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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. I read this as the media give an unparalleled amount of weight and time to discussing and speculating on events that are more negative and attract more viewers. It's why they go 24/7 when there's a shooting, why they now name winter storms etc. If they'd put the appropriate amount of time on these (and they could do so if they just reported confirmed facts - and didn't spend time speculating or bringing in 'experts" before much is known about a situation) in addition to some positive stories or basic news stories (who wouldn't like to learn a bit? Think there are people in the US right now that might benefit from a news report on how the electoral college works? Or how there are communities doing positive things?) When you tune in and no matter where you flip you see "TERROR blah, blah blah, GUNS blah, MURDER, blah blah TRUMP blah blah blah" it give you the impression that the world is a horrible place with little to no hope and that these things happen out of proportion to other things. I agree that you can't tell people how to feel, but I do think if there was a shift in our communication one might feel better, safer, more confident and have some hope. I've been without cable all week, and I have to say although I miss my HGTV and I heard they replayed the MSU game last night on ESPNU which I would have loved to watch, I am starting my week off more optimistic and hopeful.
  2. Last week he announced he is coming to the Oregon game.
  3. My guess, if they swing the cameras out to the audience you'll see a lot of people with their hands over their ears saying, "lalalalalalalalalall I can't hear you lalalalalala"
  4. They can't. They must be told, instructed, guided, spoon fed, have it teed up, preached etc. to them. I assume by "They" you mean the people, conservatives and liberals alike, that support Trump. Surely you don't mean a conservative like myself who doesn't support Trump? It isnt my job as a conservative to stop others from supporting Trump, is it? (Not that I haven't given it some effort...) You're right JJ. Not anybody's job. You seem to seek out information from various sources and make an educated decision based on what's important to you. What scares me about the times we're in are the shear number of people who are falling in line and reciting and believing info that's obviously false and defending actions that are abhorrent. The soundbites that are coming out of peoples mouths are worse than watching a Sunday morning politician make the rounds on Meet the Press & etc with talking points.
  5. I do wonder how much he had to do with raising them ... I'd give more credit to his ex wives (for instance I know that youngest Tiffany saw him very rarely as they lived out west), and or he had some "terrific, amazing" nannies.
  6. Now look at this voting record http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1526 Are you sure you know what the definition of communism is? please... Allow me to ask another question. And this is serious. Being that I am an independent, I would like to know how how the last 8 years has negatively impacted YOUR life. Don't speak in generalities. I would like to know specific policies that Obama has supported that has made your life worse today than it was from 2000-2008. Oh come on.. I am not that into this to get that detailed. I can throw a couple things off the top of my head, which I already know you will wan to further debate.. and I just don't care to debate.. it doesn't matter. You won't change your mind, nor will I. but off the top of my head. The worst being Obamacare, then there are a number of economy crippling regulations, that further give the government control. just a couple samples.. http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-environment/251302-obamas-clean-power-plan-hurts-economy http://dailysignal.com/2015/05/13/excessive-regulation-hurts-americas-entrepreneurs/ The number and cost of government regulations continued to climb in 2014, intensifying Washington’s control over the economy and Americans’ lives. The addition of 27 new major rules pushed the tally for the Obama administration’s first six years to 184, with scores of other rules in the pipeline. The cost of just these 184 rules is estimated by regulators to be nearly $80 billion annually… Many more regulations are on the way, with another 126 economically significant rules on the administration’s agenda, such as directives to farmers for growing and harvesting fruits and vegetables; strict limits on credit access for service members; and, yet another redesign of light bulbs. Husker2000 - that last paragraph, are those your personal thoughts and text? no.. check out the link, you will see. Gotcha - thanks for the clarity.
  7. Now look at this voting record http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/viewSubCategory.asp?id=1526 Are you sure you know what the definition of communism is? please... Allow me to ask another question. And this is serious. Being that I am an independent, I would like to know how how the last 8 years has negatively impacted YOUR life. Don't speak in generalities. I would like to know specific policies that Obama has supported that has made your life worse today than it was from 2000-2008. Oh come on.. I am not that into this to get that detailed. I can throw a couple things off the top of my head, which I already know you will wan to further debate.. and I just don't care to debate.. it doesn't matter. You won't change your mind, nor will I. but off the top of my head. The worst being Obamacare, then there are a number of economy crippling regulations, that further give the government control. just a couple samples.. http://thehill.com/blogs/congress-blog/energy-environment/251302-obamas-clean-power-plan-hurts-economy http://dailysignal.com/2015/05/13/excessive-regulation-hurts-americas-entrepreneurs/ The number and cost of government regulations continued to climb in 2014, intensifying Washington’s control over the economy and Americans’ lives. The addition of 27 new major rules pushed the tally for the Obama administration’s first six years to 184, with scores of other rules in the pipeline. The cost of just these 184 rules is estimated by regulators to be nearly $80 billion annually… Many more regulations are on the way, with another 126 economically significant rules on the administration’s agenda, such as directives to farmers for growing and harvesting fruits and vegetables; strict limits on credit access for service members; and, yet another redesign of light bulbs. Husker2000 - that last paragraph, are those your personal thoughts and text?
