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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. I appreciate the fact that the prisoners were released by NK. But Trump is going a bit overboard in his expression of gratitude: I think we know what is going on here - NK has already begun the negotiation. Here they play the emotional heart strings of the president. Only a few months ago, Kim was Fat Boy to Trump - now he is "really excellent". No he is not 'really excellent'. He had no right to imprison these 3 and not to mention Otto who came back near death a year ago and died a couple of days later. Kim deserves no praise, no merit, no concession because he returned 3 people who were detained illegally. And one of the prisoners contradicted Trump's 'excellent' claim: https://www.vox.com/world/2018/5/10/17338944/trump-north-korea-prisoners-kim-jong-un
  2. Related, this Oklahoma reporter, asks can Frost revive Nebraska. Barry Tramel has written several articles favorable to NU in years past. I believe, if he had his wish, OU/NU rivalry would have continued. In the article he details how great we were (the Alabama of our day) to how far we have fallen since then. https://m.newsok.com/article/5593960/can-scott-frost-revive-nebraska-football
  3. Anyone who wants to alienate our border neighbors - Mexico and Canada by tearing up NAFTA, cannot be trusted. Our allies see him doing this, backing out of the Paris Accord, TPP, NAFTA, & the Iran Deal should be very concern about any agreement - security, financial, trade that they have wt the USA. Think back in history - the former USSR tried to isolate the USA with covert wars around the global and in our backyard in Latin America and Cuba. Their whole goal was to counter our interests globally and to reduce our influence and the influence of democracy. They tried to drive a wedge between us and our European allies with the 'peace movement - anti nuke propoganda' and by selling natural gas to and making European countries dependent on Soviet energy. In the end, we won and democracy won. However, Trump is playing into Putin's hands (or did Putin give Trump the hand to play??) as we isolate ourselves more and more and diminish our leadership around the world through these ill advised, off the cuff, unilateral decisions of this admin. Trump's stated goal in the campaign was to make the USA respected again. He thinks respect is earned via bullying - it is all he's known either in business or personally. Thus on the world stage he is now considered the bully and not a trusted partner. What a shame.
  4. This writer bumps Frost all the way up to # 6. Says Frost would by his 6th pick for a coach right now. https://247sports.com/college/nebraska/Bolt/Barton-Simmons-Scott-Frost-is-going-to-be-a-star-118119114
  5. Lets face the facts - Trump is no better than a 3rd world dictator in many respects. He rules by intimidation, strong arming, creating chaos wherever he can by overturning the status quo. If he didn't have the constitution in his way, I'm sure he'd prefer to dissolve Congress and run the govt himself out of his vast pool of experience, superior knowledge and personal 'dis-interest". While it is true that nothing great gets accomplished wtout occasionally upsetting the status quo, Trump's too often upsets the status quo without apparent regard to consequences and without the cooperation/input of others affected by change. And people got on GWB for unilateralism - Trump takes it to a whole new level - alienating our friends, emboldening China and Russia and causing chaos at home. This isn't leadership.
  6. Meanwhile, Pence says it is time to wrap it up. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5713893/Pence-says-Mueller-probe-gone-long-time-wrap-up.html
  7. After Sooner Magic come from behind win or the had the game won - but we fumbled against Texas in 2006 or 2005. After any of our Fumbleruski plays or Bounceerruski play
  8. Yes but Cohen just did a 'little bit' of lawyering for Trump. I don't know - maybe he notarized the sale of Aunt Betsy's house or something like that. I wonder how deep this all goes. You have Hannity, the Baghdad Bob of this show, Kingpin leader Trump, his lawyer and investment thugs, his campaign mgrs, Republican party leadership - Trump probably bought them out during the primaries, - Olie North, no stranger to scandal, will be the new NRA leader and he's a close friend of Hannity. Hannity always said he didn't like investing in the stock market (too risky) - only real estate. I wonder how much he has invested in Trump related properties. He may be invested with the riskiest people on the planet right now - oh and Cohen only gave him off the record real estate advice.
