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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. McCain is going to outlive everyone...that guy is freaking hardcore He may be hardcore, but he's not a hero. He got captured.
  2. About the Wall Street speeches? I read them and see nothing of particular interest, other than I feel a little bit better that Clinton understands how finance actually works and how important it is to economic prosperity. I just wish she'd explain it to her left wing supporters. So none of the following bothers you? -Admitting she works for wall Street -Admitting that she tells people what they want to hear so she can win votes and has a different stance than she says -Saying her dream is a world of open borders and one government with free and open trade -conversing about how she understands the influx of Muslim immigrants will cause America to topple There's much more in the emails, but you have to understand what you're looking for. Julian Assange is that you?
  3. And his first post after his "announcement" about the leaked video yesterday:
  4. So let's say he gets elected and then tries to surround himself with experts and experience (which honestly I don't think he's aware enough to realize that it would be what's needed) ... who would take those jobs? Has he now made it such that folks will recognize that a drowning man takes down everyone that tries to save him?
  5. So after yesterday's tape reveal Paul Ryan "uninvited" Trump to WI for a rally today. Pence was to go in his place. Pence just made the decision to not attend. Several additional R's withdrew their support in the last few hours, including Kelly Ayotte, and Mike Crapo (these in addition to the UT guys that disassociated themselves publicly last night) I think we're going to see something the US has never seen before .. wondering the RNC will step up to make a change or if Pence decides to walk away to save himself? Indeed I sense that the bomb is ticking.
  6. This is interesting. I'd missed the day of news where Trumps Latino chair made the comment about how the latinos are so significant that if it goes unchecked, we’ll soon have"taco trucks on every corner". This is a great idea, and one that's sure to hurt him in the long run: http://remezcla.com/lists/culture/taco-trucks-voter-registration-texas-arizona/
  7. Is he actually trying to make light of his situation?
  8. I thought of that too when I read that he booted the press when he found out the video was coming out. At some point he will absolutely ruin his chances for 4 years from now if he doesn't.
  9. We need Riley to work on his mom. I think she's the key and honestly from what I've heard Mike does well with the families (no surprise).Riley is a married man, I doubt he'll be doing "work" on any MILFs. You definitely misunderstood my post. The guy sends mothers days cards and etc. Barry Switzer used to say the key to recruiting was mom and Mike has that figured out from what I've heard. You gotta sell more than just the kid.
  10. We need Riley to work on his mom. I think she's the key and honestly from what I've heard Mike does well with the families (no surprise).
  11. Official Trump campaign response: Nice that he tried to take a swing at Bill on the way down. His frickin' response was "Bill is worse?". I am officially out of views for the month on Washington Post - but I'm admiring the heck out of Farenholdt. Please, Trump supporters tell me why this is excusable? How can you continue to defend him?
  12. To see Joseph Lewis it would appear. And Calvin ... Johnson, Johnson, Gebbia, Holmes, Pickett etc. I'm sure they're pretty busy in that LA area.
  13. If that wasn't deplorable ... here's an article worth a read. A journalist who has experienced the bullying, abusive behavior from Trump supporters based on the tone he's set with this campaign and his general horribleness. http://www.newsweek.com/epileptogenic-pepe-video-507417
  14. I saw Sherri O'Terri (SNL Alum) on tv say that she thinks Judge Judy should moderate - that too would be fun to watch. I can't stand to see her show typically, but I'd love watching her nip the lies, overtook and bs in the bud with the candidates.
  15. But Hillary sent emails. And Bill cheated.
  16. Interesting - I thought his mom was pushing Stanford.
  17. A new group of 30 former GOP leaders signed a letter stating they are not putting their support behind Trump. Some in key states. Reasons: "Given the enormous power of the office, every candidate for president must be judged rigorously in assessing whether he or she has the competence, intelligence, knowledge, understanding, empathy, judgment, and temperament necessary to keep America on a safe and steady course," the lawmakers wrote. "Donald Trump fails on each of those measures, and he has proven himself manifestly unqualified to be president." "In nominating Donald Trump, the Republican Party has asked the people of the United States to entrust their future to a man who insults women, mocks the handicapped, urges that dissent be met with violence, seeks to impose religious tests for entry into the United States, and applies a de facto ethnicity test to judges," they wrote. "He offends our allies and praises dictators. His public statements are peppered with lies. He belittles our heroes and insults the parents of men who have died serving our country. Every day brings a fresh revelation that highlights the unacceptable danger in electing him to lead our nation." http://www.cnn.com/2016/10/06/politics/republican-lawmakers-never-trump-letter/index.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+rss%2Fcnn_latest+%28RSS%3A+CNN+-+Most+Recent%29
  18. And that's the problem. White people don't know what it's like to be black and the day-to-day hardships they face. There may be some instances where being black is an advantage, but they are very few and very far between. Read this and get back to me: http://www.deanza.edu/faculty/lewisjulie/White%20Priviledge%20Unpacking%20the%20Invisible%20Knapsack.pdf I agree that white people don't know what it's like to be black. However, black people don't know what it's like to be Hispanic. Neither know what it's like to be white. We can play this game all day long. What this really boils down to is intolerance. We here in Nebraska have a prime example around the Lexington area. There are three different minority groups that work within the slaughter house. These three different minority groups are extremely intolerant of one another which has caused quite a few problems. The gang activity and such is a little rough especially for a town as small as 10,000 people. Whether I live long enough to see the day or not, we are currently undergoing a massive change in culture. It's expected by 2060 that nearly one third of the U.S. population will be Hispanic. According to the Pew Research Center, blacks and Hispanics have large differences on core issues. The majority of blacks believe there is a bias against them while most Hispanics reject the idea that blacks frequently face discrimination. Roughly only half of the Hispanic population says they get along with blacks while roughly 30% of Hispanics say they don't get along at all. To put into perspective, this is a larger percentage than whites saying they don't get along with blacks. Time may very well heal most wounds, but I'm not sure here in the U.S. with our diverse population that it will ever happen. It certainly won't if you don't believe it can.
  19. I hear ya, me and my brother and sister got into it pretty heavy tonight over the Clinton/Trump situation. Cooler heads will prevail tomorrow I'm sure, but we were all pretty pissed at one another. Oh, man. That's tough to deal with. This Biden thing you said (in this, or another thread?) interests me. Surely you know what Biden's policies would be regarding size of government, national debt, racial divide and policing, education, and so on. If anything, Biden may have been further to the left of Hillary -- I remember the speech he gave announcing he wouldn't run, it was cited by Sanders' campaign people as energizing because it hit along a lot of the same points. Don't get me wrong, I admire and respect Biden a lot. But what makes Biden an automatic yes here? He supports the military and cops and doesn't lie and treat people like s*&t. I appreciate this Big Red Iowan. I agree with you. Character is one of the most important things I consider when choosing a candidate. Policies are second.
  20. You can try to discredit business success with your insecurity and lack of understanding, but one does not simply luck their way into a multi billion dollar real estate empire. Sorry, just didn't happen. My "understanding" is that other than the fact that he's plastered his name on multiple buildings and says he's successful we don't really know if he is or not. As more comes out about him it seems he's not as successful as some thought. And as far as I can tell, nobody here is insecure. Don't belittle people.
  21. In only the third time since their founding in 1860 The Atlantic weighs in on this years election in support of Clinton: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/11/the-case-for-hillary-clinton-and-against-donald-trump/501161/
  22. That's fair. I live away, but have had problems with many of his stances. I don't agree with him on much issue-wise.
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