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Ratt Mhule

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Everything posted by Ratt Mhule

  1. Any decent, empathetic, criticially thinking person knows for a fact that was murder. Every witness knew it was murder and was yelling at the cops to get off. Its on video for the world to see. Im too lazy right now to look to see if any polls were taken, but if we did now, 90%+ would say its murder. And the 10% that dont would 100% be republican. The jury will find him guilty because its right there for them to see with their own eyes. How do we have people on this board that are so far gone that this is up for debate? What has happened to this country to get us to this point? George Floyd might be a drug addicted, criminal, but that is NOT a death sentence. Hell, most people on this board probably have a family member or a friend who have been or are addicted to drugs. Some may have been or are addicted themselves. Its terrible. They need help. But killing them is not the answer. You call out the corruption on the democratic side and I agree with you. I think corruption is something progressives and conservatives can agree on needs to end. Joe Biden has been corrupt his whole career taking bribes from big money and voting their way. Hunter Biden being on the board of Barisma was corruption. But if you call out this and couldnt see the obvious corruption with Trump and his kids, then you are blind as a bat and a hack. Stories have broke for the last four years of how corrupt this family is from taking money away from kids with cancer for their own personal gain to just this week Trump stealing money from his most loyal followers by making the default setting weekly recurring payments. My god, how much more of a scumbag can someone be before people stop following him like hes some sort of god. Get off the fox news propganda and open your eyes to reality!
  2. Make things better? Hell just stay the hell out of their business and this wouldnt be happening. We stick our noses wheee it shouldnt belong too often and it creates instability. s#!t were doing it AGAIN in Bolivia. Our coup fails. The people vote back in the party they want, but not the party Elon Musk and our govt wants. And the propoganda about their govt being unstable begins. People believe the BS. We go in and try to “fix” things and end up making them worse. Its a tale as old as time.
  3. You know a thread has run its course when James O’Keefe is used to show proof of voter fraud. The same James O’Keefe that has been found to pay the people in his videos to do what he wants and the same James O’Keefe that had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in settlements for the people he smeared? Thats the guy people trust for their news? What a joke. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.latimes.com/local/la-xpm-2013-mar-07-la-me-0308-acorn-20130308-story.html%3f_amp=true
  4. I hope you are right. I dont think it will happen right away in Nebraska. We cant even get that s#!t on the ballot without the governor abusing his power to keep it off.
  5. Im pretty sure the individual state would still have to legalize it also. They just wouldnt be able to charge someone with a federal offense.
  6. Then you dont believe in the judeo christian God because thats exactly what it claims to be. All knowing and all powerful. And if hes not all knowing and all powerful then its not a god.
  7. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Im not saying Jesus didnt exist at all, just how do we know he was the son of God? That requires more evidence than anonymous authors, who dont cite their sources, who were not eye witnesses to the events and whos stories change from book to book. We dont have the original manuscripts. Its already been stated in this thread by Christians that the bible may have gotten things wrong and/or the translation is bad. These claims are different than say, Napolean won a war. Now we have written statements about Napolean, but the writers are not anonymous. We know Napolean existed. We know humans fight wars. Now if you told me Napolean jumped off his horse, flew through the air with his sword, landed on his enemies horse and cut him down, Id need more proof than just someone saying so, because we know, by the law of physics, that humans cant fly, so it isnt possible. Just like we have no documented proof of someone dying and rising days later. I need more than an anonymous person telling me this happened. Just like Id need more than the word of someone telling me they were abducted by aliens. And people do claim this. Do you believe them?
  8. Pictures, historical artifacts, video, etc. For all answers above?
  9. So whos fault is it that these mistakes are not corrected? Let me ask you this, do you think the Judeo-Christian God is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful. In other words does he know what is going to happen before it happens and can he minipulate the outcome if he wants to? And is every story in the bible true?
  10. Because they werent eyewitness accounts and even if they were, eyewitness accounts arent 100% reliable. Which is why we cant convict people on eyewitness accounts alone in our court systems.
  11. No, which is why I dont understand why god made himself known to them, but not to us.
  12. Spot on! I named this thread atheist experience due to the video I posted, but like Ive said earlier in the thread im more spirtual and agnostic than religious. I tend to lean more towards a higher power and creator, but I just cant get behind religious, man made gods that send people to hell for no reason other than they question things. But I dont know for sure. And its very liberating to say I dont know.
  13. I dont even know what this means, but if I am reading between the lines you are laughing that I will be sent to hell. Which makes you as evil as your god.
  14. Wheres the evidence? Second hand accounts from people decades later doesnt count.
  15. Sorting process? So we, as humans with our flawes thinking, logic and language barriers are suppose to sort through a 2000 year old book not knowing what is correct and what isnt and if we are wrong, we are sent to hell to be tortured for all eternity. Your god sounds evil.
  16. Not only is the question I posed not silly, but it is arguably the most important question in our world.
  17. Exactly, so if there are so many errors and translation issues how do we know what is the word of God and what is a mistake? We cant know because God refuses to correct it.
  18. No, the alternative would be we dont know how the universe came into being so lets try and find the answer.
  19. Its okay, I couldnt answer these questions either when I was a believer. Which is why I dont believe anymore. Faith is something you have when you dont have good reason to believe it. If God is threatening us with eternal damnation, there should be at least a shred of evidence, not just needing faith.
  20. So your argument is, I dont know therefore God. There are also a lot of things in this world that dont make sense. What purpose does God have for cockroaches? Or sea creatures that live in darkness at the bottom of the ocean? Why are some people born woth disease or with their heart hanging outside theor body. I suggest you watch some of these videos as many callers call in with this same argument.
  21. Why is your God correct but theirs wasnt? They believed their gods were real the same way you do. Are they wrong, and youre right and if so, how do you demonstrate that?
  22. We dont even know who wrote the bibles. Would you believe everything strangers told you? Do yoi believe alien abduction stories? It could have been the same dude on drugs for all we know. The gospels cant even get the same stories correct. They all have different account of what happened. Kinda like what happens when people play a long game of telephone, the story changes over time. Most historians conclude that the books of the bible were not eyewitness accounts, which means the stories were passed down from generation to generation. In a time where documented proof was pretty much impossible, how does this make the stories reliable. Why did God show himself to these people, but hasnt shown himself in 2000+ years. Why are they so lucky while we have to rely on an old book with talking snakes and giving us rules for how we treat our slaves when our souls are on the line? What first hand things from reliable sources have you heard that prove Jesus: 1. Rose from the dead and 2. Is the son of god?
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