  8. Also Tamron Hall had an interesting interview with Baio (as did CNNs Dana Bash). What's sad is the focus from the RNC is on Melania's plagiarism, when there were so many other more offensive things that happened. https://mediamatters.org/video/2016/07/19/msnbc-s-tamron-hall-hammers-trump-supporter-scott-baio-incendiary-hillary-clinton-tweet/211701
  9. Well bnl you're nothing if not loyal and true.
  10. How in the hell did wifi get back on the board? Thought i recognized your posting style. Excuse me?
  11. Doing God's work, son. I don't have kids, but I likely will in the not too distant future. Bnil brought up his and you yours. I've at times thought about the future of this country for me, my fellow Americans, and my kids and wife, someday. I support Clinton because though she is not perfect, I know the absolute bare minimum I can expect from four to eight years of her as president is not screwing things up and handing a more or less status quo situation off to whoever is next. I have no such guarantee with Trump. He appears vastly ill-equipped for the job to me, and his nativist, exclusionary, fear-mongering rhetoric terrifies me of his intentions. Remember, we don't know what those truly are, since he can't hold a consistent position for two seconds. I'd like to see lots of liberal changes under Clinton. Lots of things need fixing. But more than anything, I support her because I'm looking to reject Trump in the strongest terms possible. It's not OK to spit on people who don't look just like you or may not be as advantaged as you. It's not OK to pop your mouth off any time anyone challenges you to try to one up them. It's not OK to treat women like dirt. It's not OK to demonize all brown people because of actions by the lesser angels among their countrymen that are out of their control. It's not OK to peddle counter-intellectualism and prey on people's fears and anxieties. It's not OK for the leader of the free world to offer up unfounded tabloid stories or internet rumors about his adversaries and pass the buck using "people are saying this" as plausible deniability. It's not OK to ride racist undercurrents in our society for your own gain, trying to delegitimize the POTUS along the way. And it's REALLY not f#cking OK to mock the disabled. That was my personal breaking point. F#ck that vile, low piece of sh#t. It still leaves me seething. I don't find any of this strong, or cool, or funny, or patriotic. I think it's sick, repugnant, disgusting, and absolutely unAmerican. It's completely counter to what I hold American values to be. And I'm going to fight like hell to do what I can to send his ass packing in the fall. It gives me hope that I read overwhelmingly more posts like yours and like Dudeguy's than I read positive posts about Trump. Well said both of you - can't "up vote" you enough.
  12. They can't. They must be told, instructed, guided, spoon fed, have it teed up, preached etc. to them.
  13. The NYT article actually links to the info you shared above Knapp.
  14. A VERY cool tool to look at how each state swings and how it impacts the election: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/upshot/presidential-polls-forecast.html
  15. I can't believe I have yet to see the following in this thread: "I know you are but what am I?" "A loser says what?" "nah-uh"
  16. It's actually a high quality iPhone 6, but he'd just had a screaming rant at it because he couldn't figure out the zoom and there's a wee bit of spittle on the lens.
  17. Isn't THAT interesting. Me likey the sound of this.
  18. Sadly, this isn't even that far out of a theory. But Trump has serious supporters, including on this board. That's how he captured the Republican nomination. I don't think it's a stretch to say he wants to be President, and that he had the savvy to know or the ego to think he could capture popular appeal. Increasing I look at some of these people -- public figures or not -- and wonder if they're from the same planet I'm from. But they are. And that, strange as it is, is reality. I think it's all one big Candid Camera show.
  19. I don't think you'll have to wait long for something else to happen Knapp ...
  20. https://twitter.com/cspan/status/755148956007399424 That's just creepy and completely unseemly. "To keep us divided and not United"? I went back and listened to that 3 times. wtf.
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