  9. The bold: I'm all for shrinking the election cycle - why we can't pick a candidate within 6 months is beyond me. Yes in the days of horse and buggy and train whistle stops more time was needed for candidates to be seen and heard. But not any more. 6 mo schedule: 1 month of general campaigning prior to the beginning of the primaries, month 2-5 - 4 regional primaries one month apart, month 6 the general election. While we are at it - change House member terms from 2 years to 4 to stop the constant campaign with recall options in case a 'turd' was elected.
  10. I'm jumping in late on this. Basically you are saying a direct vote of citizens on a ballot initiative and not an indirect vote via their elected legislatures. The direct ballot initiative may be a more lengthy process if done via a petition route or less so, it the state legislature made it a ballot issue on a future election date.
  11. yep - if Trump could keep himself out of trouble there would be no negative coverage. But that in itself should be an indictment against fox news.
  12. Good post Clifford. Ignorance is in charge now. Let the people weep.
  13. stupid Trump. Instead of renegotiating the deal - we aren't even at the table - anywhere. Under Trump we have opened the door for greater Chinese influence in the Pacific Rim countries -- PPT Our friends in Europe have an untrustworthy partner - which will diminish our influence at the best while increasing Russian influence in that region at the worse We insult our closes neighbors Mexico and Canada - good grief - think what other nations see when they look at what we are doing with Nafta. If we treat our closest neighbors this way, how will we treat others. Don't forget we backed out of the Climate Change treaty also - We start steel tariffs - which negatively affects our friends - and which will ultimately cause costs to go up here. How does any of this build our country, our industrial base, our status in the world? Make America Great Again?? We are becoming smaller in the world's eyes by the week if not by the day. You know Obama was criticized for 'Leading from Behind'. I will take that and being a part of the world community in comparison of leading out of ignorance and arrogance.
  14. Don't forget that he will solve the Palestine / Israel conflict by moving our embassy to Jerusalem. Israel will be naming a square in his honor for this.
  15. Hillary Clinton emails, Uranium One, Clinton Foundation. Trump for Nobel Peace Prize Right after I posted the Vox I saw this story. Takes a different view - from a Pro - Trump perspective. https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/rich-noyes/2018/05/08/media-get-trumped-presidents-polls-improve-despite-90-negative
  16. News bias can be shown by what a network choose what NOT to cover as much as their slant on what they do cover. Vox does a good job of showing how Fox has given political cover to Trump. I don't know if Muddock and Trump cut thumbs and rubbed the blood together but the blind loyalty to Trump is eye opening. Even if Trump were a great guy with great policies this kind of loyalty should never be tolerated. As much as Hannity, etc complain about the MSM's bias he over looks 2 things: 1. Fox is by shear size MSM and 2. The Fox bias still isn't justifiable even if MSNBC , CNN report the opposite or report what is perceived to be negative stories. From Vox https://www.vox.com/2018/5/8/17327246/fox-news-stormy-daniels-michael-cohen-data
  17. So I wonder if those same Repubs who say Trump should get a Nobel Peace Prize think this action leads to peace. NK and Iran are 'friends'. We'll see what they do behind the scene to put Trump in his place. BINGO
  18. Orin Hatch - getting a bit too opinionated in his old age. https://www.yahoo.com/news/orrin-hatch-thinks-john-mccain-213348754.html
  19. Yes, I liked that ranked vote idea. The 270 EC # is a huge obstacle for a new party to gain a foothold.
  20. Maybe we get a strong independent ticket to run against Trump. Imagine this situation: 2020 Trump is Repub candidate, The Dems run a far left ticket to counter Trump. Kasich with a moderate Dem run as a independent or libertarian - maybe then we can crack the 2 party system.
  21. Thanks RD - I've been using dense shade fescue. Due to Okla heat - it fades out mid summer even wt watering. I may try a mondo grass or ivy next -- or get radical and just build a big wood deck under the tree.
  22. Maybe they can put some under my elm tree in the back yard - can't get anything to last under that densely shaded tree.
  23. I was just wondering what he was thinking when he was doing so. My hope is (and it may be a false hope) is that in that position the VP has to be the VP of all Americans and not just a few in Indiana where he came from. Maybe as he rubs shoulders with those that are different, that he would become more tolerant in how he views the world.
  24. And McCain doesn't want Trump at his (McCain's funeral). https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/jake-tapper-john-mccain-funeral-trump_us_5af08630e4b0c4f193252972?ncid=edlinkushpmg00000313
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