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Danny Bateman

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Everything posted by Danny Bateman

  1. GOP: “IT’S A CRISIS CLOSE THE BORDER!” Dems: “Ok here’s a bill so we can close the border.” GOP: “NO NOT LIKE THAT!”
  2. Imagine ten years ago someone told you a border security bill that Mitch McConnell, Joe Biden and the Border Patrol themselves had endorsed would fail because Donald Trump and the GOP rank and file would claim it’s not sufficiently conservative. You’d probably ask if they needed medical attention.
  3. Boy if they’re too scared to lead the pack on killing DST, you guys back home can probably look forward to legal pot a day or two before the sun finally craps out.
  4. These clowns probably want more taxpayer funds funneled towards paying for golf trips or hotel/resort stays for their corrupt orange Messiah.
  5. Has anyone told the Border Patrol that they’re a bunch of RINO cucks? Obviously they want this to fail so they can just keep living on Easy Street.
  6. RFK Jr. says Russia ‘acting in good faith’ in Ukraine invasion, US in part to blame for war Pretty sure Bobby Junior can sit this one out.
  7. If they thought that would get 60 votes that would be the bill. Republicans don’t have the leverage you think they do and they just handed Biden a stick to beat them with. Bang up job.
  8. Funny to hear Republicans complain about moving the goalposts on immigration reform. Hilarious, even.
  9. There once was a time when you could rely on the GOP to not just roll over for the Ruskies attacking our allies. Sadly, that time has passed and is gone, so now we have to use cute little tricks like this to drag them along with beating back the commies. Shame so many of them grew to idolize Putin, truly.
  10. Makes a lot more sense when you remember Republicans don’t care about actually solving problems. They care about propagating their worldview, much of which they can already accomplish through the courts. They certainly don’t want to legislate. They view their job as winning elections. They want power simply for the sake of power. They want to remain in Washington as long as possible to reap the benefits for themselves while trying to break the government, making it as dysfunctional as possible, with a thin veneer of being serious people trying to do the job they were sent there to do. Also, of course they complain current enforcement isn’t enough. They don’t care “tougher enforcement” means toothless, unconstitutional EOs, directives already ruled illegal or abject cruelty. The modern GOP doesn’t give two rips about the Constitution. They want their way, they want it now and they simply want to pin this issue on Biden; see the “craven power hungry twats” excerpt above.
  11. I see the GOP talking points got sent out to the usual suspects for why the bill just isn’t actually good without delay. “We want 100% of our wishlist or we’ll take our ball and go home. Yes it’s a crisis. Yes it’s out of control. No we don’t care. This is how politics actually works. We’re a serious party and demand to be taken seriously.” What a hoot.
  12. Dammit I knew I recognized him but I wasn’t sure it was actually him. RIP, some really iconic roles.
  13. What a miserable prick. Sure it won’t bother him in his tailored suit with his expensive shoes in his lavishly furnished office, though.
  14. I was just about to post this story. Special counsel questioned witnesses about 2 rooms FBI didn't search inside Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence: Sources Bolded is my emphasis. That just screams innocence. Seems like an nice exit ramp for his attorneys, honestly.
  15. I mean certainly I made my thoughts known in the Shed, but I think part of the issue here is just the weird amount of deference you’re paying to the current lead of the party whose politics you support on this matter while simultaneously remaining skeptical of his accuser. So the guy who: -Frequently swaps wives for a younger, hotter model -Was busted cheating on said wives with a pornstar and paid her hush money to silence her -Frequently alludes to wanting to bang his daughter -Visited the changing room of the UNDERAGE girls in his beauty pageants because he could -Likely chose his lawyer in said legal case on the basis of her looks (certainly not her legal prowess!); this is a pattern for him and almost all the women of prominence in his orbit -“Grab em by the pu&&y” -Was good friends with Epstein You find it hard to believe THAT GUY is a sexual predator? And if so, good lord, why? Wouldn’t it be easier to just admit you like his politics but you admit he’s by and large the worst human being of any political consequence in any of our lifetimes? And I’m fairly sure I say that without hyperbole in spite of the fact people like David Duke and Dennis Hastert exist.
