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Kiyoat Husker

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Everything posted by Kiyoat Husker

  1. Like Meach? Kip Chelly? Braig Cohl? Nen Kiumatalolo? - This is fun.
  2. How about Catt Mambell? How many patents can one poster hold?
  3. Pohn Jarella? That kind of has a nice ring to it....
  4. Yeah, but statistically speaking it's a pretty small number. 3%
  5. I have to say I am surprised at the results of this poll. The "fire him now" crowd is still the majority, but not a super-majority.
  6. That might be due to the lack of "official" status, if I had to guess. No doubt it will be displayed in its designated Minnesota location for at least the next year. time and persistence will win out. The nonprofit organizations that are associated with it won't let it "disappear" again.
  7. I knew there was another option I hadn't thought of! Crap. Too late to add? I'll answer. No. Not too late. Normally I avoid Huskerboard after games because drinking and posting isn't good. I broke my rule. Sorry guys.
  8. I hope you are joking. If my offhand Trump comment in the OP is really too offensive for snowflakes in the Football forum, I can certainly edit it. Mods, let me know.
  9. Apologies if this has already been covered. I have avoided the Football forum lately due to extreme sadness and depression. I have not frequented the politics forum lately due to extreme sadness and depression. My take: I would like Riley fired now for the completely selfish and irrational reason that I want to look forward to something Husker Football-related. I was going to come up with lots of witty choices, but at this point there really are basically three options IMHO.
  10. Wow. The only thing good about this is that it could be the tip of the iceberg on Trump "supporters" that will increasingly try to distance themselves once it becomes politically expedient to do so. Like parasites trying to find a new host.
  11. Probably not accurate. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/01/how-science-helps-us-understand-gender-identity/ https://www.nature.com/news/sex-redefined-1.16943 Scientists that actually study such things have discovered that it really isn't that simple. many people, perhaps up to 1% or 2% of the human population, have some form of DSD (Disorder of Sex Development) where their anatomy does not match their chromosomes. There are many things that affect the development of sexual anatomy, and your chromosomes are only one of them. Also, scientists have discovered through DNA sequencing that most people have a patchwork of genetically distinct cells, some with chromosomes that are either xx or xy. This can have wide-ranging impacts on your biology. There is a lot more to say on the subject, but at least consider that many scientists no longer think of sex as a simple binary system. More like a spectrum.
  12. Great. One more thing to get my hopes up that likely will not happen...... Cruel thread, man.
  13. Yeah. Now that we know it won't "disappear" again, I'd rather it continue to exist as an anti-establishment trophy. If the University took it back now, there would be a danger of them trying to add a corporate sponsorship, or some other dumb crap like that. Keep it independent and free.
  14. Was listening to a national sports talk radio program, and some "expert" they had on thought Frost to Nebraska was a 33% chance, and listed reasons why he might go elsewhere. One of the reasons he gave was something along the lines of "Nebraska isn't going to be able to pay what he might be offered at these other schools...." I immediately discredited everything he said at that point. Some people don't really understand the financial potential Nebraska really has, and the motivation to pay whatever is necessary for the "right coach". What we are paying Riley is not an indication of what we would/could pay Frost IMO. Riley was a discount purchase.
  15. At the end of the day, this is a systemic offense problem, right? That or play-calling. Either way, Langs/Cav/Riley is the problem. That really sucks because it means a total overhaul is inevitable. I know this is not new information, but I was hoping against hope that we could turn it around and things would start to come together offensively. Not. Gonna. Happen.
  16. Here's some recent "news" http://host.madison.com/wsj/news/local/govt-and-politics/report-robin-vos-confronted-john-kasich-over-wisconsin-redistricting-position/article_6252e787-d7b2-5bc5-baf0-36341816abcb.html John Kasich (R) is getting some heat from Republicans for taking an anti-gerrymandering stance on this case. Was called a "traitor"to his party. Ha! I dislike John a lot less than the other former GOP candidates. This is some common-sense stuff that shouldn't be a partisan issue. IIRC he is moderate in some other areas, as well. Moderates don't always fare well in primaries, but would be better in office, IMHO.
  17. According to the omnipotent Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gill_v._Whitford By then we will be knee-deep in dissecting the new coach's first full recruiting efforts...
  18. Yeah, I'd love to invest some money into my kids' college funds, but first I have to take care of the gall bladder surgery from last year, and paying off my own crushing college loan debt.... and my owned car just died, so add a car payment. Isn't it great to be an American?
  19. High cholesterol? Sounds like the source of all your issues comes down to "lifestyle choices", not heathcare costs. /s * 100% sarcasm BTW
  20. Did you say "negotiate"? No problem. We have the "best" people in government to get this deal done!
  21. A thought just occurred to me. If Insurance companies are the "Buyers" to the Providers' "Sellers" role, one possible check on prices would be to allow insurance companies more power to negotiate with providers. There should still be protections for the insured, but consumer choice doesn't seem to be have an affect on the providers prices. Insurers, on the other hand, could have more clout in controlling prices with buying choices, right? My head hurts....
  22. Really the answer is: depends on who you ask. The article I linked was written by a doctor and doctor's advocate, and basically said: "It's not the doctors! ". The data and graphs you linked were created by a global insurance trade organization, and basically said: "It's not the insurance companies!". Each had good data that pointed in a different direction. I like the WaPo article that was linked further down in your article https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2013/03/15/why-an-mri-costs-1080-in-america-and-280-in-france/?utm_term=.418c1d43138b some quotes: Good article. Kind-of exonerates health insurance companies as the driver of the system. Also points to the need for more government oversight for a system where the consumers currently and inherently have little choice. Unfortunately I don't see that happening. The middle ground between the right and left is nowhere near having more government oversight. This will not be fixed soon. Or ever.
  23. I'm guessing that this is coming from frustration over challenges to his travel ban? Cause.... I'm sure that would have made all the difference in this incident....
  24. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-new-york-shooting-uzbekistan/new-york-attack-suspect-an-uzbek-immigrant-turned-to-religion-in-u-s-associate-idUSKBN1D13U0 I know we don't have all the details yet, but it sounds to me like the major problem with this guy was integration into society, like many that ISIS brainwashes with online propaganda. Not a problem that immigration restrictions will solve IMHO.
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