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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. No... But I'm not in charge. So I guess you can...
  2. I have way too many dream cars. Camaros, Vettes, Lambos, Ferraries, Mercs, BMWs, '69 Charger, Cudas. If it's a beautiful or just stupid fast car I want it. But If I had to drive just one car the rest of my life it would be this: Simply the most beautiful car my eyes have seen yet. I just hope the saying you should never meet your heroes isn't true...
  3. The previous owner of my car did. (I removed them.)
  4. end of the article: It's vandalism in essence. A 64 year old man should know better.
  5. It could just be an aftermarket hood . . . mine wasn't a WS6 but I had the same hood. It could be but not many people take the time to put the Ram Air badge on the hood.
  6. I'd go with everything after. There may still be human interest stories that people want to share.
  7. Was that a random train of thought or something?
  8. No, he still has rights. Even a foreign national has rights under our system. If we disregard our system because we are mad, then they really have won. Our expectation of rights is the core of what makes the United States of America what it is. If we toss those rights out the window now, the slippery slope will really become a scary thing. This was a criminal activity, not the actions of a foreign government, or organization. Read him his rights, let him have a lawyer, and make damn sure everything is done right. Cross the 'T's dot the 'i's and make damned sure this is an airtight case. Agreed. This kid still deserves his rights. We've seen a terrible erosion of basic rights masked as "security" over the last decade. Bush started the trend, and all of Obama's "hope and change" bullsh#t was nothing but rhetoric. I have no illusions that our government would like any different with Kerry, Gore, or McCain in the Whitehouse during this timeframe. I just hope people wake the hell up, because we're giving away our rights and freedoms (hello 2nd and 4th amendments) for a false sense of security. First of all there's already a thread for that. Second don't worry about you're 2nd amendment rights. Nobody wanted to take them away to begin with. But you don't need to worry either way because your representatives are most likely taken care of by the gun lobby.
  9. I agree that it gets tricky but do not agree that it's an easy, black-and-white situation. The name escapes me at the moment but I'm thinking of the guy who joined Al-Qaeda and was taken out by a drone and thus didn't get his due process. I don't think you should be able to "hide" behind citizenship to actively plot against the US. You're right it's not black and white, but he was also on foreign soil and well known to be allied with a sworn enemy of the country. They've already set the precedent I guess and I'm not sure how I feel about that situation. I know where I stand in this case though. Really what advantage is gained by with holding his rights, he still doesn't have to say anything. Barring torture, you'd never get anything out of him either way if he's a true nutcase hardliner.
  10. So it came about because of a foreigner... I'm usually not a person to clamor on about our rights being taken away and what not, but when you start denying U.S. citizens rights well that's one slippery slope we shouldn't be going down.
  11. Exactly. We don't even know why he did it in the first place. Even so why didn't they suspend the unibomber's rights? Or McVeigh, he was ex military after all?
  12. They suspended his Miranda rights under a national security exception, and given he is a suspect in a domestic terrorist attack I'm not sure the matter of his citizenship should give him advantages that a foreign combatant is denied. He engaged in foreign combatant activity against civilians on our soil. The first part is fine. I understand claiming the exemption because you don't know what else they planned, if they were alone, or whether they planted more devices. But you don't just forfeit a U.S. citizen's constitutional rights for actions on American soil without due process no matter how severe. If they were foreign nationals that would be a different story for me, but he's a U.S. citizen whether they like it or not. If he want's to revoke his citizenship then have at it, but until then he has his rights.
  13. Right, so they finally got back to where they were in 05, 06. Cool.
  14. He's Miranda rights are being waved by the government, yikes! Stipulation about public safety or something.
  15. Official announcement over the radio that 2nd suspect is in custody.
  16. All residents being asked to return back to their houses to clear the street. Potential helicopter lift for the suspect. Unsure once again. Apologies for waffling. Asking to clear the street for the "victim". Don't know what to make out of that.
  17. Reddit: Confirmed once more - suspect is in custody. Conflicting reports about suspect being dead and suspect being treated by an EMS. I will not make any claims to either point. They are still calling an ambulance.
  18. They said suspect in custody, no one inside the perimeter...
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