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Everything posted by QMany

  1. At this point, I'm convinced Steven Miller, Laura Ingraham, and/or Steve Bannon are on HuskerBoard.
  2. As he keeps sinking, I fear what he will do next. All he knows is cruelty, racism, division, etc. EDIT: In 2016, pre-election polls had Trump up 47-44% in AZ. He won 48-44.6% and its 11 electoral votes.
  3. You don't. Trump called Putin before his call with Governors. That night, he teargassed lawful, peaceful protestors including clergy. He removed a Priest from his own church grounds. All for a photo op fondling an upside-down Bible he obviously has never read. He now has commandeered his own unmarked police force that has no accountability. WHAT THE ACTUAL F!?! Trump cult followers are lost, there is no reasoning with them; it is indefensible. Everyone else must turnout November 3.
  4. I still can't believe people watch her and Fox News, it is a disgrace.
  5. Don't quote me, but I believe upping Chauvin's charges to 2nd Degree then allows them to charge the other three for aiding and abetting the 2nd Degree actions.
  6. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING: lack of accountability, protecting their own instead of the public, etc. ... and now NY enters the ring: "I know you are being held back... Help is coming and we will win this war on New York City." Nothing about their vehicles ramming, horses trampling, or officers brutally beating peaceful protestors, etc.
  7. Another thing a lot of people don't understand is the brutal power held by police unions, Fraternal Order of Police, federations, etc. For just one example, here is Minneapolis police union president Lt. Bob Kroll: THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT PEOPLE ARE PROTESTING: lack of accountability, protecting their own instead of the public, etc.
  8. She would have a point if she was actually enforcing the curfew right now (9:25 ct as I post this), but she's not. Are you condoning or rationalizing firing on legal peaceful protestors!?!
  9. Trump just deployed tear gas, rubber bullets, and flash bangs on a peaceful protest to get a photo holding a bible in front of a church. How do people still defend this Administration!?! He is a racist monster trampling on the Constitution.
  10. He was released from custody Sunday night (one-day hold and investigation).
  11. "He previously had a concealed carry permit... that I believe was expired at this time."
  12. They are showing a few videos. It seems to started as an altercation between Gardner and two others that went to the ground. Gardner fired two shots at them. As they are running away, Scurlock jumps on Gardner from behind. Gardner said he had a choke hold on him and asked for him to stop. (It is hard to make out on video and there is no audio). He fired one shot over his shoulder into Scurlock's clavicle. https://nebraskalegislature.gov/laws/statutes.php?statute=28-1409 The County Attorney added "there is video of Mr. Scurlock in the RBG destroying property... but I don't think that is relevant here." He didn't say anything about Gardner's "BLM are terrorists" and/or "military firewatch" FB posts.
  13. I think this was a typo, just wanted to point that out. Jake Gardner wasn't a law enforcement officer. He was a former marine, loves Trump, had multiple gun problems before, called BLM a terrorist organization, and posted that he was going on a "military firewatch" just before this (premeditation?). I hope OPD releases some kind of factual explanation. I don't believe you can use lethal force to defend property, and self-defense can be raised once charged.
  14. Can anyone read this and condone what he is saying!?! They are protesting police brutality, and his solution is more excessive force, "RETRIBUTION!" He's losing it!
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