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Count 'Bility

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Everything posted by Count 'Bility

  1. Its is fine. Everything will be fine.
  2. The opposite of this layman explanation is something like Tim Beck's multiple. Doesn't seem like Nebraska fan likes that very much either. So what's the solution that makes us happy? Ah. you wanna talk football. Me too. power. triple option. 6 passes/game.
  3. from a standpoint of the right to do so? or do you really believe they have a cause? The cause of protesting the fact that our country elected an openly, unapologetically misogynist man as our president? A vindictive brute who campaigned on sensationalized, xenophobic fear and threatened to use the executive powers of the office to go after rivals and critics? A man who has shown equal and full-throated contempt for policy detail, restraint, and decency? Yes. I believe wholeheartedly in that cause. yeah. thats what my edit was.. Cause wasnt the right word. I rec'd that. i dont think theyre being rational at all. he's the president. it happened through lawful and constitutional process. They didnt get their way. too bad. Life in a nutshell. not get back to work/class. that's just my opinion WHILE recognizing, whole heartedly, their right to do so.
  4. from a standpoint of the right to do so? or do you really believe they have a cause? edit "cause" maybe the wrong word here. of course they have a cause (in their mind). i cant think of a proper word. Are they being rational?
  5. This. It has been my complaint on Langs the past 4 games. Instead of "over matched physically" I used aggressive D. I like your term better. When we played defenses whose from 7 over matched our OL we struggled. We were unable to exploit their D and ultimately lost 2 of the last 4. I would say in the game we have done "well" i.e. win we simply had better depth and conditioning that allowed us to win i.e. Illinois, Indiana and Purdue........ Langs was also able to exploit their "over matched" i.e. worn done D... People have screamed, and been ridiculed, on the board for calling out Langs the past few games. People have screamed to the bolded above as well. It appears that Langs wants to run the ball, but for a lack of better wording doesn't "know how". He needs to find a way to run on teams who are, for all intensive purposes, over matching our OL..... the only thing i can think of is maybe we're just so far into this system, that once we have personnel issues front, there's not enough time and talent to make the quick change. but it's a logical criticism to say that stuff shoulda been implemented as well from the get go.
  6. Well, i just beg of folks like you on the other side to have a little faith that's it's not gonna be as bad as youve come to think. I believe it wont be as great and "america-saving" as many were coming ot believe either. it's in the middle. that's really the main point im trying to make in ALL my arguments. that there are many ppl who just need to get on with their lives and put their faith in the country. never as bad as it seems. never as good as it seems. If i didnt care about ppl on both sides, i never would brought myself into this political nonsense section. As you can see, i'm not the most educated on facts and events. but i dont care. I just have a big picture view that is built on common sense and faith.
  7. Cool. i didnt know about all that. That's actually good research. My presumptions are wrong then. And that's good. Cuz i like the idea of wall. And the big door. Serious. I just didnt think such a thing was even remotely possible.
  8. Um? Gays wanted to be able to get married. To each other. Which harms no one whatsoever. Trust me, the gays don't have any interest in ramming anything down your throat. As for transgenders, the reason they were a huge news story was because North Carolina specifically made a law for where they should use the restroom. They certainly didn't want that to happen or ask for that to be a story. What do I know? I'm just a basket of deplorables You know I'm not a politician, right? That was one of the lamest responses I've ever seen. Maybe try thinking about my response instead of keeping your head in the mud. Um-no Ok. Keep thinking those Gay guys want to ram things down your throat then. I feel like this is uncalled for. i thought it was funny. krc asked for it. Like ive said. you dont wanna partake in good, two way discussion, well, right back atcha
  9. Racist Trump is deemed as a racist, mostly cuz he is supported by a bunch of racist ppl. Yeah. As a trump guy I have the guts to recognize there are still really nasty racist ppl in this soceity. So, pardon me if I'm confused. So....Trump needed to court and win the votes of racist people to win. But, when people say racist people support him, they are wrong? yes. there are racists that support trump. I myself have acknowledged that. there are also left wing, demon-worshipping, globalist nutjobs that supported hillary. the point there is that Trump supporters who are legitimately not racist are being labeled as such by generalizing. for a bunch of anti-stereotype self riteous ppl, the hypocrisy is pretty strong.
