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Fru last won the day on May 16 2019

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  1. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kamala-harris-trump-backs-out-debates-1235068484/ Don-old seems scared.
  2. Saw this post and thought “Oh he must’ve tried to make a joke and it just kinda fell flat.” Went and looked it up. Oof.
  3. I think they probably can hang for a few months and then begin frothing at the mouth about god knows what once she’s inaugurated. It’s probably worth noting too that any of those Libs that aren’t on board, she probably makes up for with independents.
  4. Of what I’ve seen, most every elected Dem has endorsed her, and she’s seen record breaking campaign contributions at the grassroots level. Seems about as unified as possible for the time being.
  5. It’s a violation of the Budapest Memorandum. Pretty simple to understand when you’re not trying to shoehorn in some bastardized justifications to vote for a convicted felon that wants to overthrow American Democracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum According to the three memoranda,[6] Russia, the US and the UK confirmed their recognition of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine becoming parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and effectively removing all Soviet nuclear weapons from their soil, and that they agreed to the following: Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act).[7]
  6. Welp. Libs got what they wanted. I’m sure they’ll unify behind the new candidate and won’t needle them on benign bullsh!t the way they’ve done to plenty of other up and comers over the years.
  7. Yes. I too wonder where he got the idea that violence would be the solution. But in these trying times, I remember Don’s sage and comforting words 36 hours after children were massacred in a school classroom. “It's just horrible, so surprising to see it here. But have to get over it, we have to move forward.”
  8. So of Rhule’s original hires… Wager - DUI with an open container before even making it to his first fall camp at Neb Cooper - Resigning for apparently some kind of indiscretion. Knighton - ? I’m confident this kind of stuff happens everywhere, but good god it seems like we can never escape from this kind of nonsense. Less than 8 weeks out and 2 assistants need to be replaced? Smh.
  9. Probably not. I’ve wondered if her having a low profile was somewhat by design. Just lay low, no controversies, no bad sound bites, then get handed the keys as the nominal, regular, “any other dem” that folks are seemingly always clamoring for but never supporting. If there was ever a moment for someone to seize the torch, my god this is it. I was thinking about the debate this weekend. Why not send Kamala out there? Joe technically hasn’t been picked by the DNC yet. There’s never been a debate this early. The R’s are supporting a convicted felon. It’s obvious political norms don’t matter anymore. Eff it. Send out the VP who’s a former prosecutor and let her light his a$$ up for 90 min. Then have Joe put out a statement or video saying how proud he is of her.
  10. Dems have a habit of tearing down rising stars over ticky tack nonsense and then complain about having no one new or younger to vote for.
  11. Agreed. As much bemoaning as there is right now about the Dems running Joe, the fact that the R’s are committed to running a twice impeached, convicted felon, who lost the last election, and is actively draining the party’s funds for legal fees is even more insane. Imagine the juxtaposition of Nikki Haley on a debate stage with Joe. It wouldn’t be close. The R’s have a solution staring them in the face. And yeah yeah yeah “But his base.” What the R’s would potentially lose from his base they would surely make up for in independent and swing votes.
  12. It’s anecdotal takes like this that really dispel the “Any regular middle aged Dem would be better than Biden” mantra I endlessly see and hear. There’s plenty of perfectly suitable candidates that are run of the mill Dems and also not convicted felons, but yet we dismiss them for some benign reason. Then we wonder why we end up with candidates like Joe and Donald. It’s like we’re in a horror movie and the monster is chasing us. Up ahead there’s a running car we can get in and drive away, and someone says “What kind of car is it? Is it a hybrid? What’s the gas mileage? Are the workers that built it unionized? Does it have Bluetooth?”
  13. If I’m the DNC, I’m having a conference call with Prtizker, Whitmer, Shapiro and Beshear today. As smooth as Gavin is, I think you need a rust belt Dem.
  14. Reminded me of this line from The Departed. Always cracks me up.
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