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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. Interesting ... not surprised. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-frustrated-jealous-pence-strong-debate-article-1.2818522
  2. I like you more and more each day Dude. Just felt like saying that. Yes, Dude is a good guy - even if we come from different perspectives. You can disagree wtout being disagreeable. You too TG. I like you too. And couldnt agree more with your comments above.
  3. I like you more and more each day Dude. Just felt like saying that.
  4. Think he obsesses much? I love it. Seriously, if he's posting about it that much you gotta figure he thinks about it ALL the time, and probably bores all around him with it 24/7. It's the thing his kids roll their eyes at when he starts talking. He's gonna be a nightmare as he ages and loses his memory.
  5. If you ever wondered when Trump stopped watching CNN ... this proves never. Doesn't get under his skin a bit either. Not one bit. https://twitter.com/search?q=from%3Arealdonaldtrump%20cnn&src=typd
  6. Please tell me skersfan that you can see that those you speak of are the minority. Perhaps some of them are vocal on this board, although I've not yet been here a full year it's apparent to me that the majority of people here, in the stadium and around the state are of the old ilk. We were all raised that way. There are always bad apples (and sadly they tend to be loud), there have always been bad apples, they just didn't have a board to go to and post 40 years ago. All and all I am still proud to be a Husker, I'm still proud of our fanbase and our team (win or lose). If we were spiraling into bad fandom we wouldn't still get compliments from visiting fans and broadcasters, recruits and their families about it being a great place to come experience a game. Now, let's please drop the "husker fans suck" and move back to the topic.
  7. Yes, that unfortunately has become too clear in recent weeks. My whole argument to friends to vote GJ has lost its appeal. GJ is starting to sound duffus like Trump in foreign policy. Gov Weld, again the 2nd on the ticket, may have been a better selection for the top of the ticket just as in the case of Pence and Kane. So, I've been thinking of not voting for the top of the ticket - 1st time ever. Can't vote for Hillary or Trump and Stein is way to wackobird. Maybe like BRB says, write in myself, or my grandson, or Marco Rubio who I was favoring ( to send a powerful message for 2020 LOL). And Weld, this week (yesterday I think) said there's nobody better qualified on paper to serve than Clinton. Clarified a few hours later that he meant "on paper".
  8. I get embarrassed for some sometimes. That's a bit different and quite a leap for you to equate the two, but the "love us unconditionally or else you hate us." is part of the meme on which I comment. By the way, just to get some more insight on specifics, how do you think those two guys that got into an altercation about sitting / standing should have handled it? Which, in your opinion, is the greater fan? The guy who was willing to block another guy's view all game to show his Husker spirit, or the guy who got physical to show his? Just maybe, MAYBE, neither? Man, I have no idea about two guys at the stadium last year and how they acted. I don't care who the greater fan is. I'd probably say neither as well. Your point?
  9. That chip on your shoulder must get heavy sometimes Bow. Glad to have you as part of the community even if you hate all of us.
  10. In summary ... http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-north-patterson/losing-it-donald-trumps-p_b_12294200.html
  11. 3gun - these are wonderful words, but YOU'RE ONE OF US! Even though you lived on the coast you figured it out long ago! I'm just so psyched you had a good day and a good game. I'm not shocked that it lived up to your expectations - it's truly a very special place. Stocked you got to experience it for yourself.
  12. So its not this? http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/10/02/wednesday-hillary-clinton-done-reports-julian-assanges-announcement-tuesday-will-finish-396507 Looks like it was a publicity stunt to celebrate their 10th anniversary. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2016/10/04/trump-backers-feel-played-as-wikileaks-fails-to-come-through-on-october-surprise/
  13. Do you feel sorry for the old timers ("blue hairs") who have been buying tickets since Devaney's time and now are considered pariahs by many Nebraska fans? There was a guy who posted here and was proud of the fact that he was involved in an altercation and got someone kicked out of the game because he was blocking this guy's view and refused to sit. Do you feel sorry for the guy who got kicked out, or are you proud that two of the "World's Greatest Fans" behaved that way to prove their loyalty? "I'm such a good fan, I'll keep you from seeing the game!" "Well I'm a better fan, because I'm going to push you down the stairs to see the game!" Anyhow, last season was more than a little bit of Schadenfreude for me, but this year is different, as far as the team goes. I feel sorry for anyone that was disappointed and heartbroken with a bad season last year. It sucked for everyone, the "blue hairs" as you call them (or the long term supporters as I'd refer to them as) and the young ones. I think the number of a$$holes who stood up and fought and etc. last year is the minority of fans and that on the whole we are a respective fan base, especially compared to other college and pro teams. I just think you sound so angry and bitter and life is too short man.
