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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. The guy better be listening to good lawyers and those lawyers had better bet telling him facts and not sugar coating it to make him happy.
  2. If you don't have a system where a team like UCF has a chance to play for the NC, it greatly delegitimizes the championship. It also makes it look like P5 teams are scared to play them so they shut them out.
  3. Basically yes. For a long time, they younger Iranians have favored western culture and actually wanted to be more like the US with Democracy. I think the elected President was put in at some point to placate them....but, the real power was still held by the hard line clerics. I'm not an expert on Iranian Presidential history, but I don't remember a President openly disagreeing with the clerics like this. It could get really interesting.
  4. And, I agree with Frost that the committee purposely held UCF down in the rankings leading up to the end of the season. There's way more to this than what you are fixated on.
  5. Boy....you are really trying hard on this aren't you? No, those wouldn't be my preferences either. Just because I said you had to win your division to get into the playoffs, doesn't automatically mean you go directly to the three losers of CCGs.
  6. It doesn't have to be that way. I've stated that anyone who doesn't even win their division to be in the CCG shouldn't be in the playoffs. So, Alabama and PSU are automatically out in my book.
  7. That could have gone one of two ways. Either more radically ISIS type views or more western modern type views. Glad it's looking like the western views are winning.
  8. I thought this thread would be a good place for this clip. What I loved about this clip was when Alexander comes through the line to block the safety, the safety looks like he just about lays down on the play. He is coming through that line fast to make that block with a head of steam....and he was a big boy.
  9. Him making this statement is huge. Everyone knows the power the hard-liners have in Iran with the Clerics. Many believe they actually run the country. We might be seeing the end of that influence.
  10. No, we don't need a 16 team playoff. We just need to formulate the 8 team playoff correctly.
  11. I guess I thought he probably was already in. He was All American at both Center and Guard....and won the Outland Trophy.
  12. And, he probably doesn't know what "consequential" means.
  13. The horseradish sauce was easy. 1/2 cup creme fraiche (or sour cream) 1 TBS ground horseradish 1 TBS Parsley 1 TBS lemon juice
  14. I thought it is more of a dumpster fire, but, I guess this works.
  15. Ok...my son and I tried this tonight and it was awesome. Season sirloin heavily with kosher salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, rosemary and basil. Sear at on top of stove then cook in over till 125-130. Make it as rare as you can like. I served it with a Creme fraiche horse radish sauce. But, my son loved it without. Dang it it was good with a nice Merlot. I think I got the picture figured out.
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