  10. This is fine too. your opinion. your interpretation. We're not gonna change each other's mind. And that's ok. That's the glory of debate. n/m. youre right. That is one racist m'fer. we may be screwed.
  11. I already posted the vetting process. Better for the sake of the safety of our nation? No. Better for the sake of maybe 1-2 dozen people every few years? ......Maybe. Better for the betterment of our nation? Not at all. Regardless, the thing is, any ISIS sympathizer reading this is probably laughing at the stupidity of us thinking they'd waste their time trying to get in through the refugee program. That is THE toughest way for them to get here, and this is a perfect example of an entirely misguided conservative talking point. well i dont know then. I'm not disagreeing with you on it. I'm just throwing sh#t at a wall. maybe he wont touch the refugee issue. But bringing it up probably got him votes. The guy aint as stupid as you hope/fear that he is. Just have a little faith, or youre gonna continue to "feel physically ill".
  12. I believe Trump will CONTINUE to address illegal immigration in a strong way. No. I do not think he will go door to door, break up immigrant families with soil born kids and deport all illegal. That's delusional, stupid, and dangerous to think that way. No. i wouldnt say it's comforting. But that issue is much MUCH larger than Trump. That is politics. That's what our soceity and political system has become. And he (actually probably his advisory staff) knew he had to mobilize every possible person on the right. Im sorry folks are scared or skeptical or whatever and that I'm hopeful. But if you cant at least make an attempt at being curious now that he won and just be in wait and see mode, i got bad news for you. youre gonna continue to ignore the logical and continue to be miserable over absolutely nothing. This is the same thing right wing idiots have been doing for 8 years. So no wall? He was pretty emphatic about building that wall. So when he said that he would appoint justices to overturn Roe V. Wade in the final debate - we shouldn't believe that either? Looking forward - what policies should Americans expect Trump to pursue and which ones should we push aside as vote grabbers? i think the wall was just a metaphor. Maybe they were serious about it. but until I see it built, I wont believe such a thing is even logical. Trump will pursue the policies that he ran on. he just wont execute as extreme as as a lot folks interpretted them. Weird concept of a president who probably wont be able to do everything as he actually said he would do, aint it? god. the hypocrisy and double standard of how for the sake of a left extreme agenda, this guy will be the guy to pull off everything he said he would.
  13. A) This is the dumbest thing I've read today (thankfully it's only 10:37am) B) This process of proper vetting already exists. No terrorist is trying to sneak into our country through the refugee process, I promise. There are a million other ways for them to get here much easier. Further, Trump has his own history pre-election campaign of making disparaging remarks about LGBTQ+ people, in addition to his VP being an advocate for electroshock conversion therapy for gays, in addition to the possibility of a more conservative Supreme Court overturning the gay marriage decision. There's plenty to be legitimately upset and afraid about if you're gay/lesbian/trans/etc. So you think theyre just gonna cold turkey day one implement all the extreme measures that they campaigned on? is that what youre afraid of? i know youre smarter than that. It's not logical. Im not arguing here on the premise that I think trump is a savior. I recognize his faults and the possibility that he could be a flop. What im arguing is that nothing is cut and dried and that the folks who thing the world will end and everything will be bad and this country will backtrack a 150 years are just being stupid.
