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Everything posted by nic

  1. Oops. This is funny though. Love that movie.
  2. I was hoping Tuck would be a lifelong coach, just so MSU fans would be miserable.
  3. The quiet part out loud. Patrick Brown admitting he left things like better forest management out to get published. https://www.thefp.com/p/i-overhyped-climate-change-to-get-published
  4. Mel Tucker is a Tool and MSU will be able get out of that contract. I was hoping they were stuck with him for 10 years.
  5. Seriously? I think you give him too much credit. Not QAnon?
  6. "No constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute," she retorted. Grisham cited restrictions on free speech as an example of how rights can be curtailed in emergency situations. Sounds like someone else we all know and love.
  7. There are certainly some whackos in congress I would like to get rid of, but I am not in their districts. MTG really has no business being there. She is just an agitator. There is obviously evidence Trump believed some of these conspiracy theories surrounding Jan 6th and his reinstatement as President. Those conspiracies came from extremists. I think he seeks and accepts adoration from any source. It doesn't matter to him where the support comes from, which is scary. This is anecdotal but I know many smart and good people that think he is the savior despite having many faults. These are the same people that end up at the bottom of pyramid schemes.
  8. Well I wasn't part the protest so there is that, but somethings tells me it wouldn't help if I was there and came away with the same opinion. Not sure why talking about it with my neighbor who is a cop is whacky. Maybe you need to get out more, and meet different people.
  9. That's a big game for NBC to get.
  10. Thought I read 100M and OSU and WSU are trying to keep it.
  11. Is NU not on NBC this year? I bet they will be.
  12. All of his anti woke positions were in two clips. And yes, most everyone in the political thread seems judgmental, but it doesn't bother me at all. Judge away. I am good with it. I have my opinions about some posters too.
  13. Isn't there antisemitism coming from everywhere, including the black community? A lot of the attacks on Asians were also from blacks, but suppose that is because Trump called it the China Virus. Jews seem to get blamed for everything by everyone. I would suggest that Talib and Omar are antisemitic. Neither of us know them personally so I won't say it with certainty, but I would place the bet. The leaders of BLM certainly made some money. They didn't end up looking great. The followers were at least authentic. A Denver policemen showed me phone videos of the protests they were not peaceful. I was told the after dark looters were a combination of gangs, Antifa and white supremist groups...which is an odd combination. Race War? Sounds like conspiracy theories. The rhetoric these days might cause a self fulfilling prophecy, I guess. Going around accusing folks (strangers if you will) of being awful people for whatever reason probably isn't going solicit a positive response. If you're right though, I guess that doesn't matter. Drop the gloves and go at it.
  14. Screw Notre Dame.... "According to NBC, Saturday’s Michigan-East Carolina broadcast (at noon Eastern) was the “most-streamed college football game in NBC Sports’ history,” beating out two previous stream-exclusive Notre Dame football games."
  15. nic


    Interesting opinion piece on how China's demographic issues from the one child policy may backfire on their aspirations of being the world's super power. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/07/opinions/rising-superpower-myth-china-rayburn-bergen/index.html Interesting opinion piece on how China's demographic issues from the one child policy may backfire on their aspirations of being the world's super power. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/07/opinions/rising-superpower-myth-china-rayburn-bergen/index.html
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/07/politics/joe-biden-2024-reelection-donald-trump/index.html Worry and surprise continue to build on a possible Trump reelection. Lots of time left though. Anything can happen.
  17. There has always been division, and in my opinion it's getting much worse not better. Not everyone is as enlighten as you I guess.
  18. Not sure what you're getting at. I really only see clips. I used to think we would be polar opposites politically , and figured he was arrogant. Now I am surprised that I am agreeing with some of his stuff. Very surprised. I still think he is arrogant though.
  19. The campaign for inclusion and equity is divisive because of how its being driven as much as any resistance you are referring to. Both sides can take some blame here. Flags never bothered me, except maybe when the American flag is burned, but that is expressing free speech ...so be it. I would agree anti- semitism has increased, but not just from the skinheads...also from the left. It is surprising to see the skinhead type being as bold as they are versus hiding in a basement. Lots of groups out there full of hate are getting bolder. Left and right. BLM has its faults. When I see fires burning, looting and vandalism after BLM protests it takes alot away from the March. Maybe MLKs approach was better. It certainly accomplished more.
  20. It certainly seems like there is more division based on race than there was even 5 years ago.
  21. Is he a comedian? ...or maybe a late night host. Either way, it makes sense that he is a free speech purist. It helps his rating...or maybe hurts. He complains about wokeism in all sorts of areas. Gender identity, free speech as you mentioned, new justice policies, you name it. He almost sounds like a conservative or maybe liberaterian.
  22. Do most liberals believe what Bill Maher said below? I certainly consider him liberal, but I have made similar comments on this board, and have only received pushback for saying we should be colorblind. Is Maher no longer considered a liberal or even leaning left? "You can be woke, with all the nonsense that that now implies, but don’t say that somehow it’s an extension of liberalism. Because it’s most often actually an undoing of liberalism. You can have your points of view and your positions on these things but don’t try and piggyback on what I always believe. I have always believed, as liberals do for example, in a colorblind society," Maher said. "That the goal is to not see race at all, anywhere for any reason," Maher continued. "That’s what liberals always believed all the way through Obama, going back [to] Kennedy, everybody, Martin Luther King. That’s not what the woke believe."
  23. Sorry. I had no idea where else to put this. It may have been posted elsewhere already. One of the biggest issues was changing how NU administratively reports their research dollars among the campuses, which they changed in the 1960s. This issue is being addressed. https://journalstar.com/news/state-regional/education/nu-wants-back-into-association-of-american-universities/article_fc187cc2-4904-11ee-8b75-53927bb131a6.html
  24. Will the mountain west pick up the PAC12 crumbs? WSU and OSU…
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