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Everything posted by Enhance

  1. Well Sip often speaks before thinking
  2. That made me laugh pretty hard because it's so true. I almost feel bad for how big of a let down Ohio State has been the last couple of years.
  3. While I do agree that they are very SMALL rivals, and not true rivals in the real sense, you should never use what a football game says as a source. I'm pretty sure 09 has Kansas State listed as a rival, which we never really were we just have a little bad blood as of late.
  4. I don't think NU's success was because of cu & ksu it was because they had players & coach's that worked & played harder than other teams. The North is the weak spot of the B12 without question, but strong coaching and passionate players are going to take us places.
  5. That is too bad, although I never really thought the kid played up to his potential.
  6. Bo is awesome. He deserves a pay increase if he gets one, especially after what he did in one season. I shudder when I think about the season we would have had if Callahan were still here
  7. Sorry, Colorado isn't a rival. They are just one of those teams where we have a bit of bad blood with them, but they are not a rival. Rivalries are between teams that, when they play, there is a lot of implication that goes into that outcome. Texas and OU is a great example. Whoever beats the other usually wins the South (except for 2008 ). There doesn't always have to be great implications for the game, but there still has to be some connection between the teams. OU-NU lost the connection thanks to the Big 12, so they really aren't our "rival" in the true sense anymore because when we play it usually doesn't matter to a whole extent. The last time we played them and it mattered was the Big 12 Championship game in '06. CU's plan of attack was "it doesn't matter if we lose every game all year, just as long as we beat Nebraska". It's good to set your goals on the team that is dominating your conference (referring to the 90's here), but saying that your season is debunked if you don't beat one team is ridiculous. CU-NU will be a rival if they are both good every year and beating the other means that you will move onto the Big 12 Championship game. One year one of the teams is good, the next year that team is bad and it's been that way the last few seasons with neither team being consistent. If CU wants this to be a rivalry, they need to start being a threat every year and not just cry for it to be when there isn't a whole lot riding on the game.
  8. I think that is what most people want to believe.
  9. Yeah it is pretty awesome, because once the starters leave a lot of their back ups will have already had a lot of playing time and they can slide right back in there and keep things going. I couldn't give you a good number on how many kids get red shirted each year, but look at this way. Pelini red shirted most of his 1st recruiting class which was right around 20 guys. Generally, unless you have a Freshman who is an absolute standout, most of the incoming Freshman will get red shirted. This, of course, isn't counting medical red shirts or things of the nature.
  10. Over 20. If you want to avoid this, simply go buy Missouri Tiger license plate covers. Yeah, you will feel dirty driving around like that even in Missouri, but it will save you the few hundred dollars of replacing tires. We did this in Columbia in the 90's. We bought some Tiger license plate covers and we ended up parking in an area with a lot of Nebraska vehicles. 4 cars to my left and right got their tires slashed, and ours remained safe. Of course, then you run the risk of having a NEBRASKA fan slash your tires. Nebraska fans don't do those things
  11. Over 20. If you want to avoid this, simply go buy Missouri Tiger license plate covers. Yeah, you will feel dirty driving around like that even in Missouri, but it will save you the few hundred dollars of replacing tires. We did this in Columbia in the 90's. We bought some Tiger license plate covers and we ended up parking in an area with a lot of Nebraska vehicles. 4 cars to my left and right got their tires slashed, and ours remained safe.
  12. Enhance


    I doubt we will see him as return man. He will most likely be a slot guy/used sparingly in running formations. I can see him playing a small role in zone-read plays because of his quickness. After all, the lone touchdown he scored last year came off of a zone-read and Mendoza bolted like a bullet for the end zone. The guy has speed but limited size, so because we have Helu and Castille in there we probably won't see Mendoza much unless one of those guys goes down. I say just bring back the Oz-bone, but instead of having a full back in there just keep Helu, Castille, and Mendoza in the backfield and wait to see which one gets it
  13. The road was friendly to us last year for the most part, excluding Oklahoma. Even TT was a pretty good road game even though we couldn't pull out the win. TT doesn't really have a hostile environment though I think talent vs. talent NU has the edge because of all the starters MU lost, and our defense is statistically better from last season and we only lost a few defensive starters. Intangibles, however, do go to MU because of our lack of ability to beat them in Columbia and the fact that most of their fans have it out for us. It will be a good game, but I think we win
  14. Interesting. I have no idea when the last time this happened was. I tend to forget exact dates of games and everything, but all i know is that since at least the 2006 season we have had a bye before the fuffaloes.
  15. well you can quote me as saying that no matter who has a bad game i DO NOT want green to see the field next season. if lee starts and gets hurt then spano goes in. if spano starts and gets hurt then lee goes in. green redshirts. I want Green to see the field, just from the sideline
  16. I'm sure his discipline won't be too harsh (from Bo's side) because of his cooperativeness and the fact that it's alcohol and nothing worse. He should know better though considering his father is a coach and he's got a full ride scholarship. Hell, if you are just a regular student drinking who gives a flying you know what, because everybody does it. But when your tuition is getting paid to play football and your father is a coach, you should be sticking out of trouble.
  17. LINK I did a search and didn't spot anything about this, so I apologize if it was already discussed/posted
  18. I think this basically sums up a lot of peoples desires as far as Green goes. I think the people that want him to start, want him to start because that would mean he is as good as we all hope he is. A true Freshman starter means we have bagged a guy that is going to take us places (in our current QB situation of course). But in all honesty, I think we are being too optimistic. I'm sure he'll be a heck of a football player, just not yet.
  19. They get into terrible shooting slumps and can't get out of them. The need some offense.
  20. To expand on this, people always want the "next" guy. Fans always believe the next guy will be much better, and when he comes in and is just "average" then they move onto thinking about the next guy after him. It's a never ending cycle.
  21. Very reasonable post. I'd add that Kody Spano was every bit as heralded nationally as was Green (both were the #9 nationally as dual threat QB's) --- and sure who knows how accurate either assessment was. But my point is Spano is also thought to be really, really good. Green, as good as he may be, is not a lock to start as a redshirt sophomore either --- he must first beat out Spano --- and while most assume that to be a given, well... think again --- Spano may out compete him. No knock on Green --- he has the potential to be great. But so too does Lee and Spano --- and they are more seasoned, more mature, and more experienced. So, Cody Green has really tough competition to contend with. In 3 years we'll see how he stacks up. This year and next, you will see either nothing from, or little from him. And, that is great --- for as you say, he'll come up slowly in the system and prosper. Very true. I heard numerous reports that Spano was doing extremely well on the scout team and was impressing numerous coaches, so Spano is still in the mix without question. I wish there was more information on him though, he seems to be getting passed over in most of the media attention ergo there isn't a lot to read about on him.
  22. This should be in your sig http://i472.photobucket.com/albums/rr84/jk...21244229290.jpg
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