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Everything posted by teachercd

  1. I agree...winning is all that matters So, hopefully is Nebraska gets beat in a close game we don't start seeing lame posts about how it was a good close game and that is okay with us Husker fans. Huskers are favored. This is an upset if they lose. I don't care if they give up 1000 yards and 65 points...if the win. And if they hold the ducks to 150 yards and 6 points and lose, that is not good enough. Riley was not brought it to play close games and lose like at OSU
  2. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of betting. What does this mean?Sharps = professional bettors, aka not the "public" Thanks for the clarification. Where do you find % breakdown to tell who the public is betting on? I'm a fish for sports betting so I quit, but like to follow and pay attention to lines and action. I doubt that casinos and online gambling sites are going to let you know where the $ is being bet. It's mainly all done through rumors and how lines move during the week. EDIT: After Teach's post, I was totally wrong. I be stoopid. Ha...Who knows how accurate it is!
  3. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of betting. What does this mean?Sharps = professional bettors, aka not the "public" Thanks for the clarification. Where do you find % breakdown to tell who the public is betting on? I'm a fish for sports betting so I quit, but like to follow and pay attention to lines and action. www.oddshark.com You can look there where the bets are being placed http://www.oddsshark.com/ncaaf/consensus-picks
  4. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of betting. What does this mean? Sharps = professional bettors, aka not the "public" Yeah... Most bettors take the favorite.
  5. I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of betting. What does this mean? It means that people keep betting on NU...so that line will keep getting bigger. Went from -2, -2.5 and now -3.5
  6. Pretty sure he was a betamax & HD DVD guy too... Little known fact: he was an early investor in DeLorean, too. I did know that! If I remember correctly he also went big on Tandy computers and Radio Shack
  7. TO also gave the order to use LaserDiscs instead of DVD
  8. has he ever been the favorite in a game like this? Well...BYU was similar last year in terms of line and ranking...I think BYU was fringe top 25 and The Ducks are like 22 But Riley just strikes me as being better as the dog and I don't have betting trends to back that up it just seems that way.
  9. I think it is all closed up now. Sadly Any suggestions as to where we can park without paying anything ridiculous? Park and party or just park?
  10. I don't know who I will bet yet, I hardly ever bet against the Huskers...but it is an attractive line if you are a Duck fan. I might just do the overs come Saturday. If this was a Chip Kelly coached team I would be all over Oregon this weekend. But Riley has also never shown me a reason to think that he would win a game like this as a favorite. Let me stress this...AS A FAVORITE.
  11. Bad game (UC Davis) and the students still aren't on campus. We go by terms here and the students aren't due on campus until the week after next I believe. Yeah, I know...but they didn't seem to have a problem for the last 110 games. I can't argue that. I'm hoping next year's game against Nebraska isn't sold out so I can get a ticket. Sadly, I'm sure that won't be the case. I don't know if it will be a huge travel game for Husker fans but it might be!
  12. Bad game (UC Davis) and the students still aren't on campus. We go by terms here and the students aren't due on campus until the week after next I believe. Yeah, I know...but they didn't seem to have a problem for the last 110 games.
  13. Win this game and I can see an 11-1 season Lose and I can see the doubt creep in with a chance at other losses vs NW, Wisconsin, OSU, Iowa and a "how did we lose that game" game.
  14. This is one of the best threads I have seen on the topic. Usually there are a lot of: 1. Visit the SAC Museum 2. Check out Morrill Hall 3. See if you can get a tour of the stadium 4. Check out the ice cream maker on East Campus 5. See some corn 6. Check out a cow
  15. No one will vote for a person that is dying. Sadly this will impact the votes that Hilary gets.
  16. Barry's will be crazy packed...you should check it out for sure.
  17. Mind? Heck, I love it!It's not your fault 21 year olds still want the wrinkly old junk! Shoot...I wish they wanted it!
  18. I would imagine that the student section will be crazy packed and rocking. What time do they get in for the game?
  19. The fans have stopped selling out the stadium and there is chatter of interest starting to really fall off with the Ducks.
  20. If, and I don't think I am, but if I was going to Lincoln this Saturday I would try to arrive by 9:30am I would hit up these places. The Bar The Bar, Sandy's, Brothers and Barry's. After the game I would try to hit up Cliffs and The Bar The Bar again.
  21. Sounds to me like you're passive-aggressively gauging interest in a "when will she die" pool... I have never done one of those "dead pool" things...I don't even understand how they work!
  22. It is Lot 7...it is a lot of fun. Tons of people, tons of booze, it is a great time.
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