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Everything posted by TGHusker

  1. For sure for sure. A con will con wherever he can con. If a con can be had, the con will jump at the opportunity. Trump is a master Con Man - I wonder how those most excellent T-shoes are selling? I once worked as a Corp Credit Mgr for a Christian publishing company. We 'sold' a bunch of Bibles and books but majority bibles to a company based - you guessed it - in Nigeria. I wasn't made aware of the deal until afterwards. The Con conned our publishing company out of over $20k using stolen credit cards. So, yes, people mis-use, misrepresent, and use the Bible to take advantage of many in all sorts of ways.
  2. Only perhaps to try get the African American vote elsewhere - Trump probably has SC tied up regardless.
  3. Can't argue nor would I want to against any of those points. Now Rubio is interesting - a case study in conquering the bully by giving into him fully. Never thought of him as a likely VP option. HOWEVER: Like Ted Cruz, he's gone from being verbally abused by Trump & ineptly standing by as Trump insults their (Ted and Marco) families to becoming lackies for him. I saw a clip of Rubio the other day going all in for Trump while discounting Trump's many legal issues. Trump once mentioned that he'd want a female for VP- if so, I see Stefanik as the likely choice. She's been carrying his water after taking Liz's spot as #3 in the House. I thought for along time Gov Noem would be the person - but I think she may want to chart her own path in 2028 based on what my dad has been telling me (he lives in SF). But what Trump says one day means nothing the next day. So, yes - Trump needs Florida - there were a large # of GOPers who didn't vote for Trump in the Florida primary - so I could see power hungry and values challenged Rubio taking the VP spot.
  4. He has all kinds of butt kissers that are more than willing - from Tim Scott on the east coast to Kari Lake way out west and a bunch of spinless GOPers er Trump cultist in between.
  5. So Trump's private judicial system (only apply if you are super rich or pretend to be) has lowered his bond to $175m if he can pay it in 10 days. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/rcna144659 Meanwhile: Trump’s New York hush money case is set for trial April 15 https://apnews.com/article/trump-hush-money-trial-new-york-b8fb980a6ec745e918a13e676b7f1460 Meanwhile #2 https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/breaking-donald-trump-says-christ-32437140
  6. Where is the Jim Nantz voice over?
  7. Red Husker Polo - Going to Savastano's Pizza here in the Tulsa area to watch the game. Fun article about the 'Japanese Steph Curry. https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/other/keisei-tominaga-the-japanese-steph-curry-aiming-to-propel-nebraska-to-ncaa-victory/ar-BB1kjLH0?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=7bf2d29a49fa46c8b707f4c891a7c5a8&ei=2
  8. And these people want to re-establish their empire
  9. Hey Judge - I fooled you! I got money hidden under that rock over there. Dumb Trump I wonder if the Judge looks under that rock.
  10. You are the totally unappreciated, unrecognized, non-celebrated wise man on the board
  11. So basically Cheney is bad to 4th degree and Trump to the 10th degree
  12. A Biden surge this fall? Yes says this conservative strategist https://www.alternet.org/trump-biden-surge/
  13. 10 bucks ok $399 bucks they will be wearing the new Trump sneakers - what a wonderful fund raising scheme.
  14. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/these-9-house-republicans-voted-against-a-resolution-condemning-the-russian-abduction-of-ukrainian-children/ar-BB1kbzdB?ocid=entnewsntp&pc=DCTS&cvid=16b3fe03b3fd4321b2c5e7a0952ee314&ei=12 Idiots and Russian agents everyone of them. In bed with Trump who is in bed wt Putin.
  15. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/rcna144043 I think this is funny - Navarro claims executive privilege in regards to his recent conversations with Trump (most likely about how they can create a bloodbath when Trump loses,,, again). He can't claim executive privilege as a reason not to talk - trump isn't president now - but maybe in Navarro's Q conspiratory mind.
  16. I wonder if trump is getting tired of 'winning' so much - bigly tired perhaps https://www.yahoo.com/news/judge-denies-trump-request-exclude-205250856.html
  17. we’ll maybe the Saudi gov may try to buy some influence for about $454m just in case Trump gets elected
  18. When he also says Mr and Mrs Wade (speaking of the Georgia DA and her boyfriend ) that the real Mrs Wade probably wasn't happy ... I guess he forgot his own wife regarding Stormy, regarding Carrol, regarding.....
  19. Related: https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-national-security-risk/?cx_testId=6&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=2&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I#cxrecs_s
  20. More to the above. There are interesting details in the bold: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/03/18/trump-cant-secure-454-million-appeal-bond-in-new-york-fraud-case-his-lawyers-say.html
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