  16. Isn’t that exactly what Trump tried to do with the COVID-19 checks?
  17. Judge appointed by Trump. They’ll appeal.
  18. True however in a lot of polls I've noticed older votes continuing to trend blue, which is decidedly against historical norms. Getting Medicare to negotiate drug prices was smart politics for Biden. Apparently they'll officially begin negotiating on common drugs for Medicare recipients in Sept 2024. Nice timing. Fun fact about the group above though, per Wikipedia: Their executive director is Mr. d!(k Fiesta.
  19. You can already see Republicans starting to gird their loins and level off their excitement after getting their marching orders from their bloated orange god
  20. Nah those problems exist because the world is a complex place full of conflict and competing interests from lots of different groups of people with different, sometimes opposing, interests. Most of us have admitted as much. Anyone who tries to distill the blame down to Biden or Trump or any other single president is lying or stupid. Conmen like Trump sell simple solutions to hard problems. Who can forget "I alone can fix it?" If you weren't born yesterday, you realize they're lying. Personally I think he's a corrupt piece of crap who gets off on being a political cult leader, and it freaks me out to see how many people are willing to buy in. I thought we were smarter than that as a people. Even here in this thread, you're towing his current company line. I'm happy to continue casting my lot with Biden because he's honest. He's not selling me snake oil and telling me I just need to put my faith in him to fix all the world's scary problem. They just keep quietly, competently plugging away behind the scenes, making the sausage that moves the ball forward on real issues while not promising any magic solutions to things they can't directly control. They're just working to make things better than they are now. I'll take that over a self-obssessed liar just vying to stay out of prison, 10 times out of 10.
  21. Good for you guys. We need people out there trying to support and welcome these people. That's tremendous. Remain in Mexico is, in and of itself, not an answer. IT may have made things better, temporarily, but likewise, the MAGA patriots in charge back then never had any intention of further addressing the situation besides tougher enforcement. Rather than just lobbing blame back and forth like a tennis ball because it's an election year, hopefully we can both just admit both parties have dropped the ball on this matter for WAY too long. It's only hurting everyone involved, from the immigrants to all Americans here dealing with our broken system. Let's hope for everyone's sake they get it over the finish line this time.
  22. There's a whole swath of people who unironically think Joe Biden personally made gas prices and inflation go up himself. I'm guessing a lot of the same folks think the Middle East is the way it is now because Brandon personally ordered that Palestinian attack on Israel. That our society has become "any problem is fine if you can dunk on the other party with it" speaks super duper poorly to America's civic education system. For that I personally blame you, sir.
  23. World-renowned international diplomacy expert Jared Kushner was busy "negotiating" a Middle East peace deal he never delivered. But hey, at least he pocked $2B from the Saudis for himself. Between that and all the Chinese trademarks Ivanka was granted when Daddy was president, they made out quite well for themselves. I would love to hear the conservative case on these issues, though. Was being to announce Jared the great negotiator was on the case good enough? Or perhaps just letting Bibi be a corrupt right-wing asshat and take whatever his ultra right-wing caucus wanted by force is "peaceful" by con standards because he and Don were buddies? I know they LOVED the decision to relocate our embassy to Jerusalem, but what is the case that any of this was considered "peaceful" rather than the ongoing violent conflict that has wracked the region for literally decades? Likewise with the southern border. Is kids in cages sufficient to solve our problem? Turning people back into Mexico? Some of those psychos in the previous administration wanted to just straight up shoot migrants as a deterrent. Trump suggested shooting them in the leg to slow them down, as well as firing missiles into Mexico to target drug labs. I get that most people think our immigration system is upside down and don't like illegal immigration, but a lot of cons just seem to want tougher enforcement. They don't care about doing the hard things to actually address the situation as long as they get harsh enforcement (for some, outright cruelty is the point) so they can feel good. Again, conservatives are deeply unserious.
  24. Pick out your stats and miss the point all day bud. Knock yourself out.
  25. Yeah. As much as I dislike it, I’ve got to remember America is definitely to the right of me on immigration things. Most people would definitely support a “shutdown” even if it was largely symbolic in nature or presidential overreach without authority to really do anything of consequence. The uber text post above basically laid out that Trump tried something similar before there’s just no teeth to it after he lost in court repeatedly. Biden is the definition of an institutionalist so he doesn’t want to overreach in a way Trump wouldn’t give two s#!ts about. Still would be applauded by most voters.
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