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Everything posted by NoKoolAidForME

  1. 8:27, has he been on yet? He spoke at like 8:15 It was an abbrievated version of Mondays press confences. They do this show every tuesday. First coach tonight was Jesus's keeper. Of course there was no other question addressed
  2. My hate for ESPN just declined about 1%. E:60 just showcased a fine Missourian art of bare hand fishing called noodling. If this wasnt the most countriest stuff I have ever seen. I know that the people thought they were interview but this look like a commercial for the movie deliverance.
  3. You could also sign up for the four letter game mobile alert. Type in mobile alert in the four letter search bar.
  4. No matter how it is done there will still be problems. If you have a conference championship for each team then the loser of the SEC championship get left out when both of those team (LSU and Florida) are better than the majority of who would be conference champions. If you make it the top eight team for a playoff team 9 - 25 will still complain. The only thing you can do is win and win consistently. Teams that finish with 10 win seasons get the benefit of the doubt in polls. We cant be bottom feeder for 5 years and expect to get respect becuase we played a team close. Win and there is no dispute. If we lose to Missouri we wont have to worry about ranking becuase we wont be ranked.
  5. And that could be key - how well each team is able to play to their perceived weaknesses. Can Lee and the offense keep Missouri from loading the box through the use of the passing game? Can Missouri keep the Huskers from rushing 4 and dropping 7, or overloading with blitzes, by popping some runs up the gut? We know what each team does well - it could very well be a contest in which the team that can play well in their weak areas win. Thats pretty much what I have been thinking. We havent played against a team that spreads the field yet. Our defense has been helped by not having to blitz to get pressure. As good as Suh is we cannot expect to sit back against Big 12 offenses and expect to get wins. I am not impressed by MU's running game either. I dont think it will be a NU wash of a game this will be a battle.
  6. I just think its awesome that there are so many stars on the list. Usually (no offense to Wes) it some 4 year no contributor that has a high GPA. I think it would be good for college football to have a front runner for athletic awards aslo be in the running for the academc award.
  7. I don't see the resemblence between Tim Tebow and Cody Green. That funny s**t
  8. I’ve got a couple: 1) A teacher in a Columbia elementary classroom asked her students a question one day. She asked everyone who was a Tiger fan to raise their hand. Everyone in the room except one little boy raised his hand. The teacher said "young man, if you're not a Tiger fan, what are you?" The young man said "I'm a Nebraska Cornhusker fan!" The teacher then asked why. The young man replied "well, my dad is a Husker fan, my mom is a Husker fan, so I'm a Husker fan!" The teacher then said, "Well, that is not an excuse to be a Husker fan! If your mom was a moron and your dad was a moron, would that make you a moron?" The young man laughed and said to his teacher, "No, it would actually make me a Tiger fan!" 2) Q: Why wasn't Jesus born in Colombia, MO? A: They couldn't find 3 wise men and a virgin there. 3) Q: What does the average Missouri student get on his SAT? A: Drool 4) Q: Why do graduates from Missouri hang their diplomas in their windshields? A: Because then they can park in handicapped spaces. 5) Inside a Denny's on the outskirts of Columbia, two guys are standing at the urinal. The guy wearing Hometown colors finishes first, zips his fly and reaches for the door. The guy wearing Rival colors says, "At Misery Univers'tay wey-ah taught to wash when we finish at the lavat'ray." The Hometown guy responds, "At Nebraska, they teach us not to piss on our hands." 6) “They Can Send Me to College But They Can't Make Me Think” Missouri’s student body slogan Said the Nebraska fan to the MU idiot. In conversation: Soooo, When's the Wizard Getting Back to You About That Brain? At the work place: Of Course I Don't Look As Busy As You; I Did It Right the First Time
  9. Husker ranked 6 in a poll that put Alabama number one bumping The Jesus less (at the moment) Florida Gators and Texas down a spot a piece. From: 2009 Week 4 power rankings By College Football News.com Foxsports.com Nebraska Cornhuskers Why the ranking is too high: If you don't believe in Virginia Tech, then you don't give that much credit to a tough loss in Blacksburg. Basically, the Huskers lost to the one great team they played, and it won the Sun Belt title beating Florida Atlantic, Arkansas State, and Louisiana.
