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If Stephen Fry Met God - Revisited God & Problem of Evil

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One final though on suffering. The church's response is to be involved and to try to lesson the impact of suffering around the world. Our faith, which believes in an ultimate final answer to suffering, tells us to be Christ's representatives now - to bring healing and hope to the hurting, regardless of race, creed, gender, etc. Here is an example of what one segment of Christianity is doing in one continent - Africa:


I am not a Catholic, but I support every church's efforts to help the less fortunate. While many Christians have done bad things (as some so quickly point out to in order to discredit) it was also Christians that led the charge to free the slaves both in the USA & England, and lead or led in times past in providing support for so many who seek social justice around the world. Christians churches and individuals do a great amount of charity. Compassion International feeds thousands, Christian Charity, Catholic Relief services works in over 40 countries to bring clean water and the ability to make a living to the poorest of the poor. Catholic Charities works in our own country with soup kitchens and other assistance to the poor. Along with that, most churches have a stash of money they can use to give to people who come to the church begging. And that is the tip of the iceberg, Where do these organizations get their money to do this? From the everyday Christian who donates their time and money.

I promise you, if all Christian charities were to cease their work tomorrow. The world would be much worse off

Here is more:



If you go down and select all of the Catholic organizations the amount is astounding! Adding up just Catholic Charities, Food for the Poor, Catholic Relief Services, St. Jude's, and America's Second Harvest alone total $5,570,000,000, which is greater than #1 on the list for America. Keep going down the list and you find Father Flanagan's homes, Catholic Medical Mission Board, Covenant House, and more. Add the thousands of other charities, from Missionaries to the Poor, Amigos for Christ, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, to religious orders (like Missionaries of Charity) and thousands upon thousands of individual parishes across the globe who often do their work in anonymity, and you will see some of the charitable works of the Catholic Church.


Again, I am not a Catholic but I highlight their efforts as they are perhaps the best organized but also the most maligned group. Start adding in groups like World Vision, Compassion International, Salvation Army, Samaritans Purse, Feed the Children and we are just touching the tip of Protestant giving to aid people who are suffering.


Christian faith understands the issue - God and Evil can co-exist at the same time. We believe we have the practical answer in the hear and now- feed the hunger, give water to the thirsty, cloth the naked, comfort the hurting. And we believe we have the theological & philosophical answer for eternity - God will one day sweep all evil aside as He brings this age to an end - there will be no more suffering, only joy in His presence.

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