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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xPzTSpbYmk Appropriately this video followed after watching Patricia Shirer. She did a great job in the movie War Room also.
  2. You know with our biggest trading partner being Communist Red China - I don't see normalization wt Cuba to being a big deal. We should strive to see human rights improvement made by swapping trade deals for more freedom.
  3. Count me as one of the 40% of Conservatives that cannot vote for Trump. It's so sad that the top 2 choices this November are Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Seriously, we have millions of Americans, and this is the best both parties can come up with? You got that right. Of course the Dems tried to limit the bench in preparation for the Hillary coronation. The Repubs have a circle firing squad of 17 candidates. Instead of coming together early under one or 2 candidates, the egos of these candidates keep them in the race to the point they just hurt the party. I think there are others who would be better than Kasich and Cruz to challenge Trump. I wonder if the primary system is the best method or not. Too much emphasis on the 1st states that vote which unfairly weeds out some candidates who may have done better later on. Maybe a Road to the Final 4 nation wide vote - All candidates wt at least 5% in the polls are voted on. Then you take the top 4 to the convention and let the state delegates duke it out . All I know is that if the current system produces Hillary and Trump, there is something flawed wt the system.
  4. http://www.offtackleempire.com/2016/3/22/11269206/dead-reads-favorite-team-1978-nebraska-football Anyone with a little history wt the Huskers will immediately know the highs and lows of Nov 1978. Tom's 1st win over OU and being set up to play in the NC. Then sh*t happens in the form of Missouri (the adjective fits Mo well). Then double sh*t happens when we are paired wt OU again in the Orange Bowl. Being tied for the Big 8 championship but winning the head to head it seemed very deflating to have to play them again. My wife and I had moved to Okla in Nov 78 and celebrated our great win over OU and saw for the 1st time what an ou fan was like. How shocked we were when Mo beat us and then having to face those arrogant OU fans after the Orange Bowl. The attached link has the story and also a video. The famous footage of the John Ruud hit on the kick off occurs around the 1 min 29sec time. And to think the refs gave the ball to ou. And yes, John would have been kicked out of the game for 'targeting' if it had occurred today. One of the all time great football open field tackles by anyone - pro or college.
  5. Which causes me to bang my head when I see or hear people claim that we are an imperialistic nation only out to seek our own self interests while being lead down that path by a few wealthy people only wanting to get richer. BRB I thought you needed a few of these: :bang It will help you feel better. You can thank me later. And one more for my agreement
  6. We are most assuredly at 'dysfunction junction'. There are 2 ditches here that the repubs have to avoid: 1. During the pre-1994 election and the Contract wt America take over of the House by Repubs (first time I think since 1952) & esp before the 1980 Reagan revolution when the repubs gained the Senate- the repubs were mostly 'window dressing' the loyal opposition. They were an almost permanent minority and were glad for the crumbs of bread they received. 2. Ditch 2 is what we are seeing now. The repubs tasted blood by now having tasted power. They have became embolden and now try to take 'uncompromising' positions that aren't working. All out of fear of being perceived as a gasp - a moderate. Moderation is the new cuss word in republican circles. I also think that this track also pushes people to the extremes on the dem side to counteract. Time for some statesmen to rise up in both parties. The Dem leader of the Senate, Reid, and the repub leader, McConnell keep throwing insults at each other's leadership (or lack thereof). So we won't see it there. But sometime someone(s) are going to have to step up boldly in HUMILITY and reach out to the other side. Otherwise this dysfunction will continue. The only other option is to turn back the clock to 1979 where one party held all of the cards. Let them run it for a while and when their plans fail - then replace them --- that would be a repeat of the last 35 years and it ended up to where we are today. Maybe it is time for a real 3rd party option.
  7. I'd like to see the offsets in budget cutting that Trump and Cruz are proposing that will cover the projected 8.5 (cruz) 9 (Trump) trillion deficit in revenues.
  8. And it only took Kerry how many months to call what ISIS doing genocide??!!
  9. The new D Coordinator comment doesn't make sense to me. McBride was TO's DC going back to the early 80's. According to my memory, McBride was DC from 1982 to 2000. I've edited the OP - should have said our new d line coach and not our DC. Our new D line coach was on that 1992 team wt Frazier.
  10. The new D Coordinator comment doesn't make sense to me. McBride was TO's DC going back to the early 80's. Correction: Our new D line coach (now 2016) was a player on that 1992 team.
  11. Of all the people that have said that's what they will do, I'll bet less than 1% of them will actually go through with it. You think? Come on...I mean look at all the names Trump has been called...the comparisons to the cruelest world leaders. People, I beg you, get out while you CAN! Do not make the same mistakes that so many millions made in other countries. I'm actually surprised some left wing minority rad--or whoever-- hasn't put a b*****t between Trump'fs eyes, if ya know what I'm saying. Hey, they shot George Wallace back in the day. Reagan took a bullet too. Don't be surprised if it happens, considering all the people that Trump has incited to hating him. it was nice knowing you Corn.
  12. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/trump-foreign-policy-advisor-himself/2016/03/16/id/719339/ Here is a scary thought - Trump is his own advisor on foreign affairs. Ok Donald, start all of those tariffs and you'll be remembered as Herbert Hoover the 2nd.
  13. I think Cruz is claiming that Trump has received up to $200 million in free advertisement from all of the media coverage of him. He has manipulated the media to respond to his every word. Why does the media do so? Because of ratings - big ratings = big money for big media. As long as they can string out this Trump event, the more money for them. They have a vested interest in seeing Trump succeed not because of a political alliance but because Trump = money to them. Now they may have a political agenda in this: If Trump secures the nomination look for the media outlets to all of a sudden finding their research divisions and dig up everything they can to throw against Trump to help Hillary get elected.
