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Everything posted by commando

  1. trump had a mandate to push his far right agenda and he lost the popular vote. and far left policy would have been bernie. biden is the closest to center politician out there. if the far right spins him as far left....well.....that is the far right propaganda machine at work.
  2. duh....because the antifa super soldiers know how to make trump look bad. what other explanation could there be? trump is victimized by the dems, the rinos, The sportos, the motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, waistoids, dweebies, they are all out to make trump look bad.
  3. so we are going to have the Pat-RIOT party, the republican party, and whatever name they come up with for this party. trump really has unified things..hasn't he?
  4. they ignored his 1 disclaimer and listened to the rest of his orders.
  5. the future of the republican party is arguing the difference between not guilty or innocent in a trial means you are actually innocent or protected by a complicit system.
  6. i keep trying to give the republicans a chance...but they keep doing everything possible to prove that they aren't worth supporting. if they say a president can break laws with no responsibility. if they say you can send a lynch mob to the house to overturn an election. if they say you must obey or be thrown out. well.....they are done as far as i am concerned. i am not a democrat....but i can support the dems more than i can support what the republican party has become.
  7. hillary is innocent. OJ is innocent. obama is innocent. maxine walters is innocent. aliens who cross the border are innocent until found guilty in a court of law.
  8. you might get thrown out of the Q club of you keep saying stuff like this.
  9. so apparently flynn is the future of the republican party?
  10. Zero golfing. Zero insane tweets. Zero international embarrassments. Zero insurrections. That’s President Biden for you.
  11. the republican party is pushing moderates out...leaving only the far right fringe elements. the future is looking bleak if this continues. but the far right propaganda networks are effective so maybe the party will survive.
  12. 2018 is long enough ago to forgive a republican. 1986 is too recent to forgive a democrat.
  13. write in the dust....Biden won
  14. so...no comment if nancy says something like that. it's all ok in your book. good to know.
  15. if nancy pelosi said "MTG should be shot in the head"....how long would it take for her to get kicked out of congress? and what would the far right media say about it?
  16. if those democrats post s#!t like green did. saying a bullet to the head of a fellow congressman is the right thing to do, disqualifies anyone who says it IMO.
  17. if he treally believed his BS...he would stand up and testify. i am sure he knows that it is all a lie.
  18. trump is scared to testify. the truth is not on his side and he knows it. he is relying on the complicit republicans to protect him.
  19. how long till the trumpers start to blame the dems for starting Q-anon to use it to make trump look bad?
  20. there are trumpers who still think hillary should be executed for Benghazi...but don't care that trump orchestrated the storming of the capital and still want him to be president
  21. he is getting ready to run for congress in 2022. got to have the full crazy on to be elected as a republican now.
  22. they are complicit. it's how he got away in the first impeachment and it's how he will get away again. they are all part of the same criminal enterprise. ....like in the godfather...they take care of their family business
  23. but charlie wasn't as crazy as donnie
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