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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I know I am going to be in a minority in this. But, most of the made in china problem is caused by the consumer. The consumer has been influenced by companies like Walmart to believe that lower prices are always good. That forces manufacturers to do what ever it takes to make it cheaper which leads to being made in China. If I am a manufacturer of something and I want to sell it to Walmart and their current supplier is supplying them from China with no regulations and paying workers next to nothing, how am I going to compete while making it in the US? Walmart doesn't care about ANYTHING other than price. Literally that is the case. If you are supplying Walmart and I come in with basically the same product two cents cheaper, they are going to switch and they don't give a crap where it comes from.
  2. My dislike of Walmart goes way farther than that.
  3. Really??? http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_LIBYA_ATTACK_RICE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-11-16-11-05-32 This is pretty pathetic.
  4. Wow....two threads that sd and I agree in. I need to go see the doctor to see if anything is wrong with me.
  5. I honestly don't know of a company that treats people such as their suppliers worse. I am usually a very pro business person. However, I don't like how Walmart has done business and what they have done to grow. I know many small towns that used to have a fairly thriving down town and locally owned grocery store...etc only to have Walmart come in, cut prices well below anything a locally owned store can do only to drive those stores out of business then then inch up their prices enough so they are making money again. On top of that, they absolutely treat their suppliers like crap and have driven more companies out of business than ones they have made successful. Now, none of this is illegal and I am not asking for any of it to be made illegal. I just don't like how they do business. On top of all that, they have trained the American consumer to be a drone. When Sam was around, they built their business based on buying American and supporting small town America and the American worker. NOW, I beg you to go in and find anything that is made in America other than food. There was a book written a while back about the Walmart effect. I haven't read it but have read some excerpts of it. It's not a company I respect at all.
  6. Is the section just above the existing balcony the club level seats and is the thin section of seats you see just above that the suites?
  7. Can't say I'm heartbroken to read this. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/wal-mart-workers-black-friday-110048819.html Walmart is one company that I absolutely despise. Sam Walton would be very disappointed in how his company is being ran now.
  8. If this is a serious post, you've got a fundamental misunderstanding of how economics work - along with a slant towards fascism over freedom. I'm assuming he was being sarcastic. Obviously, nobody is going to be happy that 18,000 people are out of work.
  9. I went to the grocery store over lunch only to find out they didn't even have any. I agree they were always over rated. That is partly why I haven't had one in over 20 years. The other part is that they simply were crap health wise.
  10. I haven't had a twinkie in probably over 20 years. I may have to head to the grocery store to get one. Unions can serve a purpose. But, so often they shoot themselves in the foot.
  11. Sometimes unions do things that just leave me scratching my head. I wonder if the 18,000 employees that are now out of work still support their union. http://www.examiner.com/article/hostess-closes-doors-permanently-due-to-union-strike
  12. I blame the world leaders that created Israel in the late 1940s. Really?? How idiotic can you be by creating a country of people right in the middle of people who hate them. You also create the country by kicking people off their land that already hate the people you are giving the land to? What they should have done is absorb all Jewish people that needed a safe place to live into the rest of the world as refugees. That would have been a HUGE task. But, look at the thousands of people who have died since Israel was created.
  13. Here is another article on the subject. LINK
  14. This is the definition I have always thought of as an "expat". 1. To give up residence in one's homeland. 2. To renounce allegiance to one's homeland. Knapp is correct on the issue that I am concerned about. I didn't find that article.
  15. I took this as meaning expats...as in people who used to be citizens but are no longer. Am I wrong on that?
  16. This is something that just rubs me the wrong way and I believe should be outlawed. If you do not live here and are not a citizen of the US, you should not have an influence in our elections. http://www.opensecrets.org/news/2012/08/foreign-money.html In July, Mitt Romney headed to London, then onto the Middle East and Poland to celebrate the opening of the Olympics, burnish his foreign policy credentials and raise some cash. It's not an unusual step for a presidential candidate, and President Barack Obama has tapped into his popularity around the world to bring in cash for his own campaign. While only U.S. citizens and green card holders can make contributions to political campaigns, the expat community does contribute a significant amount of money -- about $1.1 million in donations greater than $200 through the end of July -- and so far this year, they're absentee voting with their dollars for Obama.
