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Everything posted by Moiraine

  1. Well said. It's disgusting. I'm getting so sick of this casual/maybe subconscious racism that I'm seeing all over the place by people who think they're not racist.
  2. Trump is either naive, stupid, or doesn't actually believe this. In some cases people probably don't know what they're doing. But in a lot of cases they're just being paid off. Someone linked a story here awhile back, and I'm sure there are hundreds/thousands of others like it, about how we keep manufacturing an old tank even though the people in the military keep telling the politicians we don't need it. The reason we keep making it is because the company that makes the tank pays the politicians to make sure it's kept in production.
  3. Trump: Clinton talks about Trump stiffing people he had business relationships with. Companies can do a hell of a lot worse than stiff people when we cut regulations. They already try to get around them and people are often hurt (or killed) because of it.
  4. There's no need for that. We all were. I have a folder of screenshots of everyone thinking he was essentially a laughingstock, and most of us had hardly any idea who he even was. Landlord saves a lot of things. He has a jar full of all of his toenail clippings.
  5. He's not wrong but it's funny he felt the need to respond to it.
  6. Wisconsin will be interesting because they will have just gone through a month of brutal games. They will either be winnable or riding so much momentum they could be looking at playoffs. Ohio State? Luke Fickell isn't the head coach anymore. Ohio State certainly is not overrated by any means, they are very national championship worthy. However, they have one game a year where they just fall apart. Maybe that will be our game. Heck yeah! And then we'll play them again in the Big Ten Championship...
  7. Nah, I think it's just more proof that she's like a frontal lobotomy patient who never had a frontal lobotomy. She might just like the idea of having her caboose on the Trump train. I have food poisoning right now. You're making it worse.
  8. Lol...Cruz, Rubio, Kasich, Bush, Christie and many others would have mopped the floor with HIllary. There were so many missed opportunities by Trump last night, and they would have not missed those opportunities. Also, Rubio has way more experience in 2016 than Obama had in 2008, so I don't think that argument ever flies. Hillary has no charisma. I think Rubio and Bush would have. She just has too much baggage. And maybe Cruz would have but I agree that he's not that likeable even by his own party members. As far as actually winning the election I'm guessing 4 out of those 5 would have beat her.
  9. You should probably explain this instead of just dropping it out there. Because my interpretation of your comment is that Whites are more likely to be in the U.S. military than Blacks. It took me about a minute of google searching and a minute of calculating to show that you're wrong, if that's what you're arguing. But you're so vague here I'm not sure where you are coming up with your statement. Anyhow, here you go: Whites make up 63.7% of the U.S. population. Whites make up 74.6% of Active Duty. 0.746/0.637 = 1.17 Blacks make up 12.2% of the U.S. population. Blacks make up 17.8% of Active Duty. 0.178/0.122 = 1.46 Whites are 1.17 times as likely as all races in the U.S. to be on Active Duty. Blacks are 1.46 times as likely as all races in the U.S. to be on Active Duty. Blacks are more likely than Whites to be on Active Duty. This data was from the 2010 census and the first link in my search: http://www.statisticbrain.com/demographics-of-active-duty-u-s-military/ (The active duty data is from 2016. Black birth rate is slightly higher so we might see a slight difference, but Blacks would still be more likely to be part of the active duty military than Whites). https://www.princeton.edu/futureofchildren/publications/docs/Chapter%201.pdf
  10. #presidential HE ATTACKED MY CHER (albet 4 years ago)!!!!!!! UGH. I'll strangle him with his hair! I went to her twitter just now and she using the toilet emoticon instead of his name when she talks about him
  11. I have the feeling that as well as Clinton was prepared, she had something planned to say if he brings that up.Exactly, he would have been walking into a trap. He can't criticize her spouse for having affairs when he did. I mean he can, and probably will, but it is a terrible look. That's something I've never understood about him slamming her over this issue. He's just as big of slimeball as Bill. It's as though he thinks everyone just forgets about that. That, and he's not running against Bill.
