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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. I don't know. Colluding with our country's greatest foreign adversary to subvert democracy seems like a pretty bad crime. It will be if the facts take us their. There seems to be plenty of smoke - the fire will eventually be found.
  2. Ok call off the dogs. I stand corrected. I'm glad to see there are some posts on the subject after all. I did say: (maybe someone posted in one of the other threads - giving the benefit of the doubt) And by the way, QMany, I don't care for right wingers burning effigies of Obama or Clinton either. Those were despicable acts as well. And Knapp, regarding Ted Nugent, I don't follow him or know what he has done or would have done to come to the level of Kathy Griffin. I've paid 0 attention to him. If he is on that dirt bag level, then Trump shouldn't have invited him to the WH. You also make it sound like there are no liberals on HB with your post above - the broad statement of telling me 1000x. There are liberals on HB - on some subjects we agree and on some we disagree. The same is also true of moderates. I'm not walking lock step wt the most conservative posters on HB either (maybe I did 1-2 years years ago but I'm moderating my positions)- if I was, I'd be defending Trump like some are (and again Trump isn't a true conservative but has hijacked the movement - but that is for another thread) Let's just this thread and start back before I had the ADHD moment of outrage myself.
  3. As they always say - the 'cover-up' is often worse than the actual 'crime'. Of course at this point we don't know what if any the actual crime is. But tampering and obstruction are criminal.
  4. You all know I'm not a Trump fan. However, being off HB for the past several days, I did expect to see a thread about the Kathy Griffin disgusting lack of sound judgment in doing the ISIS like 'art' of holding the severed faked head of President Trump. (maybe someone posted in one of the other threads - giving the benefit of the doubt) Regardless of your opinion of Trump and his policies, this liberal, leftist loon should be soundly denounced for her actions. So where is the moral outrage on HB? Liberals can you denounce one of your own or is your 'righteous' wrath only reserved for the 'alt right'. I see CNN did the right thing in dumbing her from their New Year Eve show. This in not unlike the leftists who celebrated the movie depicting the assassination of GWB which came out during his administration. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/cnn-kathy-griffin-donald-trump-beheading-1202448875/ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4558522/Trump-says-Kathy-Griffin-ashamed-herself.html
  5. I would love this living in Tulsa. I'd be able to see the Huskers close by again. I'd love to see Okla in and Kansas - for basketball. If we allow OK in and Texas, well then maybe our admin would get a clue and put out the bucks for a coach that can compete - year in and year out. I like what MR is doing in trying to grow the program - this year we'll see what he does wt his QB, and he has improved recruiting. BUT I don't think we get to the top level when we have to compete wt money machine Texas and consistent winner in Oklahoma. if Texas and Ok join, we have to up our game big time or decide to be content wt middle of the pack. I CAN'T BE THAT CONTENT!
  6. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jared-kushner-now-under-fbi-scrutiny-russia-probe-say-officials-n764826Jared Kushner under scrutiny according to this article.
  7. Pride goes before the fall. (speaking of Trump & what he displays in this video not you Knapp) Part of Proverbs 16 18Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall. 19Better to be lowly in spirit along with the oppressed than to share plunder with the proud. 20Whoever gives heed to instruction prospers,a and blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord.
  8. Good Grief another Russian connection. I guess this guy doesn't believe in the 1st amendment - esp when it is used to poke around in his business.
  9. Sounds pretty aggressive to me - surprised it isn't a felony. Mark that seat going to a Democrat unless the voters are totally void of reason. Could you see this guy in the House - there would be a fight a day with his short fuse.
  10. http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/fox-news-sean-hannity-return-1202444145/ Fox stands by their man - probably had no other choice since they lost other high profile, revenue generating commentators. Hannity is backing away from the Seth Rich story 'out of respect for the family'
  11. Hannity has gone off the deep end with his ever growing "madness' against the Dem party and total - "the party can do no wrong' support of whoever the republican nominee would have been. He said he had no favorites during the primary, but he was pretty much in Trump's camp from the beginning. In this diversion noted above he wants to get the heat off of Trump and divert our attention elsewhere.
