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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. From your experience, how long did it take for you to do that. Did you have to do that every time Trump was accused of this? Each time, does the time span get shorter because you're used to it by then?
  2. Can I include the video from Krystal ball?
  3. I've asked for an interpretation and haven't received one. Then, you post a video of someone basically saying what I claim AOC is saying. So...if I'm wrong, enlighten me.
  4. Well...their base agrees. That deep state almost succeeded in ruining Flynn's life. Good thing the Attorney General was there to save him.
  5. I think he tends to go negative. But, I also think he's maybe the best writer in the Nebraska press. Even though he's negative, many times he's not wrong and he backs it up with information and data.
  6. I can't read the article, but I agree with the headline. To me, and I think it's probably what they are saying, is two fold: a) We started testing to late. b) If you look at tests per million population, we are 14th on the list according to Wordometer. .
  7. Oh...forgot...Dirk is bad. I guess I don't see where he has been proven wrong.
  8. How is this different than what I've been saying about AOC's tweet? This is nothing more than class warfare and it's taking two things that really are no where close to as related as people think and demonizing investors.
  9. Yeah...Louisiana is the only state in the south on Worldometer that I could find where the deaths are going down and that's very slightly. They need to stop talking about the myth of this being seasonal until it's proven to be so.
  10. And, my original comment on the tweet wasn't aimed at anyone. It was about AOCs tweet.
  11. Oh wouldn't that send Qanon over the edge?
  12. Ouch. yes, I know this articles is from 2018. But....Frost obviously still has work to do.
  13. Then explain the reasoning for AOC's tweet. To me, the only reason for it is to try to claim the people who are investing are horrible for a) doing it and b) having the ability to do it. So, please explain.
  14. Well, reading through the recommendations, I don't see how many of them can really be realistic. Now, if these are "recommendations" meaning, they aren't enforced with penalty...etc. Fine. But, facilities just aren't built to do what they recommend.
  15. Ummmm....so? They are still investors and that money goes into institutional investors that manage it for those people who have 401Ks. That is a significant amount of money that goes into the stock market every day. I am an administrator for our 401K plan. Our 401K account has been built up for decades and it's a significant amount of money. My employees aren't in some top 10% or 1% of Americans. What am I supposed to do? Tell the investment manager to not invest anything if unemployment goes up because it's insensitive? Quite frankly, I would be pissed off if he/she did and I would probably be looking for a new one. You say that's hyperbole. Sure....it is. But, it's no more ridiculous than people being upset that money is being invested in the stock market because they are "speculating" that the economy is going to be strong when everything opens back up. I fail to see how this is so horrible. The thought that this is some form of scandal or horrible situation is mind boggling to me.
  16. In 2019, 55% of Americans owned stocks. I’ll start spreading the word that they all should shut down their accounts if unemployment goes up. question, should we put a limit on it like if UE goes up 3% nobody should buy stocks because it’s insensitive? Or, is it any increase should trigger the ban? https://news.gallup.com/poll/266807/percentage-americans-owns-stock.aspx Yeah...this is so horrible. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jackkelly/2020/05/06/despite-the-20-million-jobs-lost-in-april-the-stock-markets-recent-rise-reflects-better-times-may-be-ahead/#42d7c14020fe Or...I guess everyone should just be doom and gloom and believe nothing will ever get better.
  17. I can’t tell you how much this pisses me off that these two men haven’t even been arrested yet.
  18. I think so too. That’s why I’m confused. So I don’t know how, but they have changed the spacing.
  19. Ummmm....you think she was just investigated for emails. How old are you?
  20. Don’t know exactly but, they’ve adjusted the width a number of times. I always thought they would need to replace the bench top.
  21. How exactly is that? People shouldn't be allowed to invest their money in a pandemic?
  22. No...because I know how the market works and I don't try to see evil in it.
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