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Born N Bled Red

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Everything posted by Born N Bled Red

  2. Kudos to you @Notre Dame Joe You are so good at the Republican strategy of whataboutism and distraction it is almost poetic to watch. We see this strategy be effective over and over again, and yet those of us willing to see Trump and his misdeeds for what they are keep falling into this trap over and over again. I was so incredibly frustrated when the Republicans used this strategy so successfully during the impeachment trial. It was so successful at one point I thought that Joe and Hunter Biden were the ones on trial and the Democrats were desperately trying to save his presidency. Stop falling for it! Here we are again, THE REPUBLICAN RAN SENATE COMMITTEE released a report all but confirming the Trump Campaign colluded with Russia. We should be talking about that. We should be shouting that from the rooftops. Instead I log in and see multiple pages in defense of the Uranium One deal AGAIN!!! Quit letting them change the subject! Develop some discipline, stay on topic. It's like we can't help ourselves when this tactic is used, we feel we must counter. NO WE DON'T. All it does is make it seem as though both parties are equally guilty when we entertain unequivocal whataboutism. Laugh it off, brush it off your shoulders, and comment again about how traitorous Trump sold American interest to Russia for a hotel deal and his family's personal fortune.
  3. Haha, I've watched it like five times. The Nebraska part gets me everytime, and Texas lol.
  4. All this turmoil, everyone needs a good laugh. Even though the SEC network put it out, its an instant classic. You're welcome in advance :).
  5. Because everyone paying attention already knows, and everyone else doesn't care.
  6. Fair enough, but a tiny bump in Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida, or Georgia, maybe even Texas (Beto) could have potentially decided the election. Maybe this pick will mobilize the African American vote enough to provide that tiny bump across several states. Maybe Kanye added additional pressure here.
  7. This isn't exactly true. I can say, personally, McCain's decision to pick Palin in tandem with Obama's decision to pick Biden cemented my vote of Obama. I actually really liked McCain pre-campaign, before his handlers turned him into Bush Lite. That said, I don't know that the pick of Harris actually changes the electoral vote count, or helps win the election. She may be more effective than Tim "bump on a log" Kaine, but I don't think by much. - I suppose this pick was to shore up the African American vote, but California is already going blue. Might've been better to pick someone with strong qualifications at ties to a necessary swing state. I guess we will see.
  8. Ha, Nebraska and Iowa being the only schools playing for the year would be the only chance they'd have at a national championship. Would definitely heat up the rivalry.
  9. So, if Nebraska does go the independent route and devise its own schedule, what would the dream match ups be? Pick your top 12 for a twelve game Schedule. I'd love to see K-State Oklahoma Missouri Iowa Texas Notre Dame Penn State Texas A&M Iowa State Michigan Ohio State Oregon State
  10. "DEPLORABLE" please quit using that friggen word. It is like nails on the chalkboard everytime I, and most other people hear/read it, and its a rallying cry for those it was meant to describe when Hilary used it. For the love of god, use any other word. Here are some to choose from: disgraceful despicable horrifying reprehensible abominable appalling
  11. For what it's worth, here in Nebraska, in Cuming County, there was a person who was Covid-19 positive, symptomatic, hospitalized for those symptoms, and died. This person's death was initially reported as a Covid-19 death. However, the coroner decided that this person was suffering from underlying conditions that would have eventually caused death and Covid-19 just expedited that eventual outcome so, the coroner attributed that person's death to those underlying conditions. Therefore the death was taken out of the Covid-19 death count for the state and county. The notion that Covid-19 deaths are over-reported is bull. If anything, especially in states that a pushing hard to reopen, like Nebraska, they are under reported as in this very, real life, example.
  12. Man, its almost like, gasp, FOOTBALL. As you learn how your opponent has game planned against you, you have to change what you are doing to find what works. --- I think we fired a few coaches pretty much because they couldn't adapt strategies to new information... Those who don't adapt to new information are destined for defeat.
  13. Or you know, if there is a risk that the suspect will destroy evidence before turning themselves in. Yeah, I don't think Stone would have done that.... Nah, not him. Roger Stone is not a crook....
  14. If they can no-knock raid, and open fire at will for someone simply suspected of harboring narcotics, I would sure as heck support a pre-dawn raid for someone committing or conspiring to commit treason. Just saying.
  15. Trump isn't tough on China. Come on, all he's doing is leveraging the US economy to get more trademarks for Ivanka, and Hotel deals for him. This was never about the American worker for him. How does anyone still believe that???
  16. BURRRRR!!!! Definately puts northern teams at a huge disadvantage.
  17. True story, in an above post I said, "policy decisions are being based on these numbers." Probably foolish to have said that. I should have said, "These numbers are being based on policy decisions." That'd be a much more accurate statement.
  18. The real issue here is that policy decisions are being based on these numbers. My kids, everyone's kids are going back to in person school this fall based on these numbers. Now we have officials openly discussing how they are fudging numbers. We all knew this was happening to some extent I guess. I had assumed that deaths that were posthumously reported as covid might not get added. I assumed that at the time of death questionable cases might not get added, but I never expected they'd go so far as to actively remove cases from the total death count. This is asinine.
  19. Uh huh- What is going on is the equivalent of me getting into a car accident and dying while having cancer. Clearly the car accident would be responsible for my death, but since I had cancer and was going to die anyway, they reattribute my death to cancer in order to qualify for federal highway dollars. This is not ok.
  20. It has been clear for a while that Nebraska is manipulating numbers through test availability and hiring Nomi health to run statewide testing. Nomi has been criticized for less than accurate tests and exceptionally low positive rates https://www.sltrib.com/news/2020/05/14/testutah-declines-join/. Now they are actively subtracting numbers from the Covid-19 death total https://kneb.com/regional-news/audio-cuming-county-coronavirus-death-retracted/?fbclid=IwAR2dEfhQMfj-FNbTIdS6tSmaj1oFrSfczZqeZz0mBCzMHZ6vQW6b0C5xkvI. In short, the Melanie Thompson with the Elkhorn Logan Valley Public Health Department explains that if a Covid-19 patient's death can be attributed to other factors, they are no longer counting that person's death as a Covid Death for county and statewide reporting.
  21. https://www.npr.org/2020/06/29/884551391/florida-scientist-says-she-was-fired-for-not-manipulating-covid-19-data https://www.businessinsider.com/states-manipulate-coronavirus-data-reopen-2020-5 https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-antibody-testing-inaccurate-data-60-minutes-2020-06-28/ And Trump ultimately runs the CDC. He can make them say what he wants them to.
  22. uh huh, interesting the only 3 news sources that a google search turns up that are reporting this are: The Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro), The Federalist (David Harsanyi, Mollie Hemingway), and The Blaze (Glen Beck).
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