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Everything posted by commando

  1. my wife runs an in home daycare. those kids all have more respect, maturity, and honor then donald does....
  2. i assume trump is practicing throwing s#!t against the wall to see what sticks
  3. state tv better watch those hot mics a bit closer
  4. people could go to the LSU board and talk about Bo....they sure are. hint...if you like bo...don't go to the LSU board. you won't enjoy the visit. http://tigerfan.com/threads/miss-st-lsu-2020-official-game-thread.184379/page-63
  5. they haven't tried the jet sweep yet
  6. if biden wins trump won't accept it. he will call his brown shirts to action
  7. i think this is an old clip....if it's new he has said the same thing before. but...yeah...mushy oatmeal.
  8. i can't wait till biden wears a tan suit to troll the conservatives
  9. they should not resign if given that order. if they resign they will open up a spot for a sycophant to take over
  10. the republicans will make up something to speculate about even if there is nothing to speculate about.
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