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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. I don't do it for that reason...but I do occasionally eat food off the floor! Ha
  2. I just use my iphone charger each night and the next day...I have full battery life!
  3. Anyone else thinking that the D's hate Sanders so much that if Biden were to die they would simply try to pull a "Weekend at Bernies(not Sanders)" and prop his body up on stage still?
  4. Agreed...that is really a "look how much better I am than you" adage.
  5. Good question. The odds will change, I don't know if it will be a drastic change right away but it will change. But right now Biden is really a heavy favorite.
  6. -600 on my site just now! Wow! Trump is -180 to win.
  7. You don't think those guys wash their hands and stuff?
  8. Nope...it can't be true. I have been told there was no sketch factor at all!
  9. Which is odd to me...the "young" crowd is so vocal and in your face about stuff (not in a bad way, just in a very present way) yet they don't see to go vote. What is the deal with that? Is it that they like the idea of talking about "change" but they really don't care if it happens?
  10. Odds are off as of right now. The manipulation by the D's have shut down the political betting for the time being. Luckily for me (I won't say I saw this level of sketchness coming but we all knew it was going to be something to get Biden the nod) I took Biden to win at +180...
  11. Chicago State is not playing out the rest of their basketball season because of Corona.  

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Waldo


      I think it has more to do with their 19 game losing streak than the corona. 

    3. teachercd


      Yeah...I think they were more than happy to call it quits.  s#!t, they probably developed the virus and infected people on purpose.

    4. teachercd


      I just checked their twitter...their last tweet was in 2018!

  12. I think the bigger question is why are you on facebook still?
  13. Interesting, so the guy that needs no favors from anyone, because he has all the money in the world...didn't just "drop out" even though there was no clear path to victory...
  14. I think this is a good list, in fact I would say most of our presidents have done a good job. The list of crappy presidents is really pretty short. Carter Hoover Woodrow Wilson (Maybe...)
  15. Shocker! Young people want free s#!t without understanding how it gets paid for..."Isn't there a money tree in the backyard...my parents always referenced it when I was growing up and asking for stuff"
  16. Come on...Castro has done some really good things! Like...keeping them stuck in the 1950's Is Castro still alive?
  17. I suppose I will be one of those weirdos that doesn't complain when interest rates drop.
  18. Exactly! They learned how to manipulate things this time around.
  19. You are right, but I can't help how you read my words. Like Dee Snyder said to Al Gore "Your wife was looking for bondage and rape and she found it" Those two that dropped out...right when they did and that exact time...has totally manipulated the odds. I have posted them over and over. They did that. Their endorsements, which are clearly for their benefit (I would do the same thing, we all would) so that they can get either WHO THEY WANT IN or to get a favor later...is sketchy and manipulative. But like you said, it is literally how elections work.
  20. Wait...you don't think getting endorsements manipulates the possible outcome? We are on a different page. I do think that.
  21. We are, well, most are. Look, saying it is sketchy doesn't mean it is evil...it just means that it is sketchy. They know they can't win but they know they can manipulate things. They don't want Sanders.
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