  14. I was just listening to NPR where they're talking about Brexit and a vote in Hungary where someone's claiming a win w/less than 50% returns and I swear to god I thought, 'Trump will do that. He'll either claim he won and just move into the White House or make some other scene."
  15. I guess I parted ways with "Husker fans" when they started injecting themselves into the spotlight as much or more than the team or the game. Look at all of the angst about whether "WE keep OUR sellout record." Look at how many people here fell all over themselves to see who could be the nicest to an obvious Oregon Duck troll who ended up making @sses out of them a few weeks back...because they wanted to prove just how wonderful they were to each other and to him. Look at all of the posts castigating "the blue hairs" who won't (or can't) stand all game and are perfectly willing to be @sshats and block their view to prove that, although they are lousy human beings, are "the world's greatest fans" for doing so. Look at the venom and hate Pelini invoked because he was mad at the fans after the Ohio State victory and said that Nebraska could kiss his @ss...conveniently forgetting that it came after he took great offense of Husker fans booing his team at the half. (After the comeback win, notice how it went from being "Pelini's team" to "OUR" team) I still have the picture...do you want to see it again, or do you want to explain it away (again) with out seeing a disgusted Bo waving off "The world's greatest fans"? And THAT was Pelini's one, great unforgivable sin: He didn't love Nebraska fans as much as they thought he should have, and Hell hath no fury like a lover scorned. Sort of like Texas is with everybody leaving the Big 12. Anyhow, one person's troll may be nothing more than a mirror that tells the Evil Queen that she might not be "the fairest of them all." Either way, I can live with it. Can you live with the fact that some people might not think Nebraska fans are all that they make themselves out to be? Wow. I feel sorry for you man.
  16. Hmmm - new investigation on Trumps decisions to utilize China instead of US Steel manufacturers. Wonder if the rust belt has gotten their arms around this yet? http://www.newsweek.com/how-donald-trump-ditched-us-steel-workers-china-505717
  17. I am starting to take a lot of joy away from watching Trump not just flailing in the race, but knowing that this last year of "publicity" has harmed his brand irreputably. He has alienated so many (here and overseas), and his biggest fans politically can't afford to stay in his hotels or to pay greens fees at his resort etc. I have a feeling the IRS will be digging in even more, and, he doesn't have his 'foundation" to funnel money through any longer.
  18. Positive - positive. I wasn't around last year to fight the fight here on the board weekly, but pretty much ANYBODY who replaced Bo was an upgrade and positive move for this program in my opinion. Now I'm always an optimist (to a fault and pay for it sometimes) and i truly believe that if you do the right things good will happen. Mike embodies that, and we're due. He's surrounded himself with similarly strong coaches that compliment him and supplement where he is weak. We may not go undefeated this year, we may not get to the championship, but similar to the fact that i'd rather be unranked and climb, I'd rather build a solid, meant to last program that improves year over year consistently than go from hero to zero.
  19. Interesting, isn't it? Not surprised. When you see some of the most biased, offensive tweets the profiles are also typically beautiful women, which I also find interesting. Especially since we know how he's performing with that population. I'm confused at the population that you're referring to here. Are you saying that Trump isn't doing well with "beautiful" women? If so, how are you measuring this? He is performing the best with white males. Off the top of my head I can't recall the age range. Maybe my comment was too broad, but I'll stand by it :-)
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