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Everything posted by commando

  1. melania saying "who gives a f#&% about christmas?" was especially funny when it is her husband who says that the libs are fighting a war against christmas.
  2. so...apparently the trumpers are going to leave the republican party and start the "patriot party". https://twitter.com/search?q="The Patriot Party"&src=trend_click&vertical=trends
  3. and yet there are lot's of accusations from the far right about "dead people" voting. if our votes are private...how the heck are people finding dead people voting? are our votes not so private or are the people making those claims just a bunch of lawyers for trumps big con game?
  4. better yet...let trumps lawyers actually present some proof in at least 1 of their court cases. they have declined to provide proof of anything...just broad accusations that there was fraud with not a shred of proof. the claims are all they need for their con. don't need any evidence for a well played con.
  5. how do you think that would affect our privacy? our votes are suppose to be private.
  6. Nebraska 14 17 Rutgers cardboard cutouts 17 14 pass 150 rush 175
  7. the republicns are trying to dunk the election exactly because the big city votes took longer to tabulate. do all trumplicans find that stuff funny?
  8. link? i don't spend all day here keeping up with your posts.
  9. well....you know how to do an internet search and find the info yourself. why don't you look it up and post it if you want that comparison?
  10. because it should be easier and quicker to count 3,000,000 votes then 30,000
  11. we know what trump is but trump and his followers think he is the chosen one. we have been watching for 4 years knowing he would never leave without a fight. i think Don the con is to chicken to actually start a war....but some of his fanatical followers will probably cause some damage even if trumpy chickens out.
  12. trumps lawyer said that in a court filing. https://lawandcrime.com/2020-election/sidney-powells-georgia-kraken-filing-began-by-saying-dominion-flipped-votes-from-biden-to-trump/
  13. WHY? does he want to slow down the christmas mail by clogging the post office with this junk mail?
  14. i would certainly expect health care costs to go down if we didn't have to pay for all the insurance company profit margins on top of the health care
  15. "cocaine mitch" is trending... because the far right is attacking him now.
  16. still doesn't answer my question about what was your point?
  17. it will be tough to overcome the agitators on both sides. i know the far right better since i used to listen to them. people like Rush and the talking heads at fox news and OAN. i am not sure of the names on the far left since i have mostly tuned them out but i am sure others can state their names. i know i have seen plenty of far left hate directed at Joe as well as far right. the people who follow those agitators will not be satisfied unless it is their guy (or gal) in office.
  18. but the fight isn't over. trump will piss and moan about this from now till the day he finally croaks. heck....i think he will "fight" to be president until they drag him feet first from the white house with tiny hand scratch marks in the floor all the way out.
  19. where oh where do i say anything about M4A? what is the point you want to convey with that message i quoted since i obviously missed the point you wanted to make
  20. i don't know anything about that...but at first glance i would say the best healthcare system in the world can't use the best test in the world. is that the fault of the government or the healthcare system?
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