  14. They didn't riot, but they did lots of the same things this group of morons is doing, ( death threats, #notmypresident,). Also I don't think whites were as scares and somewhat rightfully so as the LGBTQ community, Muslims) and to a lesser extent illegals ( the chance of rounding them up and getting them deported is the same as Obama taking all the guns) I don't understand why the LGBTQ community would be scared of him. Am I missing something he said or did? As for the Muslims, that was created by the media. He just wants people from terrorists states to be properly vetted so we don't allow ISIS a free path into our country as a refugee. Which is commons sense, it is his job to protect the people of this country and that is where Obama and Clinton really screwed up on this issue. They cared more about hurting the feelings of terrorists who want to do harm to this country than the people that he swore to defend. What Trump is suggesting is nothing more than what we did after WWII for Germans when people were vetted to make sure that they were not Nazi sympathizers. Obama's plan to just let them in without being properly vetted was dumb and Clinton's plan to allow over a 100K more in without being vetted was dumb from the start. People are misinformed. it's that simple. Lots (not all. Not most) of ppl really can not think for themselves, and take one little generalization and run with it to that extreme end of the spectrum Racist Trump is deemed as a racist, mostly cuz he is supported by a bunch of racist ppl. Yeah. As a trump guy I have the guts to recognize there are still really nasty racist ppl in this soceity. I have one two doors down from me. Flys his stars and bars every f'ing DAY. But this is an election. and Trump and his staff knew had to appeal to and garner every possible republican/libertarian/conservative/white trash/nationalist/whatever else you wanna call the overall perceived Trump supporter, he possibly could. So he wasnt gonn come out and run them off. He woulda lost. it's also cuz he very VERY strongly went against ILLEGAL immigration and Mid east regugees whom he says need to be going through a much more vetting process. So what does he do to continue to garner the support of the all the possible extreme righties it will take to win? He portrays an extreme view. Build a wall. make mexico pay. Deport all illegals. Monitor muslims. No more syrians. etc etc etc. It's not fair to Trump to lump him in as a racist just because some of his supporters sadly are. And what's really sad is generalizing good ppl like me as a racist cuz I do support him. Cuz im smart enough look past all the bullsh#t overreaction and reporting and get inside what he's really selling. Im sorry that ppl really feel afraid for themselves or friends. Kriest "what am i supposed to tell my kids" "what's gonna happen to us" Jesus. Get your kids out of bed and send em to school like you always do. The fear is a result of being brainwashed by snippets instead of listening to a whole message and thinking for yourself. Trump is not on his first day gonna go door to door and round up every single muslim and illegal immigrant and stick em on a boat. this is the kind of assenine extreme generalization the have so many so upset. They have no clue what's going on. i still say Trump is a calculated genius in all this. he knew what he had to do to win. And did what it took to appeal to every possible right winger necessary. And I feel just as bad for the right wing extremist racists who think he is gonna supress blacks and round up all the mexicans and ship em back. Theyre no smarter than the left extreme. Just as stupid. but Trump knew he needed their vote to win. He did. Against all odds and pretty much everyone and everything saying it wouldnt happen. Centuries of President elects who dont keep all or most of their promises, but now, this guy. For the sake of youre own extreme leftist agenda, this guy is definitely gonna do everything he says word for word. good god. Open your frickin eyes. Think for one. Art of the deal. At the end of the day. All i ask for is common sense. There just isnt much of that on this board. That's why I've been trolling with some snarky "rub it in comments" it goes both ways. if you cant offer intelligent convo, niether will I. Can you two please educate me on what vetting process the refugees that have come into the US went through and how that needs to change? Fine. I can do that. No matter what the vetting process is, you still do not know what these ppls true intentions are. So maybe a true vetting process is just closing the gate. I dont know. that would be the most extreme, and not logical at all. but isnt it possible that while you assume the current process is fine, that it' could still be better for the sake of the safety of our nation? Isnt that a possibility? I'm not playing the all knowing here, as much as it may seem. Im just trying to provide the other side for folks to think about and hopefully join in the middle where the real answer is anyway.
