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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I would say over but how are you going to indicate if he got them to come?
  2. http://m.omaha.com/huskers/husker-spring-roster-analysis-quarterbacks/article_cb21bde6-2526-5089-9a61-214f64cf6fe6.html?mode=jqm
  3. This would be I am very certain a major No-No! Even everyday fans cannot be actively recruiting or communicating with prospective recruits. I believe the Athletic Department has a brochure and or other explanatory materials available that will advise the fans (think ''booster" whether you donate money or not you are a booster if your are human basically). Soooo.....all these fans that tweet recruits telling them how much they want them to come yo Nebraska.
  4. Sooooo....now we have brutality towards others cheered on in the name of nationalism and patriotism. I agree....its a chilling thought.
  5. Pretty much.... My experience with consultants is that they believe they are hired to find a problem. If they say...."hey...everything's great". The customer won't be happy because they just wasted a lot of money. They will find a problem even if none exists.
  6. Ok, I think Nebraska is 14-7 on the season and 12-1 over last 13 games. The offense has been awakened and are showing their power. So...question to people who follow husker baseball more than me. How good is this team? Did they get off to a bad start and now have started rolling to what is going to be something special? Or, are they playing through some teams that aren't as good as what is coming?
  7. In the article there is also a link about rising defensive players.
  8. Say what you want about this pope. A lot of people probably think he's in the limelight too much. But he's an OG. OG????
  9. Vox isn't the end-all, but let's let people decide for themselves what's a horrible outlet, and for whom. I like their coverage because it tends to be an amalgamation of links from other sources, often with commentary I agree with, but substance of course is freely open to examination. Feel free to open up a MRA thread, if you like (though I won't promise to participate, I'm sure it'll be illuminating or at least interesting for many others). Decrying Ezra Klein as a misandrist while championing a controversial podcaster who blamed violence on the women who raise children makes me wonder what you'd actually find acceptable. Breitbart somehow doesn't seem out there enough. Klein has advocated for putting away innocent men if the end result is less sexual assault on college campuses (where women are statistically safer than most places, but that's besides the point). That stance is disgusting and makes me worry for my sons. What is MRA and why would I open a thread? Your hits on Molyneux are weak. Watch any of his videos and listen to the genius in the guy AND THEN read all of the links where sources all of the information. Don't shoot the messenger. P.S. Don't take any of this personally. You're a good MOD, zoogs. I've had my own criticisms of Vox. However, your post would make sense if Klien was the only reporter on the site. Even as s conservative, I have found some decent articles there. And, it is always good to read view points that you don't think you agree with. You might learn something. Question....do you have the same feelings against Fox?
  10. That's awesome/interesting if true. Where are you learning that?
  11. I choke up laughing every time Trump or one of his supporters calls Cruz that. Trump lies constantly but those people ignore that.
  12. Ripped on his wife? Don't remember the exact post you are talking about but, if I said she looks fake, well, I still stand by that. However, that has nothing to do with the obvious purpose of Trumps tweet that you are acting like you can't see. You are smarter than that.
  13. There are two reasons for your posts here. 1). Trolling. 2). You're a son doctor for trump. An anti Cruz PAC posts a pic of Trumps wife. He makes comments about that then tweets this. No, he is not complimenting Cruz's wife on her looks. And, that isn't some kind of indication of the type of people WE are. They are both very attractive women. However, that was not Trumps intentions.
  14. So, when Turner Gill was brought in to run a very different system than the rest of the QBs on the roster, did that mean they all sucked? No. That meant they were recruited for one system and he came in with a future that was going in a different direction. Yes, the transition was easier. But, in my mind, that is in large part because we were already all familiar with TO an he was "one of us". Transitions happen all the time in college football. Unfortunately some players get caught in the middle. TA is doing a fantastic job of trying to bridge that gap. He is one of my favorite Huskers right now because of what he is asked to do compared to what his talent's are best for. That isn't either his nor the coach's fault. I support both in trying to make this work.
  15. I think the appropriate question would be..."What did Trump mean by posting that pic?"
  16. Note that Sanders isn't proposing EVERYONE gets a free college education. He's proposing that state colleges are free for the students who get in - there are still minimum standards and maximum attendance numbers. I back that plan and I'd add trade schools to the list as well. And keep in mind we're talking about getting BOTH free college and universal healthcare for that $150 biweekly ($3900/year). How is that not the best deal? Nope...still don't back it. And, the bolded part is just laughable. No way in hell that works out mathematically. I looked into it a bit more and Sanders is proposing separate taxes to cover the free college and the universal healthcare. The $150 biweekly just covers the universal healthcare. The free college is proposed to come from a transaction fee on trading, which is also intended to reduce/eliminate micro-transaction trading. Still a good deal IMO, I pay $120 biweekly for healthcare right now without counting the costs when I actually go to the doctor. And keep in mind the math doesn't come from the Sanders campaign but from the third-party tax center mentioned in the link. I have no knowledge of the accuracy of that math. Always the fall back for politicians that offer amazing programs that are going to make the world a better place. They know we can't verify their numbers. I highly doubt the math works out on this. Just like Obamacare's math isn't working out...but...now that it's implemented...we are stuck with it.
  17. I think this is correct. If so, him possibly buying a home here (while giving me good indications that his son is taking coming here seriously) it's not as big of investment as say someone with absolutely no ties to the area all of a sudden buying a house here.
  18. I have to admit that when I first saw the original post, I was uncomfortable that this woman was all of a sudden plastered all over the internet due to something she thought was being done in some sort of privacy. And, the point that she was not the one that used the the racial slur is important in my mind. I will admit that, even though I don't use racial slurs myself, I have been guilty of being in conversations where they have been used and not confront the person about it. It is very possible that is the situation this woman was in.
  19. Good Lord....I can't believe I'm going to do something that looks like defending Trump. But, a Cruz PAC put out a very bad ad about Trump's wife. The difference is that it came from a PAC and not directly from the candidate himself. Well....if there is a difference in that.....
  20. Jackass doesn't even touch my feelings for this man.
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