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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. You used used the word "completely" twice, I did not use it at all. You used used the word "fraud" once, I did not use it at all. I never used the word "documentaries" to describe his films, as you said I did. I identified them as "mocumentaries". Nor did I use the word "thruthful", or any form of it. Please re-read what I wrote, then reply to that. Thank you. Analogies only work if they are remotely proportional. This one is not remotely proportional. If dishonesty is fire, they you must really fear getting burned by Fox News. And Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as politicians. I'll flat out say I don't like their dishonestly and it concerns me. Will you say the same thing about the Obama and Uncle Joe? We are talking about documentaries in this thread. You then point to what the rest of the world calls a documentary in "sicko" and claim it was pretty good. Documentaries are by definition supposed to be truthful and teach us something. From Dictionary.com doc·u·men·ta·ry   [dok-yuh-men-tuh-ree, -tree] Show IPA adjective, noun, plural doc·u·men·ta·ries. adjective 1. Also, doc·u·men·tal  [dok-yuh-men-tl] Show IPA. pertaining to, consisting of, or derived from documents: a documentary history of France. 2. Movies, Television . based on or re-creating an actual event, era, life story, etc., that purports to be factually accurate and contains no fictional elements: a documentary life of Gandhi. You claimed that Sicko "highlighted abuses of a very greedy industry". Now, if you claim that this is just a "mocumentary" (what ever that is) then how can it uncover anything if it isn't factual?
  2. I thought Obama was going to get all of these people to like us.
  3. Well, they weren't a big hit when they were served here.
  4. I will say this... that the Moore film Sicko did do a service to this nation by highlighting the abuses by a very greedy industry. Sure, many facts were triaged for the movie. "Lefty Fiction" will usually be more popular than "Righty Fiction", because it is more likely to poke fun at people in power. Fox News tried to recreate a right wing version of the Daily Show, but it was a complete disaster. . Edit: I would watch Atlas Shrugged over Dora. Really???? Are you sure???? On one hand you agree that in a documentary he completely was biased and put out a complete fraud of a "documentary". Then, on the other hand you act like another of his "documentaries" is truthful. To me, this is about like if I caught my wife banging the entire team of Dallas Cowboys and then the next month she stayed in the same hotel as them and I'm supposed to believe she's being faithful. In the media, burn me once that bad and I have a really difficult time ever believing you again.
  5. Oh...I think we have a ton of common ground. But, where we differ is which candidate do we want in office. I have seen enough of Obama to do me for the rest of my life. I honestly want him out yesterday. Now.....I did not start out supporting Romney. But, the one thing that does interest me with him is that he is a business man and a very successful business man and he has ran large organizations before. He has actually accomplished something. That is completely opposite of who we have now. And, for the record, I can't stand investment bankers. I've worked with them before and they are bastards. So, like I said, It's not like I am a huge fan of Romney. This is where we see a huge difference between you and me. I want a business man in office because they understand what spending and taxes do and how they relate to the business world. And, THAT is where jobs will be created.
  6. This looks really good. Going to have to try it.
  7. I take politically based documentaries all the same way. There is an agenda behind them.
  8. I'm not liberal - never have been. I'm an almost dead-center moderate. Ever taken the Political Compass test? This is where I fall on their compass: Slightly more Socially Authoritarian, but Right-leaning economically. Overall, nearly smack dab in the middle. Yes, I am slightly opposite of you. I am slightly libertarian socially and to the right economically. So, I guess from your graphic, I am a Libertarian Right.
  9. I didn't know that anyone took Michael Moore seriously. Really??? Good Lord, the guy was a celebrity amongst many because he finally was uncovering the truth. Fahrenheit 911 is the highest grossing documentary of all time. That isn't because everyone thought it was a bunch of lies and didn't take it seriously.
  10. My mother was/is an amazing cook but, like you, when I was young I didn't show any interest in cooking. When I went off to college, I got really sick of Kraft Mac and Cheese. So, in my spare time I started trying to cook. Man, some of those early meals stunk. But, this leads to another discussion we have had. When I was first married and we didn't have hardly any money to go out to eat, my wife and I started getting into cooking. We realized that we could cook good fresh meals at home and it was cheaper than buying the crap that is prepared and in a box that is high in fat and calories. Both of our mothers were gardeners also. So, when we bought a house, we started a garden and that only reinforced eating healthy and for less money. Which goes back to the original topic. I honestly don't see why the government ran school lunch program needs to have really bad food. It makes no sense. I'll give you an example. One of the meals that was fed to our kids this year was what was called a "taco burger". Really??? All it was was taco meat on a whole wheat hamburger bun. Nothing else. Good friggen lord. Who in the hell wants that? Put the friggen taco meat in a taco shell and provide lettuce, tomatoes and cheese to go on top of it and it turns it from crap into something they will like. Heck, use whole wheat soft taco shells even.
  11. Yes, this Sooo...let me get this straight. A 4th string QB who wasn't ever going to see the playing field again at that position decided to switch positions and now we are the QB graveyard?