  12. If it's not okay to say that, then I guess it's a pretty good thing that I did not say that. You're literally saying nothing but vague things which leads people into trying to figure out what your point is or not replying at all. Very illuminating
  13. If it's not okay to say that, then I guess it's a pretty good thing that I did not say that. You're literally saying nothing but vague things which leads people into trying to figure out what your point is or not replying at all. You said "White privilege shouldn't be blamed because of their names. They have their parents to blame for that. Should I blame Sears because my mom dressed me funny?" If you don't like my interpretation of it maybe you should explain how you're not saying Blacks should give their kids less Black/more White names. For the record the names I listed were Dwayne and Tyrone. Also: "Ahh...but it was a rhetorical question...because you'd already made your judgement of me and proceeded to chastise me in the rest of your post. I can only speculate why you would think that about me." There's no need to speculate. The reason I "think that about" you is because of the post you made where you said they should blame their parents for their names that have been proven to not get them jobs at the same rate as Whites. It's not a judgement of you it's a judgement of the post you made which I quoted in my reply. Not sure why it would require any speculation since it's right there in my post.
  14. I guess I am. Write me out a list of when and where I received all of these privileges. Do you get pulled over a lot less often because you're not Black? Is it easier for you to get a job because your name isn't Dwayne or Tyrone? Both of these things have been studied and the answer is yes for both. I could probably list 50 more things. People who think it doesn't exist are willfully obtuse. White privilege shouldn't be blamed because of their names. They have their parents to blame for that. Should I blame Sears because my mom dressed me funny? I hope to God this is some kind of joke. You're really saying that names typically given to Blacks are "funny"? Why is that? Because they're not normal? They should try to conform and be more like White people, right? Only name their kids Tim and John so they can meet White standards for names and have a better chance at getting a job. This is so backwards. Why on earth would you think it was some kind of joke? Couldn't you recognize the extreme seriousness of the context of that post and the ones preceded/followed it? Ahh...but it was a rhetorical question...because you'd already made your judgement of me and proceeded to chastise me in the rest of your post. I can only speculate why you would think that about me. Who would think that names typically given to Blacks are "funny"? That is so backwards. I thought it was a joke because it was such a backwards thing to say if you really meant it. This response makes no sense so once again I'm left with trying to interpret it. Because a comedy duo make light of something it's ok to say Blacks should have a harder time getting jobs because of their names and change them to less funny and more White culture appropriate names like Tim and John? And the names I mentioned were Dwayne and Tyrone. I've seen a version of this skit before and it's not about names like Dwayne and Tyrone. I'm not talking about ridiculous names that people of all races give their spawn. Like Shi-thead and Evian and Labia.
  15. No. If your kind can bring up boobs wherever they want I can bring ... um I can talk about penises!
  16. C'mon, be honest, you think about penises more than that. ;-) I didn't say that's the only time I think about penises. Ugh. That'd be terrible.
  17. I'd prefer if this was on a gradient. i.e.: Trump Trump (kind of) Neither Clinton (kind of) Clinton
  18. Every time Trump mentions stamina I think about penises
  19. Fact check: http://www.npr.org/2016/09/26/495115346/fact-check-first-presidential-debate
  20. He quoted himself in the debate but acted like "I guess so" didn't mean anything.
  21. I didn't know he said it until now. "Iran, when they circle our beautiful destroyers with their little boats and they make gestures at our people that they shouldn't be allowed to make, they will be shot out of the water," the GOP presidential candidate said at a campaign rally in Pensacola, Florida. If Trump were president now we'd be in a war with Russia and Iran right now.
  22. Man these candidates really like Ohio Pennsylvania and Michigan.
  23. What reasonable defense does he have? For years he accused Obama, a clear US citizen, of being born elsewhere - even in spite of the birth certificate being produced! Almost can't believe he has spun that into a point of pride because he was able to get Obama to produce his birth certificate but won't produce his own tax returns. The problem is he brought it up (I think).
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