  12. https://mediaequalizer.com/brian-maloney/2017/05/hannity-signals-imminent-end-of-fox-news-channel-program Saw this link on Drudge. Appears Hannity's days are numbered at Fox. Appears Fox doesn't like him talking about the Seth Rich murder. I'm not sure what Hannity is saying, but my guess is, based on the link below found on the same site, that he believes it was a political murder - that the DNC knew he was the leaker of the DNC memos that help sing Hillary - that it was an inside job and not the Russians. https://mediaequalizer.com/melanie-morgan/2017/05/who-killed-seth-rich
  13. Trumps trip is making positive waves in the MidEast Saudi King liked the visit http://www.france24.com/en/20170522-trumps-visit-saudi-turning-point-king-salman Using Iran as an issue to bring Arab nations and Israel closer together https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-visit-israel-search-revived-peace-process-040702463--finance.html Israel throwing the Palestinians some bones but not this kind: https://www.yahoo.com/news/israel-rare-overture-palestinians-trump-request-072019761.html
  14. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/cable-news-ratings-upheaval-maddow-cooper-dominate-fox-slips-rare-week-at-no-3-1006329 Fox slips to # 3. Thanks Roger, Bill and others who made the culture what it became.
  15. And handed over some top secret classified info to boot - cause after all they are a part of NATO.
  16. All true and I can say something similar that is going on here in Okla. The state started a path of cutting state taxes (a yearly reduction to a certain target rate) in the midst of high oil revenues. Like Conn, they were to dependent on one industry - oil. Oil went down, the budget is now facing a $800m shortfall. The state also gave tax concessions to the wind turbine industry - the actual generation farms not the manufacturing of the turbine. Those tax concessions was only to be $2m/year. This past year it was $120m+ approx. Poor foresight and too reliant on one industry. So it appears the best plan is the one that encourages diversity in the state economy and the correct balance between spending and taxation. Yes, Okla was rolling in money for many of the 'fracking' years, yet the opportunity was wasted - our teachers are still some of the lowest paid and our highways and bridges need a lot of work .
  17. Biden disses Hillary. Separating himself from the 2016 disaster. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/05/19/biden-disses-clinton-i-never-thought-she-was-a-great-candidate-i-thought-i-was-a-great-candidate/?tid=hybrid_collaborative_1_na&utm_term=.ef1e7d49e0e6 Former vice president Joe Biden stirred the Democratic pot a little bit on Thursday night. Appearing at the SALT hedge fund conference in Las Vegas, the possible 2020 presidential candidate weighed in on Hillary Clinton's 2016 candidacy in a way that Clinton supporters sure won't like. “I never thought she was a great candidate,” Biden said, according to reports. “I thought I was a great candidate.” Biden clarified, according to CNN, that “Hillary would have been a really good president.” But that isn't likely to make Clinton supporters feel much better. Biden isn't the first leading Democratic figure with possible designs on 2020 to apparently slight Clinton. Clinton's 2016 primary foe, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), has repeatedly offered some version of this quote: “It wasn't that Donald Trump won the election; it was that the Democratic Party that lost the election.” Those comments have definitely rubbed some Clinton supporters the wrong way, and Biden's are likely to even more so, given how direct they were. Of course, Biden isn't saying anything that most every election analyst hasn't. You can make a pretty objective case that Clinton wasn't a great candidate, given she lost an election she was expected to win to an opponent who became the most unpopular president-elect in modern history. And even Clinton herself has acknowledged her shortcomings in appealing to voters. “I am not a natural politician, in case you haven’t noticed, like my husband or President Obama,” she said at a Democratic debate in March 2016.
