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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. Yeah, when I watch sports I don't want to be reminded that those are actual real human beings with their own thoughts and beliefs and convictions and personalities either. I would much rather they just shut up and be exploited for their physical abilities for my own enjoyment. No need to actually talk, or think, or share, or care about anything. Just do the thing with the ball and get the points so I'm happy. You got it LOMS....the same thing goes with Hollywood. I hardly watch movies anymore due to celebrities who are paid way too much money to use their fame as a platform to push their own political agenda. Now would you feel differently if players were protesting against Mr. Obama or some liberal politician? See now I read LOMS post with a totally different tone than what you did. I feel as if there is very much a double standard with athletes - we expect them to be good role models for kids and fans, but when they do something that doesn't align to one's beliefs it's a problem. Who complains about when an athlete goes to a hospital in their jersey to visit a kid? Who had a problem when DeAngelo Williams paid for 53 mammograms for women who couldn't afford them on their own because that cause has personal meaning to him? You can disagree with a players stance on something, but they are people, with opinions - you can respect them for their abilities and then turn off the tv or leave the game. Same with movie stars.
  2. Just digging out of the DVR - I'm kind of surprised the whole "Obama was born in the US ... Hillary started it but I'm ending it" stunt didn't get more attention. This pretty much sums it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byP7XvzFqRc
  3. Says something when the big money/big company guys who are typically strong republican leans don't support their candidate, and those who are talking are supporting Hillary: http://www.wsj.com/articles/no-fortune-100-ceos-back-republican-donald-trump-1474671842
  4. Or seeming "real" ... with a certain age group (those she needs to get out to vote) this resonates funny. Obama and others have also done it, it's tongue in cheek for sure. I'm sure people will think she was serious though, there will always be those.
  5. We've done a lot of great things in Lincoln to honor the right people, this just adds to the list. If you haven't viewed the video check it out on Twitter or on the FB page for the football program.
  6. Here's the perspective of a non biased charity watchdog Guidestar when it comes to the differences between the two "foundations": https://trust.guidestar.org/notes-on-the-clinton-and-trump-foundations When I donate I check everything through Charity Navigator to see how donations are used etc. Here are the results of that evaluation for Clinton, top tier. I can't find Trumps because it's a private organization ... sneaky as usual. https://www.charitynavigator.org/index.cfm?bay=search.summary&orgid=16680
  7. Have a Skittle, Mr. Bains. It's on me. Just like daddy, he can't shut up ... if you're backtracking, you're losing.
  8. Shocking! A Trump Campaign Manager resigns due to racist comments: http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/297234-trump-county-official-resigns-after-racism-comments
  9. Interesting read that explains why we are where we are today and how that compares against other countries ... we're in trouble. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/wired-success/201407/anti-intellectualism-and-the-dumbing-down-america
  10. All this bs would be cleared up if he'd just released his taxes. I heard the NY Attny General is actually investigating the Foundation for this now, so that should be interesting. I'm betting we start seeing tweets like, "Boring NY Attny General is unfairly accusing me of what Crooked Hillary does everyday when she doesn't get up and go to work because she has a brain tumor and I have HUGE rally's, the NY Times, Washington Post and CNN are failing SAD!!"
  11. I decided at the gym this morning that to supplement my income I'm going to whip up some life sized posters of Don and then sell them to his Foundation.
  12. The bold seems kind of like an invasion of privacy to me. I know that's a naive stance, but it kind of feels like he's being outed when he didn't want that necessarily made public. Yes, rumbles here in the northeast are that he said someone to one of the Kennedy girls in that organization and she posted it on FB. Honestly though I wonder if it's one of those "leaks" that was done intentionally so that he could deny it or act as if he wasn't proactively talking about it public. He's a good man, and it has to be breaking his heart to see his party go down like this, and to see the office of President be so degraded. He (like many in his party) has to want to make an impact on this election in as responsible way as possible. This "leak" kinda accomplishes that. Kennedy's aren't known for talking out of turn (or at least this branch of the Kennedy's isn't)
  13. Is he 6 years old? So this will be a multiple tweet posting, because some of the responses to this are just too good: https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/with_replies https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/with_replies
  14. What bigger LBs are on our board? And has anyone seen his highlights? Specifically Johnson. Ward is pretty light. I'd tell him he needs to gain some weight first and then we'll see. In order to get to that next level we need guys to come in ready to play. That's silly. Recruit the build, the skills, the speed and then get them to campus and work on weights, nutrition etc.
  15. Love the fact that he committed in 2015 - that's a long, long time ago. This visit had to be impactful.
  16. Looks like the press is getting under somebody's skin this weekend:
  17. JJ the heavy weighting was because of the number of Repubs in the primary, not because of any intent by the reporters.
  18. Love that you are not opposed to admitting you were quick to judge. I'm psyched that all the patience and focus this staff has put in over the last two years is starting to pay off on game days. I'm sure it's been difficult at times to avoid the negativity from the fans. I'm a firm believer of "do the right thing and good things will happen" and I believe strongly in the character that Riley has and has surrounded these young men with. They are lucky to play for him, and we are lucky to have him in Nebraska. It feels like (to me) that he's always been a Husker.
  19. Signing off this thread - can't believe the negativity after just a couple series.
  20. D looking good on the pass - not so much vs the run ... the QB? Seriously?
  21. I find it interesting (and yet not) that instead of looking at the data presented and considering it or evaluating it, instead one jumps to the "defile the source" response. It's trite.
  22. How many times do we have to talk about the liberal bias at politifact. http://www.politifactbias.com/ http://townhall.com/columnists/brentbozell/2016/06/29/the-liberal-tilt-at-politifact-n2185076 http://humanevents.com/2012/08/30/politifact-bias-does-the-gop-tell-nine-times-more-lies-than-left-really/ http://www.newsmax.com/Reagan/PolitiFact-Fact-Checkers-Bias/2015/03/20/id/631565/ We've talked about it plenty, but I'm guessing you're going to continue to bring it up.
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