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Everything posted by commando

  1. got to give tuberville credit...at least he admitted that he wants to stop aid to ukraine because putin told him to stop the aid
  2. this is how russia treats P.O.W.s. i have seen pictures like this before the MAGAs who buy the russian propaganda about ukrainian nazis...well....which side looks like nazis here?
  3. it's not an error in translation...putin really said this. it really is worth listening to that shmuck
  4. i am saying that if it's between these 2.....i am voting for Biden
  5. but not nearly as terrible as don the con for the republicans.
  6. this guy is losing it.....he hears voices and thinks it's god telling him he is moses...and now he confuses which country is which.
  7. another big boom in russia. this time an oil refinery
  8. this last sunday was the 10th anniversary of my brothers death. i was shocked when i realized it was 10 years already. i didn't realize it was that long ago. guess i am halfway to the nursing home.
  9. you have forgotten all your defending trump over the years? your memory is worse than bidens
  10. an afternoon....you spent years defending the totally exonerated trump whenever he didn't get charged or he gave a pardon to one of his toads
  11. are you saying he wasn't totally exonerated?
  12. the problem is that MAGA is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing...they are creating chaos and tearing down american institutions.
  13. all i know is that Biden is totally exonerated. did i do that right?
  14. if the democrats shut the border down to 0 crossings i bet trump and the republicans would object to it.
  15. the biggest thing americans could do to help the border crisis is "STOP USING DRUGS" that would kill the cartels by starving them to death. that would end the violence the cartels bring to mexico and people would not be so desperate to risk death to cross our border.
  16. you are trying to understand the MAGA mind. good luck with that.
  17. MAGA never compromises.....it would be "unpatriotic". but dems must cave on everything or they are evil. just the rules i guess.
  18. yep....the republican party (correction....MAGA party) only exists now to be trump fluffers
  19. when they say they want this bill quickly passed?
  20. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/new-immigration-bill-senate-bipartisan-border-patrol-endorsement-rcna137354 “While not perfect, the Border Act of 2024 is a step in the right direction and is far better than the current status quo,” Brandon Judd, president of the council, said in the statement. “This is why the National Border Patrol Council endorses this bill and hopes for its quick passage.”
  21. some sections of wall are needed...but america can't afford to build a wall from california to texas...unless you really want to see what a budget deficit can look like
  22. i wonder who has the majority (and thus..the responsibility) to fix the border right now if we listen to the former president? of course the former guy now orders congress to do nothing so here we are...
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