  10. I love that he said that's why they brought me here and that's why I'm on scholarship. Obviously he is there to play football. I can almost guarantee we will not be adding his name to the total for Academic All Americans.
  11. From what Baylor has shown thus far they didnt look like they would give NU much trouble anyway. Hoever, I would scale back the enthusiam about a player getting hurt it is almost an automatic jinx. I may be in the minority but I prefer to watch us play and beat teams that are at their best. I wish Griffin a speedy recover and the best to his team.
  12. I'll second redoing the series again. The type of program at VT is what college football is all about: A team with an identity, fiercely loyal yet hospitable fans, and an atmosphere that epitomizes college football. You're a credit to college football. As for the Texas fans....it is that big state thing they have going on. They need to remember that Mac is an old guy and a coaching change in their future isn't a sure thing (just look at us. lol) Yeah that would probaly be a concern to them except for the fact that Mack Brown pretty much just recruits and talk to boosters. They have always had the decent defensive coordinator and the talent they get in recruiting makes it easy for an offensive Coordinator. I dont think even with a coaching change they will fall behind any of the other programs in the United States of Texas.
  13. Which game was the punch in the mouth and what was the response. Last I checked the only punch in the mouth was played on Saturday and the response will come against the worst team they will face all year. We haven't seen a response yet just heard words from players and coaches. We wont know until that Oct 8th road game where we or the yellow cats are as a program. 1st quarter of VA Tech game: punch in the mouth 2nd, 3rd, and all by 1.5 minutes of the 4th quarter: response What response?? They lost Thank you
  14. Which game was the punch in the mouth and what was the response. Last I checked the only punch in the mouth was played on Saturday and the response will come against the worst team they will face all year. We haven't seen a response yet just heard words from players and coaches. We wont know until that Oct 8th road game where we or the yellow cats are as a program.
  15. The annoucers are having a lot of trouble trying to shorten the gamecocks name. One of them just said about Ole Miss Houston Nutt. "Before nut came" stopped and scoffed and keep talking
  16. This post is hilarious and the Facebook thuggin priceless. Muggin or Mean Muggin: When an individual from a different crew, hood, set, or area looks at you like they're going to do something. The kind of look that might make you say "you wanna make something of it" A mean mug is essentially an upside down smile. If an individual proceeds to give you a mean mug, immediately, you should shout "FIX YO FACE!" In regards to the Face Book post - they be muggin me you know I'm muggin back: I am going to assume this is a reference to Lil Wayne's song Always Strapped. If you don't know what strapped means look it up.
  17. All that was missing was Zac Lee to have a press conference (Tim Tebow style after the Ole Miss loss) then we would be talking NC.
  18. Fro Daddy you are on a role. I think this is the third zinger I have given you kudos on today.
  19. Let the Husker board Congregation say Amen
  20. Wont happen hes a JR this year Next year is pretty much set and that would be his last year unless a red shirt.
  21. To me getting back on track is possessing the ability to beat an actual team that has a good chance of beating you. If you think beating MU will be a definite then what does that prove. Sure we finally beat a ranked team, but if we know that aren't any good I'm sure everyone will see it to. So if there ranked high we end the streak. If they are not any good as your post implies what else do we gain(Before everyone starts I know a Wand yes it would be good for our Conference standing I know). I don't want to beat someone just because there ranked I want to beat a decent team for a change.
  22. Was that in man or Zone. Only reason I ask is if your are jamming out of bound in cover 2 zone your then turn your back and if that person vacates your zone your are late to any other route that might come into your zone. Not talking down football has all kind of variations, but my observation was that there should be an inside release. I as well think that the choice to go cover 2 was a bad one. I was watching and saying why are they so short underneath and they never got deep obviously
  23. Right mind? Really? You obviously haven't been reading the post in regards to the new found love for Cody Green after Zac's last game. I am not one of the people out of their right mind, but if you look through the board your statement would imply there are a lot of insane people on the board.
  24. I have also read the comment from a few that he should have let him score. Please truly think about that. What message are you teaching the player that you should concede points on the board in this situation or that? That is a terrible habit for a player and as fans we shouldn't want that on the team either. The kid messed up yes but he tried his a** off to get down there and prevent a score in a game they were winning. Under the Coach Clown years he might have stopped running once the ball was caught.
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