  14. http://www.cnsnews.com/blog/melanie-hunter/actress-martha-plimpton-shouts-her-abortion-abortion-dress Quote: Plimpton told ABC News last year that she had “two abortions as a young woman,” which “made it possible for me to live out my dreams and do what I really wanted to do with my life.” Oh, how sweet. I wonder about the potential dreams and accomplishments of the aborted babies. I'm sure their combined contribution to society would have been much greater than this self centered, self important D actress. I guess she proves that 2 wrongs do make it right and should be celebrated.
  15. https://today.yougov.com/news/2016/03/14/trump-rises-national-support-rubio-falls-and-carso/ Trump breaks 50% nationally per this poll. As we watch the death of the republican party.
  16. Agree wt this - I think we can pull the 9-3 if Tommie doesn't have any disaster days.
  17. http://theschmozone.com/2016/03/11/reliving-husker-history-week-1-1992/ Interesting article and video of game. Frazier comes in during the 4th quarter and Brook comes in after that. Our new D line coach is also noted' Edit - changed D Coordinator to D line coach
  18. Has it? Alex Jones can get a bit off the rails, but the video is here: http://www.infowars.com/must-see-new-video-did-michelle-fields-file-false-charges-against-trump-campaign-manager/ Alex Jones can get "a bit" off the rails? Thats like saying Trump can be a bit self-promoting. Got that right!
  19. Makes a guy wonder how transparent and authentic our news really is. This kind of thing probably occurs at the other networks as well. Everyone has a bias and so do large organizations - you know Fox has 'guests' that fit their narrative while trying to give the appearance of 'fair and balance'. As an example it is interesting to watch the various news sites during the election process. You can pick up which candidate is 'in' based on the articles and news stories written. I can tell that the Drudge Report for example is all 'in' wt Trump by the way they treat the other candidate - what stories, what pictures they choose to use, etc.
  20. Mark Levin presents his historical reasons why he is supporting Cruz. This is from his new TV program available for a week wtout a fee https://www.levintv.com/
  21. Give me a couple of years to see how Colorado turns out to answer that on marijuana. I think for medical reasons - OK for general use like cigs - I want to see how crazy Co gets or doesn't get. Prescription drugs should be available without a prescription --- wouldn't that be an oxymoron then?? I would be ok wt this except for the highly addictive drugs.
  22. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/jeb-bush-meeting-republican-candidates/2016/03/09/id/718308/ This should be interesting Jeb Bush to meet wt all of the candidates not named Trump prior to Thursday's debate. Maybe Rubio gives a big announcement at the debate - he's pulling out and endorsing Ted.
  23. I started wt Walker, then Rubio and now I will have to settle for Cruz as the anti-Trump. I still think Rubio would have been the better GE candidate but he has self destructed and needs to get out before the vote in Florida so someone other that Trump can have a path to the nomination. At this point, I wish it were Kasich that had been the guy to be challenging Trump.
  24. I am totally convinced that the bolded would happen if it is a brokered convention. Heck, I think it will happen even if we don't have that. I talked to my kids the other day about this. They are 20, 18, 16. They are all frustrated about this entire election. I told them that it is very possible we are watching something significant happening in American politics so pay attention to it. It is possible we are seeing the destruction of the Republican party right before our eyes. It is going to be very interesting to see what happens after this election. The problem is, there is going to remain this sect of the right wing that is just plain bonkers and won't listen to anything reasonable because everything they need to know is on Fox News, Rush Limblob and viral emails they make up and send around to each other. What also is going to be interesting is what then happens in the Democratic party. Is there going to be some of the candidates in that party move even more to the center and maybe even slightly center right? Those candidates will more than likely pick up votes from people like me who are more center right and are now independent due to the fact the Republican party has left us. Stay tuned....it's going to be an interesting...but maybe bumpy....ride. Now.....what would be REALLY interesting to see is if Cruz could convince Rubio to be his VP and announce it NOW. Trump would be toast. Yes the Whigs folded and the Republicans picked up the pieces under Honest Abe. I'd like to see 3 parties - Constitutional/ Libertarian Party Moderate (Mix of Dems and Repub), Liberal/Progressive (Liberal Dems) Let the Moderate party keep both sides honest when one of the other 2 are in power. Let the Repub and Dems have to choose between left or right or being moderate and stop hiding behind rhetoric during the campaign season and doing something different in DC. I agree - Cruz/Rubio ticket would sink Trump but per this article, it isn't happening soon. http://www.newsmax.com/Headline/rubio-not-dropping-out-florida-utter-nonsense/2016/03/07/id/717952/ and another stating why his time is up: http://www.newsmax.com/TheWire/marco-rubio-drop-out-florida-primaries/2016/03/08/id/718026/ I think this one sums it up: #6. His resume doesn't fit the 2016 mood — "On paper, Marco Rubio looks like a consensus candidate, the perfect sort of Republican to put up against Hillary Clinton. On the trail, he is eloquent and has had a charismatic run over the past few weeks. The good endorsements have all gone his way," The Federalist wrote on Monday. "But it seems rather obvious: He is not the candidate suited for the moment." Many pundits have called 2016 the Year of the Outsider, and Rubio is anything but.
  25. http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/earle-mack-super-pac-paul-ryan-president/2016/03/07/id/717944/ Regarding a brokered convention, here is a new PAC that wants to draft Paul Ryan. I was going to mentioned in my post above that he might be the consensus candidate if the convention went beyond the 1st ballot. He has enough street cred on both the moderate and the conservative side.
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