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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I'm very curious about this. I keep seeing/hearing comments that infection rates are going up, but if you look at Worldometer, it's been going steadily down. The deaths have dropped off to almost 50% of what they were. My wife and I just talked about this at noon. We feel we will start living our lives fairly normally, but we still don't have any desire to go some place with big crowds. Last night we were at some friends house having a few beers....but, we don't have a desire to go to a big concert or Husker football game type of event right now. Golf league is starting tonight. There are a few restrictions put in place, but others they said they were going to do have been eliminated. I'm fine. I guess I have the feeling that so many people are saying "f#&% it" and forgetting everything, that it's sort of put up or shut up time. It's either going to fade off like some people think, or it's going to come back and slap us in the face really hard. I hope it fades, but then, I guess we will know.
  2. WTF??? Be more honest with the concerns they might hold internally and have the courage to speak up? And....you're just getting that feeling NOW!!!!?????
  3. Yeah...that was a shocker. those 4 minutes didn't impress anyone.
  4. Poor little snowflake is scared.
  5. Wasn’t he the one with all the drama on signing day?
  6. It's sad that I believe we have absolutely no chance here. I will be very shocked and very happy if proven wrong.
  7. If we walked into a restaurant and they told us we needed to sit at two tables, we would do so without making even a comment. My attitude through all of this has been to, listen to the experts and follow rules that are in place and we will all get through it quicker. My comments were based on the practicality of it. It's an example of a situation where a rule would be in place and it would really not be doing the intended purpose. On the flip side, (taking the restaurant's side) they wouldn't know we were all from the same family and that we have spent a lot of time together already.
  8. You do realize that pretty much everything you just wrote is a lie, right?
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