  18. This is an old tread - But it appears Kansas isn't the only one with a tax policy that falls short. How on the other side of the coin we have Connecticut now discovering that you can't go to the well to often (tax the wealthy). As always there needs to be a balance. Cutting taxes too much can hurt and taxing too much can also work against the states overall goals. The trick is to find the sweet spot between tax levels and spending levels. https://www.wsj.com/articles/connecticut-nations-wealthiest-state-may-be-tapped-out-on-taxing-the-rich-1495186203
  19. This right here is evidence of something much deeper. People who own and operate NEWS outlets should not have this deep of emotional hatred towards people who don't agree with them. This is a real problem in American society. Pretty pathetic. Hannity is partisan beyond reason - question his sanity on how he rants. I can't stand to listen to him - I use to listen to him several years ago - he is nothing more than a political hack - the name he calls others who disagrees with him
  20. http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/17/mike-pence-president-trump-238525 And then Politico has this side of the story. Many conservatives are ready to end the drama and go with the more drama free Pence. PAC created on Pence's behalf https://www.bloomberg.com/politics/articles/2017-05-17/pence-takes-steps-to-build-war-chest-as-white-house-stumbles
  21. Then why are conservatives on this board calling for his impeachment? They were persuaded by the echo chamber. I'm not persuaded by an echo chamber. I was hoping he would grow in the office and was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Ask Knapp, I'm a pretty conservative guy & a registered Republican. As a student of history, and presidential history in particular, I find Trump to be incapable of fulfilling the role of his job. He does not measure up in so many ways. The argument of temperament during the campaign has been proven true. But it goes far beyond temperament - it goes to his very character. He is not a leader and he most certainly has personality disorders that make him incapable of fulfilling his duties. I had many issues with the previous democratic president but I would not be a man of character if I turned a blind eye towards this republican president. Trump fades in comparison to Ronald Reagan - don't mention them in the same sentence. My issue with Trump isn't totally on policy - there are some I like (which many he has back peddled on) and some I don't like. My issue is his fitness for the office. He has been weighed in the scales and been found wanting as far as I'm concerned.
  22. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/15/opinion/trump-classified-data.html A few quotes from this op-ed: Second, most people of drinking age have achieved some accurate sense of themselves, some internal criteria to measure their own merits and demerits. But Trump seems to need perpetual outside approval to stabilize his sense of self, so he is perpetually desperate for approval, telling heroic fabulist tales about himself. “In a short period of time I understood everything there was to know about health care,” he told Time. “A lot of the people have said that, some people said it was the single best speech ever made in that chamber,” he told The Associated Press, referring to his joint session speech. By Trump’s own account, he knows more about aircraft carrier technology than the Navy. According to his interview with The Economist, he invented the phrase “priming the pump” (even though it was famous by 1933). Trump is not only trying to deceive others. His He is thus the all-time record-holder of the Dunning-Kruger effect, the phenomenon in which the incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence. Trump thought he’d be celebrated for firing James Comey. He thought his press coverage would grow wildly positive once he won the nomination. He is perpetually surprised because reality does not comport with his fantasies. Which brings us to the reports that Trump betrayed an intelligence source and leaked secrets to his Russian visitors. From all we know so far, Trump didn’t do it because he is a Russian agent, or for any malevolent intent. He did it because he is sloppy, because he lacks all impulse control, and above all because he is a 7-year-old boy desperate for the approval of those he admires. The Russian leak story reveals one other thing, the dangerousness of a hollow man. We’ve got this perverse situation in which the vast analytic powers of the entire world are being spent trying to understand a guy whose thoughts are often just six fireflies beeping randomly in a jar. Write A Comment “We badly want to understand Trump, to grasp him,” David Roberts writes in Vox. “It might give us some sense of control, or at least an ability to predict what he will do next. But what if there’s nothing to understand? What if there is no there there?” And out of that void comes a carelessness that quite possibly betrayed an intelligence source, and endangered a country.
  23. Agree. Or even Romney would be a 1000x better than some of the names thrown out. (If Romney hadn't blown that 2nd debate, we'd wouldn't be going through this now). However, neither are in the line and cannot be considered. It is what it is.
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