  17. a cruel joke would be too make that disabled seating................ No...that is where the visitor's section should be.
  18. A lot of people don't do this--venture to other services--but I think it''s a great idea. I mean, it seems like most people belong to a particular denomination because: A) their parents belonged; or B) they married into it. Instead of that, why not go to different services/different denominations until you find one that fits your philosophy? I've done a bit of this. I moved to a new town two a few years back, and have been to ten or so different churches in this town. I mostly go to one church, but am still not a member of it. I'll probably continue to seek out more, and try to learn more about each. I also believe this is good. I believe that people get mixed up "church" with "Christianity". Meaning, they believe that one church or one denomination is "right" and everyone else is wrong. I grew up in a nondenominational Christian church and then became Catholic after I was married. The Catholic traditions really make me feel closer to God. But, I understand that many of those traditions are man made traditions. Many of the traditions that were in the church that I grew up with were man made traditions. That doesn't mean they are wrong. That simply means that that group of people feel closer to God following those traditions. The same can be said about many of the "rules" that various churches preach. I take solace in a similar thought. When I was a kid I used to wonder about odd situations--things like what happened to the souls of babies who died? Or what happens to aborigines from remote Australia who had never even heard of God or Jesus? Later I reasoned, if God is omniscient and knows all from A to Z, then who better to make judgement calls like these? I think God is more likely to make the right call (100% likely) than, say, a B1G Ten officiating crew looking at replay tape. lol Further than that, since God made these people in the first place (babies, aborigines) then it's not my place or anyone else's place to second guess what He has in store for them. This is something that I have always felt very strongly about. I take very seriously the passage that says we are not the judge of man...God is. So often Christians or religious people get together in a group and they "judge" everyone else that isn't in that group. This can be individuals in a church or the church itself. I believe that goes right against everything Jesus taught us. Love the sinner...Hate the sin. I think many Christians will state that saying but their actions are not conducive to...Love the sinner. I was very fortunate that I grew up in a church that taught us to never trust one man or one preacher or one church. Read the bible and decide for yourself what is right.
  19. Is tonights game on TV anywhere?
  20. Very nice deer. Can I ask what region of the state that is in?
  21. I can't argue with you on The Daily Show and Colbert. I honestly haven't watched them much. I have tried watching them but, I find myself feeling the same about them that I did about Letterman and Leno during the Clinton administration. Now, I was absolutely no fan of the Clintons but, I also didn't find the subjects something I wanted to joke about. I have a hard time listening to someone who constantly makes every issue a joke and tries to be funny with it. That's just me though. I have seen some clips of The Daily Show that were just dang funny. I just don't want a steady dose of it every day.
  22. Was she there on official business as an " intelligence officer in the U.S. Military Reserve". Now, that fact might not make it illegal that she had the documents. But, unless she was there on official business....why did she have the documents? I can see the movie scene now: Patraeus (laying in bed smoking a ciggy) = "OMG.....that was unbelievable" Braodwell = "Oh honey....I had no clue you would be so good......BTW....do you happen to have the secret spy reports on Iran's efforts to get nukes and blow up Israel? Reading classified documents turn me on so much."
  23. I generally like listening to what he has to say. I'm not going to go as far as to say he is fantastic and always right on the money because I haven't obviously heard everything he has said or written and the moment I write this, someone will post something stupid he said or wrote. However, I can't honestly say I can dismiss what he is saying here.
  24. Here is a big part of why this needs to be investigated thoroughly. LINK Petraeus Scandal: Paula Broadwell in Classified Document Probe I believe this is a huge issue. A so called author gets close to the top dude in the CIA, sleeps with him and ends up with large amounts of classified documents at her home. Hmmm....Now, I am someone who loves spy novels and movies. Maybe I have seen way too many of them and read too many books. BUT, this cries "spy" to me. I can not imagine any reason why classified documents should be at the home of an author doing a biography on someone.
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