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Everything posted by Waldo

  1. I wasn’t referencing their politics. I don’t feel Joe Biden is a decent guy deep down. I think he belongs to the good old boys club. It’s easy to use Trump and the current social/political climate and say “when I’m president, reforms will happen, we’ll stop police brutality, etc.” As someone that leans right, I honestly prefer Biden to win. I feel he is an average candidate and him winning would better set up for a better Republican candidate in 2024.
  2. I stated my opinions as if they were mine. I didn’t state any of them as facts.
  3. I’m out of touch and you’re the one using the word progressive and Biden in the same sentence.
  4. And to the people who keep asking “how could anyone still vote for this guy” in regards to Trump must not have looked in the mirror when they voted for Biden. You have a terrible current president, with terrible ratings and spews garbage non stop and your plan to beat him is a more proper, senile version of him? If Biden was the same exact person, but was a VP for a Republican President, people would hate the guy.
  5. Same thing happened when he was VP. Let’s not act like Joe Biden is the person to fix this. There are candidates/people out there that could, but it isn’t Joe. It’s so easy to sit there on your pedestal and say you would do this and that, but at the end of the day, we’ve seen who Biden is; a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
  6. 3 things: that cop is an idiot, I wouldn’t take my child to a protest, the neck on that cop.
  7. So trump firing on them because his feelings were hurt is more of a fact than my statement? Quit asserting yourself.
  8. Because it’s not like this hasn’t happened before. There have always been good cops, but taking a picture during a peaceful protest doesn’t prove much either way to me.
  9. I’ll probably get kickback, but that’s not proof of anything. Taking a picture with blacks during a peaceful protest doesn’t mean change can/will happen.
  10. Because cops aren’t prepared/trained for this and sadly there are a lot of sh***y cops out there. Imagine being a teacher and having your students scream in your face the whole day. Some would probably snap. Doesn’t justify it at all, but both sides can only take so much.
  11. I’m sure if any Republican said that, she wouldn’t think it was a joke.
  12. Surprised it took all day for someone to bring this up. When will libs realize that any race/sex/age can vote for whoever they like. Thinking differently creates the impression the person can’t think for themselves. Honestly, is Biden liked by blacks because of Obama? I don’t get it.
  13. VERY? Come on. Cherry picking one article doesn’t constitute a legit sample size. The virus could have long term effects on the lungs of any aged person, but what the poster stated isn’t wrong either. The average age of death is something like 70 years old the last time I checked.
  14. You are trying so hard. Neither of those posts trash the kid and both state he has some talent. If we all cried with you, would that make you feel better?
  15. So many hypocrites on both sides when it comes to sexual assault and party allegiance. I remember the Kavanaugh thread on here. Most would have hung the man before the trial, but it’s pretty quiet when it’s their guy.
  16. I’ll bet you 3 gophers he doesn’t sign with Minnesota.
  17. I think those working at The McDonalds, gas stations, and grocery stores are getting the shaft. They are exposed to tons of people and aren’t getting the same compensation as someone who got laid off from the movie theater. Sucks to be them right now. For those of them living paycheck to paycheck, I would probably want to be laid off right now.
  18. I was using them as an example of people who make lower end incomes (over half the store I would imagine) and are asked to work around a ton of foot traffic when peoples are sitting at home collecting larger than normal paychecks
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