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Everything posted by nic

  1. I don't think 1 million people died because of Ivermectin. I know some who died because they chose not to get a Vax or use common sense if they were at risk. That was their choice. I feel bad, but all I could do is give an opinion if they asked. I wasn't going to try and force them to make a good decision. I don't know anyone personally that tried Ivermectin, but their medical history is their business not mine. There was nonsensical stuff being pushed by both sides. It was crazy.
  2. It surprises me how fired up people get about COVID information or disinformation. Still. Even something like a Wuhan lab leak theory. Did Trump suggest Ivermectin? Maybe that is why it hits such a sore spot.
  3. I heard that conservative Twitter accounts started massively increasing in followers last night. Of course the theory was that Twitter had been suppressing conservative users reach,, but this article suggests it Is an influx of conservative users (and outgoing liberal users) according to Twitter. https://www.foxbusiness.com/technology/twitter-follower-count-fluctuations-not-automated
  4. The Dems and Repubs probably just switched on wanting to regulate social media. https://www.boston.com/news/politics/2022/04/26/elizabeth-warren-elon-musk-twitter-dangerous-for-democracy/
  5. Seriously….he is back on already or is this a joke? $h/+….there goes the news cycle.
  6. You certainly picked some good options. Frankly it’s nice not to have Trump on Twitter. Not because I follow on Twitter, but everything he tweeted was reported on ad nauseam. I am thinking more like Kevin Sorbo for election memes …I think. Gina Carano for comparing the current political climate to Nazi Germany and questioning more than two genders. Nazi comparisons are overused but whatever. Shake your head and move on.
  7. I guarantee the envelope will be pushed almost immediately. I would like to see how this plays out. I thought the NYPost ban was bad move and looked very suspicious. If someone tweets their opinion on social issues or posts a funny meme that might offend someone I don't really care. I guess we will see how far it goes.
  8. Now he cares...is Twitter now the Pubic square?
  9. I am pretty sure people on the right already think Twitter was a liberal company in the tank for the Dems. Soros buying it would have made them say “I told you so” in unison. Who knows how this will work out. It will be fun to watch. If someone comes back on and posts about 2020 election fraud, so be it. They can be ignored. People will end up blocking folks they do not want to listen to. There will be two factions of people that only listen to their like minded friends… Just like everything else.
  10. I was wrong. Musk wasn’t deployed by Putin. It was Xi! Oh and Bezos refers to Twitter as part of the town square. The same Bezos who owns the Washington Post. “Interesting question. Did the Chinese government just gain a bit of leverage of the town square?" Bezos tweeted in response to a New York Times reporter who noted Tesla’s reliance on China for its large market and lithium batteries. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/bezos-amazon-washington-post-launches-china-conspiracy-theory-musk-buys-twitter
  11. This is exactly the response I was waiting for and expected.you should post this in the censorship thread too.
  12. https://www.kuow.org/stories/stop-using-the-word-marijuana-some-lawmakers-think-so adding to the list of racist things.
  13. I would call this a meltdown https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/24/elon-musk-twitter-billionaire-robert-reich
  14. Looks like Musk may succeed. This will be an interesting show to watch. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/25/tech/elon-musk-twitter-sale-agreement/index.html
  15. Florida released some examples of why they rejected math books. https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/22/us/florida-math-textbooks-critical-race-theory-examples/index.html
  16. This memo is pretty scathing. Not sure who Gloria Romero is other than a former Democratic State Senator for California. Never heard of the California Globe. She says the Dems are going to lose Latinos in mass over woke policies. https://californiaglobe.com/articles/gloria-romero-memo-to-my-party/
  17. I am saying Biden’s border policies are going to tank a few congressional seats and I am really surprised he doesn’t wait until after the election. They are either punting and doing what they can before losing power or it’s somehow a genius political move that no one will understand until it plays out. But you all know that. I guess the Republicans are better at getting their cute political phrases to stick. If it makes everyone feel better I can post Putin’s price hikes in the economy thread. That one worked well.
  18. I am not even sure what to say here...as if hundreds in Bucha were not already bad enough. I guess this is not proven yet. If true I am not sure how we can stand by.... Russian troops accused of burying 9,000 civilians in mass graves near Mariupol: Live Ukraine updates (msn.com)
  19. You can keep trying to be literal on the open border comment if you want, but the Dem strategies and policies are getting worse not better. If your only concern is that the borders are not literally open so be it. Thats a pretty low bar.
  20. Didn’t know where to put this. Police play copyrighted music during stops to keep people filming the stop from posting it online. https://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2022/04/20/police-play-copyrighted-music-block-bystanders-filming-councilman-orig-jk-jc.cnn
  21. I guess some Dems don’t, but the administration appears to be throwing in the towel. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/psaki-rules-out-biden-admin-delaying-title-42-removal
  22. Pedophiles do damage to children that cannot be undone and likely creates future pedophiles among other life problems for the victims. I have zero sympathy and this professor makes me sick. That’s dark stuff.
  23. That professor talking about about minor attracted persons is sick. I wouldn’t want my kids anywhere near them.
  24. I did not know what libs of tik tok was. Did the teachers who got fired deserve it for their actions and they just got caught by some kid filming them? Does libs of tik tok post videos that they find on tik tok and they do not do any filming of their own? Edit: Wait, they repost videos made by people talking about themselves and then these people get fired? I guess I need to see some examples.
  25. So she cries about online harassment and then doxxes others. Was it payback or hypocrisy? https://mediamanipulation.org/research/what-harassment-journalist-taylor-lorenz-can-teach-newsrooms https://www.newsweek.com/taylor-lorenz-defends-libs-tiktok-expose-after-conservative-criticism-1699023
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