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Everything posted by Fru

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/republicans-gun-control-mentally-ill-obama-rule_us_5893e15be4b04061313629d3 The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence condemned Thursday’s vote. “Repealing this rule weakens and undermines the Brady background check system that has blocked more than three million gun sales to dangerous people since 1994,” Brady Campaign President Dan Gross said in a statement." Doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement.
  2. Or.... perhaps banning/punishing people based on groups or classes while denying them due process is a bad thing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think you're confusing demographic groups and classes with a verifiable medical condition that makes you a possible threat to yourself or others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The ACLU disagrees, and makes a reasonable stance for why. Doesn't mean I agree with it. Mentally ill people should not have guns. And I agree. So screen and qualify them if they raise a red flag. But don't deny them without due process. Yeah, well. "The Republican-controlled House on Thursday took its first steps toward strengthening gun ownership under President Donald Trump, moving to scrap a requirement for background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/02/02/house-republicans-move-to-scrap-obama-rule-on-gun-background-checks.html Yeah, that portion of the article is flat out wrong. They can't circumvent the FBI NICS check. Can you provide a link?
  3. And it seems this whole discussion shows that the party that cries "All Lives Matter! Every Life is Sacred! I'm 100% Pro Life!" is actually conditionally Pro Life. Gun Rights > Life.
  4. Or.... perhaps banning/punishing people based on groups or classes while denying them due process is a bad thing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think you're confusing demographic groups and classes with a verifiable medical condition that makes you a possible threat to yourself or others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The ACLU disagrees, and makes a reasonable stance for why. Doesn't mean I agree with it. Mentally ill people should not have guns. And I agree. So screen and qualify them if they raise a red flag. But don't deny them without due process. Yeah, well. "The Republican-controlled House on Thursday took its first steps toward strengthening gun ownership under President Donald Trump, moving to scrap a requirement for background checks for disabled Social Security recipients mentally incapable of managing their own affairs." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/02/02/house-republicans-move-to-scrap-obama-rule-on-gun-background-checks.html
  5. Or.... perhaps banning/punishing people based on groups or classes while denying them due process is a bad thing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think you're confusing demographic groups and classes with a verifiable medical condition that makes you a possible threat to yourself or others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ The ACLU disagrees, and makes a reasonable stance for why. Doesn't mean I agree with it. Mentally ill people should not have guns.
  6. Or.... perhaps banning/punishing people based on groups or classes while denying them due process is a bad thing? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I think you're confusing demographic groups and classes with a verifiable medical condition that makes you a possible threat to yourself or others. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. So the government banning the entry of Muslims is a good thing, but preventing mentally ill people from being able to get guns is a bad thing?
  8. Confidentiality has limits. If you walk into a therapist's office and say "I'm suicidal and I have a gun at my home and I'm going to kill myself tonight" it is a responsibility for the therapist to contact authorities. Just as it would be if someone walks in and says "I'm going to kill children on a playground."
  9. Where does Sasse stand on her? One would think that with his background in running a University, he would be against. But I'm sure he'll be towing the party line along with "Do Nothing Deb"
  10. "Trump attending Red Cross ball" http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/317716-trump-attending-red-cross-ball-in-fla-report "In an ironic twist, the Red Cross will be using the event to help provide assistance to individuals affected by Trump’s ban."
  11. According to one man I saw on Facebook, these millions of people "shouldn't have had their gun rights taken away by an unnecessary law in the first place." IMO if you don't have the mental capacity to handle your finances then you certainly shouldn't be allowed to have a gun. IMO if you put gun rights, profits, govt expansion, etc before life, then you are not 100% Pro Life.
  12. Right now is an imperative time to start caring. I do, but it's awfully disheartening when a Senator ignores thousands of calls and emails from constituents to toe the party line. This education thing has hit me pretty hard. I know what you mean. Hard to not grow despondent with this utter buffoonery playing out before us. I'm reminded of JFK in these times. "One person can make a difference. Everyone should try."
  13. Not trying to be facetious, but is it a foregone conclusion that Miles' time here is done?
  14. Right now is an imperative time to start caring.
  15. I'd love to hear a self described "Pro Life" individual, tell me why the mentally ill should have guns.
  16. "WE MUST HAVE EXTREME VETTING FOR REFUGEES POSING AS TERRORISTS EVEN THOUGH THEY HAVE NOT KILLED ANYONE" 30k Gun deaths a year. "Hey let's let the mentally ill have firearms." 100% Pro Life? Or 100% Pro Profits?
  17. "The House on Thursday struck down an Obama-era regulation that sought to keep guns out of the hands of the mentally ill." http://thehill.com/regulation/317634-house-republicans-block-obama-era-gun-rule How can you justify wanting mentally ill people to have guns?
  18. Could've sworn something like that had a name... Where separation of church and state didn't exist, and the words of a holy book ruled as the law of the land...
  19. He's still a producer on that show. Faux feud for ratings.
  20. And how does this help us? It doesn't. I'm not sure why Republicans hate the environment so much. I would've thought they'd do everything in their power to protect God's creation. They don't hate the environment. I can't find the exact article anymore, but a conservative criticism I read recently called the GOP corporatist rather than free market. Very, very accurate diagnosis IMO. You're right, they don't "hate" the environment. They simply don't care about it or how destroying it can affect others.
  21. It's interesting to me how the GOP's current standard bearer is endorsed by the Klan, and yet bnil is complaining about inclusiveness.
  22. The reality, huh? Can you prove that? Can you provide some data? If not, you should stop claiming it to be true. . This is something I see constantly with Conservative posts, bold claims with zero empirical support or evidence. But to the point of that statement. Yeah there might be less if it was Hillary, would it have anything to do with the fact she's spent 8 years in the White House, been a US Senator and served as Secretary of State? Would it have to do with the fact she's actually an experienced person and wouldn't concern herself with things like Arnold Schwarzenegger's Apprentice ratings?
  23. Not a turbine, and pretty expensive as a fan. I'm aware. It was a joke.
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