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Everything posted by HuskerNCo

  1. well let me know if you get extra tickets this year Of course I will.
  2. Well some women are just to damn difficult and take themselves way to serious. I'm not one of them and it sounds like Ohiohusker isn't either.
  3. I kind of like the Man's scenerio myself. Show up naked. check Bring chicken wings. check Don't block the TV. double check. I'll add-don't forget the beer.
  4. We should be going. My husband knows the ski instructor from working on the Ski Team van and painting it. We usually get freebie tickets. Some years we have extra. Last year we gave 4 away to Huskers. Nice people. We've been going to the games since we moved here and have never ever had a problem. The tickets are in the faculity section and we do get strange looks and questions about how we got the tickets. No biggie.
  5. it will be the eternal on going never ending conversation between Huskers fan all over the world.
  6. Took some sleeping pills last night and finally slept!!!! However I woke up and was confused and my eyes were matted shut!!!! And you are allowed to carry a gun??? Scary times in Des Moines. Yes.....................wanna see it......... remember he keeps it in the night stand and you and me are going to take it sometime in the future. you just have to go in first Oh I get it...now you are all about ladies first...I knew there was a gentleman in there somewhere.
  7. Took some sleeping pills last night and finally slept!!!! However I woke up and was confused and my eyes were matted shut!!!! And you are allowed to carry a gun??? Scary times in Des Moines. Yes.....................wanna see it......... Yep, bring it BRI...I'm game.
  8. ha ha...so not funny! I say 'Go Grandma!' take it where you can get it.
  9. It's all good. Just ignore them, they'll go away. They aren't so tough.
  10. Took some sleeping pills last night and finally slept!!!! However I woke up and was confused and my eyes were matted shut!!!! And you are allowed to carry a gun??? Scary times in Des Moines.
  11. you guys make me laugh...just trying to keep going. Need another beer... Another beer, I need just one please just give me an ice cold beer would if I could my friend
  12. you guys make me laugh...just trying to keep going. Need another beer...
  13. Oooooooooh! More dirty talks. Gang bang! that is just wrong on so many levels...sheesh. Give a girl a break... You keep repeating that "Give me a break" comment, or some derivation thereof. I assume, then, that you are familiar with the line "Break her like a shotgun", yes? maybe deep down she want you to break it off in her i'm sorry that crossed the line, i know but i dont care Well, she does view us as just sex objects, after all... Never said that, your interpretation(sp) Man Husker Rob lay off whatever it is that you are takin' my friend. That was evil.
  14. Oooooooooh! More dirty talks. Gang bang! that is just wrong on so many levels...sheesh. Give a girl a break... You keep repeating that "Give me a break" comment, or some derivation thereof. I assume, then, that you are familiar with the line "Break her like a shotgun", yes? Uh...no.
  15. Oooooooooh! More dirty talks. Gang bang! YES! You're not helping...
  16. Oooooooooh! More dirty talks. Gang bang! that is just wrong on so many levels...sheesh. Give a girl a break...
  17. eww...this went way south. God you guys and what you come up with is amazing... (although I should save these comments for when work gets too difficult and stressful. Really easy now. No way I think of this stuff.)
  18. I kind of figured it'd be similar to describing quantum theory to a poly-sci major; the capability for understanding might be there, but the lack of emperical knowledge would make it incomprehensible... Show off...
  19. Your security is so not going to help you. Nope. We want in full membership or nothing. Can't you find some other manly men to be your entertainment and cleaning crew? Maybe BRI can handle that? Or HR or AR? I'm just saying!
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