  15. I believe Trump will CONTINUE to address illegal immigration in a strong way. No. I do not think he will go door to door, break up immigrant families with soil born kids and deport all illegal. That's delusional, stupid, and dangerous to think that way. No. i wouldnt say it's comforting. But that issue is much MUCH larger than Trump. That is politics. That's what our soceity and political system has become. And he (actually probably his advisory staff) knew he had to mobilize every possible person on the right. Im sorry folks are scared or skeptical or whatever and that I'm hopeful. But if you cant at least make an attempt at being curious now that he won and just be in wait and see mode, i got bad news for you. youre gonna continue to ignore the logical and continue to be miserable over absolutely nothing. This is the same thing right wing idiots have been doing for 8 years.
  16. Wow LOMS, you have really been having a hard time the past 24 hours. First off, you do realize that Obama is the only POTUS ever to spend his entire first term blaming his predecessor. Do you disagree that he spent more time publicly criticizing his predecessor than any other POTUS has done. Now it may have been smart politically because it bought him time for the 2012 election given he had accomplished so little. Second, if this country were in such great shape, why would most polls find that 65 to 70% believe it's on the wrong track. Things are a mess right now (outside of the stock market). ISIS has been quiet for 3 or 4 months, but we just had the worst year of terrorists attacks ever, and we still don't have a good plan to defeat ISIS. Obamacare has always been a mess, and it's getting even worse. We remain in the worst economic recovery ever. More people are out of the labor force now than at any point since the 1970s. Racial divisiveness has worsened, as has black poverty and income inequality. Donald Trump won last night partly because HIllary was a bad candidate, but also because of Obama's failures. So if Trump sucks it up big time are you going to blame Obama or nah? For the record Landlord, as I intercede here. I would not. I would admit I was wrong. But all i want, not that it official and over, is that folks take the blinders off and get behind the guy. he's the President now. Based on a lawful and constitutional process. It's an inarguable fact. Like Hillary said. Get behind it with an open mind and let him govern I am not on Obama hater. And I know based on my open views, ppl probably think I am. But he has done a lot of decency in the fact of a lot of polarizing oppostition. Repubs are just as responsible as democrats for the bullsh#t we're in right now. it's politicians. That's why America did what it did tuesday. Everything will be fine.
  17. wouldnt it be interesting if it came out our own FBI, DOJ, and DOD were actually responsible for the wikileaks cuz they too are sick of the bullsh#t and wanted to all they could to make sure Trump would win?
  18. trump bought steel for buildings from overseas. he care nothing of the american economy.... See what I did there.
  19. They didn't riot, but they did lots of the same things this group of morons is doing, ( death threats, #notmypresident,). Also I don't think whites were as scares and somewhat rightfully so as the LGBTQ community, Muslims) and to a lesser extent illegals ( the chance of rounding them up and getting them deported is the same as Obama taking all the guns) I don't understand why the LGBTQ community would be scared of him. Am I missing something he said or did? As for the Muslims, that was created by the media. He just wants people from terrorists states to be properly vetted so we don't allow ISIS a free path into our country as a refugee. Which is commons sense, it is his job to protect the people of this country and that is where Obama and Clinton really screwed up on this issue. They cared more about hurting the feelings of terrorists who want to do harm to this country than the people that he swore to defend. What Trump is suggesting is nothing more than what we did after WWII for Germans when people were vetted to make sure that they were not Nazi sympathizers. Obama's plan to just let them in without being properly vetted was dumb and Clinton's plan to allow over a 100K more in without being vetted was dumb from the start. Trump will nominated a conservative judge to the court, and they probably would overturn marriage equality. Have you looked at Pence? Conversion therapy is something Pence has shown interest in. I am not for the government getting into the business of telling people who they can and can't marry. I am for less government in just about every issue. That is the issue that I have with far left and right on different topics. this is another issue i feel ppl are getting way to worked up over based on a campaing that was built to get every vote possible. He is not gonna appoint a justice that is gonna overturn every progressive case this country has set on. roe V wade is not getting overturned. There may be slight adjustments to these concepts. Like maybe doing away with the uni or bi or trans gender restroom things. Little thigns like that, MAYBE. But in the end there are much bigger fish to fry. So it's another instance of folks freaking out about something that probably wont even be addressed. but it was a way of gettin that last little oomph of votes needed. the bigot nutjob who says "Im votin for trump. hell overturn gay marriage. haha". but that doesnt make Trump a bigot. He just needed that vote.