  12. You just somewhat made my point in my first paragraph. Crossing routes or throws to the flats are quick routes and the QB doesn't need a lot of time in the pocket for the receiver to get open. You have to have people covering these players that prevent them from being open almost from the first step.
  13. I like Bourdain also. I would love to go on vacation with him or Andrew Zimmern. The reason why so much food in America sucks is because of two things. a) The public doesn't give a crap. b) The public doesn't care. I also like Diners Drive Inns and Dives. It shows locally owned places with people who really care about the quality of food they serve. Not necessarily the healthiest but at least it tastes good.
  14. I don't like any of this kind of crap and it is a prime example of why I think the media is extremely dangerous in America right now. People actually believe this crap. I remember having discussions on message boards when Moore's movie came out about 9/11 and liberals actually believed that Bush knew about 9/11 and may have helped plan it. I think you are the first liberal leaning person I have read on a message board that openly condemns Moore.
  15. Oh...I completely 100% agree with this. However, that doesn't mean the school lunches have to suck and not have enough food. I do some catering and preparing food for large groups. I have fed groups up to 400-500 people with literally just me and maybe one other person. I also have one heck of a lot less equipment and facilities than the school lunch room and they have a staff of people who come in in the morning to help start preparing the food. There is absolutely NO REASON WHY FOOD HAS TO SUCK. Someone said in this thread that the reason it sucks is because of nutritional guidelines they have to abide by. That very well may be true. BUT, it doesn't have to be that way. Either the government is putting restrictions on it or the people preparing it don't give a crap.
  16. Field position is an underrated area of consideration. Our field position last Sat cost us at least 11 points. Erstad's punting was a major factor in our 1st NC under TO. T_O_B G>B>R Completely agree with this statement. Our field position absolutely stunk. The offense takes some of the blame. BUT, most of it comes down to defense and special teams. Our defense did not give our offense ANY form of good field position other than the one fumble they recovered.
  17. I have no idea. I have emailed the superintendent to see what guidelines they are using for our lunch program. This is just something that was found on the Internet. Not sure if it is what is being used now.
  18. Wow...this sounds bad. http://outdoornebraska.ne.gov/blogs/2012/08/ehd-continues-kill-nebraska-deer/ I guess this is affecting my area also.
  19. The rule is absolutely stupid. Let me ask you this, when was the last time you remember a player being severely injured on an on-side-kick?
  20. I am becoming a believer that we may have play makers at these positions but what they are being told to do doesn't work.
  21. This same theory is why TO originally didn't like the attacking 4-3 that McBride ended up running that was so successful. No matter what defense you run, your giving up something somewhere to the offense. McBride's idea (after he switched to the 4-3) was that he is going to go get the best cover corners he can and then make sure that QB has as short of time as possible to find the WRs. Then, hit him as hard as you can over and over again. it's been effective against Nebraska since about the Texas game in 10'. Exactly....Gee....we wouldn't want to try what is successful against us.
  22. Actually, too much protein can turn into fat. Especially if you arent doing any physical activity. But most kids arent going to run into that problem from just one meal. But, it is technically possible. I agree. But, like you said, it is going to be a very rare case that a kid ate that much because of a school lunch.
  23. I'm sure somewhere in these 81 pages is the great wisdom the government has put forth. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2012-01-26/pdf/2012-1010.pdf SUMMARY: This final rule updates the meal patterns and nutrition standards for the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs to align them with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This rule requires most schools to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fatfree and low-fat fluid milk in school meals; reduce the levels of sodium, saturated fat and trans fat in meals; and meet the nutrition needs of school children within their calorie requirements. These improvements to the school meal programs, largely based on recommendations made by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, are expected to enhance the diet and health of school children, and help mitigate the childhood obesity trend.
  24. I'm in a small town in central Nebraska. Sorry, on this forum that's as far as I'll go. Carl, The reason it is deemed unhealthy is that most of what they took away is protein. The federal guide lines state that if you offer a certain amount of protein the main line lunch, then you are not allowed to offer more protein on the salad bar. Which is just absolutely asinine because if you are eating main line then you aren't going to be eating the salad bar. ALSO....PROTEIN DOESN'T MAKE YOU FAT. Good lean protein is one of the best things you can eat if you are trying to lose weight or stay thin. It takes more calories to digest, it builds muscle that burns more calories and it gives you more of a full feeling so you don't eat as much. I am very close to one of the school board members and he and others have told me that funding is NOT the problem. It's all in governmental regulations. School lunches are NOT the problem with child hood obesity. That is farthest from the problem and as some mentioned, for some kids, this is the only meals they get all day. Sad but true. The problem is that that fat kid doesn't do anything after school as far as an activity and he pigs out on crap at home or at burger king that night for supper. Knapp.... Left overs are thrown in the trash. Honestly, from what I have heard, I would feel sorry for the people at the local shelter for being fed this crap.
  25. Each LB needs to cover less space and you could bring up one or two safety to be LBs in case you need to cover someone and they would be there for run support.
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