefit the wealthy? Why do the needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many, other than being the opposite of socialism? As others already observed, for many evangelicals it's probably Roe v Wade first, every other virtue a distant second. For others, it's American Jesus and the yearning to live in the whitewashed America depicted in Thomas Kinkade paintings. Just read an interesting article that calls out Black Americans for their loyalty to a church that asks them for money every Sunday, and promises they'll get their reward when they're dead. Weird time for Christians.
  17. I was raised in a culvert in Custer County, married in a 1958 Massey-Ferguson combine, named my daughter Devaney and my son Corn, and have never set foot outside the state. I say "good day" to you, sir.
  18. Hold on. Now the Pac 12 believes new testing capabilities can bring sports back this calendar year, calling it a literal game-changer. Almost unthinkable the Big 10 would stand alone on this. Pac 12 will give them all the cover they need. https://tucson.com/sports/arizonawildcats/rapid-covid-19-testing-deemed-game-changer-for-pac-12-but-when-will-actual-games/article_dab41faa-d53d-507c-a55b-f08566c3ecc8.html
  19. I've got a question: Will there be a 2020 football season? Someone should start a poll.
  20. This video was shared with me by people who don't even know I'm from Nebraska. Everyone actually loves this guy. It's good fun.
  21. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." That's pretty clear. Everything that comes after is rationalization and distraction.
  22. Trump wasn't exactly loved and respected within the military before this: https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2020/08/31/as-trumps-popularity-slips-in-latest-military-times-poll-more-troops-say-theyll-vote-for-biden/
  23. Again, on an open mike in a public forum in the middle of a campaign, Donald Trump made fun of prisoner-of-war John McCain for getting caught. Throwing money at s#!t and demanding respect is another way he operates, but it's not the same as supporting the men and women who make sacrifices that a narcissist can't understand.
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