  20. True. it is a right. We discuss this all the time here. As a nationalist American, i recognize that. Good on you. BUT.......... When your asked hard questions, and all you can come up with is "he dont represent me. Grab trump by the pu&&y" on national tv. well. That's why ppl dont take you serious. Teach. These morons are not that calcualted. I'll give credit where credit is due. maybe 2% are legitimate thinkers and are doing something for best of their beliefs. I'll stand on this though. Most dont even know what theyre mad about. So they follow the crowd. And then you have all the tweets "im truly scared for the future"." what am I supposed to tell my kids" Get your frickin kids out of bed, and get em to school. it's one damn day. United States of America Our best industry is the Overreactory Factories. Oh, I totally agree with you. That is why I am saying, let them protest. They are not protesting Trump, they are protesting that they lost, they did not think it would happen. Heck, I would not be shocked if a good % of the protesters didn't vote or even voted for Trump but were embarrassed to tell their friends so they still have to "go with it" we're cool boss. I pity them. And then here's another dynamic in all this i debated with a friend last night about who said "these are the ppl who will be running our country". No they arent. And if they are, it's only cuz they manned up and made a complete 180 and saw the error in their ways. And those that dont will wilt in the face of real life and the real world into total irrelevance. And with that said, they represent a very VERY small fraction of that age demographic/generation/whatever you wanna call it. There are many folks that age who are very smart and who are very logical, regardless of their views. these are the ppl that will rise and run our country years from now, and everything will be fine.
  21. They didn't riot, but they did lots of the same things this group of morons is doing, ( death threats, #notmypresident,). Also I don't think whites were as scares and somewhat rightfully so as the LGBTQ community, Muslims) and to a lesser extent illegals ( the chance of rounding them up and getting them deported is the same as Obama taking all the guns) I don't understand why the LGBTQ community would be scared of him. Am I missing something he said or did? As for the Muslims, that was created by the media. He just wants people from terrorists states to be properly vetted so we don't allow ISIS a free path into our country as a refugee. Which is commons sense, it is his job to protect the people of this country and that is where Obama and Clinton really screwed up on this issue. They cared more about hurting the feelings of terrorists who want to do harm to this country than the people that he swore to defend. What Trump is suggesting is nothing more than what we did after WWII for Germans when people were vetted to make sure that they were not Nazi sympathizers. Obama's plan to just let them in without being properly vetted was dumb and Clinton's plan to allow over a 100K more in without being vetted was dumb from the start. People are misinformed. it's that simple. Lots (not all. Not most) of ppl really can not think for themselves, and take one little generalization and run with it to that extreme end of the spectrum Racist Trump is deemed as a racist, mostly cuz he is supported by a bunch of racist ppl. Yeah. As a trump guy I have the guts to recognize there are still really nasty racist ppl in this soceity. I have one two doors down from me. Flys his stars and bars every f'ing DAY. But this is an election. and Trump and his staff knew had to appeal to and garner every possible republican/libertarian/conservative/white trash/nationalist/whatever else you wanna call the overall perceived Trump supporter, he possibly could. So he wasnt gonn come out and run them off. He woulda lost. it's also cuz he very VERY strongly went against ILLEGAL immigration and Mid east regugees whom he says need to be going through a much more vetting process. So what does he do to continue to garner the support of the all the possible extreme righties it will take to win? He portrays an extreme view. Build a wall. make mexico pay. Deport all illegals. Monitor muslims. No more syrians. etc etc etc. It's not fair to Trump to lump him in as a racist just because some of his supporters sadly are. And what's really sad is generalizing good ppl like me as a racist cuz I do