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The Murphinator

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Everything posted by The Murphinator

  1. Arizona losing will officially bust my bracket. I had them in the championship game. Oh well. Now, I will be rooting for a ton of upsets.
  2. Man, I thought South Dakota State was going to pull that one out. My bracket is no longer perfect.
  3. Mike Daum is balling right now!
  4. UNCG trying to bust everyone's bracket
  5. Last call if you want to join our group on ESPN Tournament Challenge. Also, whoever just entered 3 brackets needs to pick their favorite out of those 3 and go with. We are keeping it at 1 bracket per person to keep it fair for everyone. Group Name is Huskerboard.

  6. Just a reminder. If you want to join our group on ESPN Tournament Challenge, time is running out. It would be wise to join by the end of the day, because picks are do before the start of the first game Thursday. Thanks for everyone who has joined, and for those who will join. Come join the fun! Group Name is Huskerboard

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Murphinator

      The Murphinator

      I got Arizona, Michigan, Michigan State, and Villanova for my Final 4.

    3. Minnesota_husker
    4. ZRod


      N like flynn

  7. Underrated: Banana Cream Overrated: Pumpkin
  8. Yeah, I changed my pick to Arizona for that game.
  9. Bad News for Virginia. Really hurts their chances of winning the tournament.
  10. For the winner of the Tournament Challenge, I was wondering if we could get someone to make a cool edit stating that the winner is the best tournament predictor. I was also thinking that we could have something for the person who finishes in last place as well. If you guys have ideas for the worst predictor, let me know.

  11. No problem, I just thought it would be something fun for the board to do.
  12. Hey, if someone can make a cool avatar, and we can get a bunch more people on board you got a deal. We only got @HuskermanMike and me so far. @Mavric can you jump start this idea? It would be much appreciated!
  13. @Mavric what happens if there is a tie?
  14. It is all good. They all get us sometimes.
  15. I hope you know this is fake Mav.
  16. Hey man, I don't know if they just don't see it, or if they aren't interested. I posted a status update, but no one else has joined yet.
  17. 5 seed in the NIT. We play Mississippi State
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