support him. Cuz im smart enough look past all the bullsh#t overreaction and reporting and get inside what he's really selling. Im sorry that ppl really feel afraid for themselves or friends. Kriest "what am i supposed to tell my kids" "what's gonna happen to us" Jesus. Get your kids out of bed and send em to school like you always do. The fear is a result of being brainwashed by snippets instead of listening to a whole message and thinking for yourself. Trump is not on his first day gonna go door to door and round up every single muslim and illegal immigrant and stick em on a boat. this is the kind of assenine extreme generalization the have so many so upset. They have no clue what's going on. i still say Trump is a calculated genius in all this. he knew what he had to do to win. And did what it took to appeal to every possible right winger necessary. And I feel just as bad for the right wing extremist racists who think he is gonna supress blacks and round up all the mexicans and ship em back. Theyre no smarter than the left extreme. Just as stupid. but Trump knew he needed their vote to win. He did. Against all odds and pretty much everyone and everything saying it wouldnt happen. Centuries of President elects who dont keep all or most of their promises, but now, this guy. For the sake of youre own extreme leftist agenda, this guy is definitely gonna do everything he says word for word. good god. Open your frickin eyes. Think for one. Art of the deal. At the end of the day. All i ask for is common sense. There just isnt much of that on this board. That's why I've been trolling with some snarky "rub it in comments" it goes both ways. if you cant offer intelligent convo, niether will I.
  22. And that is pitiful. That jsut shows how damn smoke and mirrors the real liberal cause is. it's all fine and dandy to ridicule this and protest that. But when it's time to use my right, and truly stand on my principles with the most powerful weapon and loudest voice we citizens are granted, they wither like a rotten tomato and have nothing to do with it. It's sad really. See Colin Kaepernick. See the write ins for Harambe. The snarky "i wrote in such and such" lol Your loss. When you dont take this right seriously, you have surrendered your right to be upset with the outcome. Its' that simple.
  23. It's on film. Media "reporters" and "analysts" who are clearly and emotionally distraught at what was taking place Tuesday night. Now more than ever, the cat's out of the bag. Like or not, Politics in this country are changed forever.
  24. True. it is a right. We discuss this all the time here. As a nationalist American, i recognize that. Good on you. BUT.......... When your asked hard questions, and all you can come up with is "he dont represent me. Grab trump by the pu&&y" on national tv. well. That's why ppl dont take you serious. Teach. These morons are not that calcualted. I'll give credit where credit is due. maybe 2% are legitimate thinkers and are doing something for best of their beliefs. I'll stand on this though. Most dont even know what theyre mad about. So they follow the crowd. And then you have all the tweets "im truly scared for the future"." what am I supposed to tell my kids" Get your frickin kids out of bed, and get em to school. it's one damn day. United States of America Our best industry is the Overreactory Factories.
  25. The term Millineals should be changed to "college kids" and they are the way they are because they are told they can think for themselves finally being away from their parents, yet, the professors....that lean left, don't give students choices. Yes. I know it's not every prof, but even at UNK in CENTRAL NEBRASKA it was like that. I've seen many of my peers become more left leaning in college....then they leave and they start to come to their senses a bit (according to them), and start leaning back the other way. Citing how influencing their professors were. but technically (i think. Correct me if im wrong) millenial is a person who wasnt old enough to vote until the new millenium. Born after 1982. I am a millenial by definition of the term. So it gets a bad definition and is perceived and wrong manner. I think a lot of ppl when they hear "millennial" think hipster, skinny jeans, liberal, yada yada. I think that's false and wrong. Like millennial is the new hippy or somethin. maybe I'm wrong in all this as well. Correct me if so.
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