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The Big Nebrowski

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Everything posted by The Big Nebrowski

  1. You seem bad at this sarcasm thing.could it be your interpretive apparatus is a bit off? CNN is, at best, only slightly liberal. One does not know where each reporter stands politically themselves, but they do present dems and repubs fairly equally and give a fair amount of attention to "identity politics" as well as "social justice". But there main men, Blitzer, King, Taper, they are report right down the middle, just presenting the facts as possible. CNN is a corporate entity so, fundamentally it it right wing, private profit driven and therefore will never present any hard hitting expose', on say, the Koch Bros, or Goldman Sachs, or whoever they are beholden to by the almighty dollar. They present a liberal veneer because they've decided that is their main demographic they want to target. They stick rigidly to superficial politics like everybody else, so you never get to the actual inner machinations of these--the dirty underbelly. Their Sunday shows present the views of AEI, HeritageN and Council on Foreign Relations just like everybody else does. In no way shape or form are they "left wing", they will slam Castro, or Maduro, etc, as hard as the next guy. Whens's the last time you saw Ralph Nadar or Noam Chomsky on CNN? That's right, never. There's a reason for that. There are no left wing MSM news shows.
  2. True, but evolution(natural selection) is what took place after organic life got going.
  3. I wonder, how do they have comparative DNA samples from your alleged ancestors in the 1st place, i.e., how can they know about your great great great grandpappy Chuck in Zimbabwe, when molecular science didn't exist for Chuck?The DNA testing they do doesn't link you with specific people. It shows your ethnic origins. I figured that. So they are kind of a rip off. You don't get to know about Chuck unless somebody wrote it down. My friend from India says they have ancestries written down specifically going back for millenia, like they are serious about it, so you can know your actual clan--if you are Indian.
  4. Scientists haven't reproduced the beginnings of organic life as you describe, but they have, with that Haldon(?) Accelerator reproduced some tiny successes with molecular configuration, so they're on the right track anyway.
  5. I wonder, how do they have comparative DNA samples from your alleged ancestors in the 1st place, i.e., how can they know about your great great great grandpappy Chuck in Zimbabwe, when molecular science didn't exist for Chuck?
  6. If they want to teach it in a course on comparative religions, open to critical scrutiny, then that's fine, or comparative superstition, but no way can this be allowed to be taught as "science".
  7. Omg, the end of intelligent civilization draws nearer w each passage of these insane laws. Isn't it against the Consitution to teach religious philosophies in public schools anyway? Nevermind that, "Creation Science" is a direct attack on real science. It just never ends with these people. Send 'em to Noah's Ark Theme Park in good ol', shucks, KY if they want to torture themselves with that crap. And don't let them out to infect everybody else. I feel sorry for the innocent minds that are getting abused with this bogus "science".
  8. CNN is only mildly liberal, on the surface anyway.
  9. And McQuitty is 6'2.Oh, ok, that's good then. I guess Lindsay and that Calvin are the shorter guys.
  10. Mikale Wilbon and Adam Taylor were both :star :star 's coming out of high school. https://nebraska.rivals.com/commitments/football/2013 Interestingly enough, they both keep getting beat out for playing time and the #1 RB spot by "just 3 stars". Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Had hi hopes for Taylor, thought he may the next big thang. Well, he had bad knees coming in, bad ACL injuries in h.s., if I recall. Still, was supposedly cleared, but then I think he injured them again @ NU. So we will never know. Haven't completely given up on Wilbon, shows some flashes but doesn't look to be a between the tackle guy. Not big on blocking either, as yet, which is what is mainly keeping him off the field. Perhaps he was overrated, yes, overrated. Tre deserves a 4th star over him. Tre appears to have a chance, we shall see. Didn't you already write him off earlier in this thread? Saying he would never be a 1,000 yard back? "appears to have a chance". You undertsand English, right. I don't think I said "never", but if I did, what I mean is, at best, I think he will gravitate around 1000 yds and that may not be every year from here on out. I like the kid, I'm hopin' for some upside. But, as of now, I don't see him as being any more distinguishable than any other "good" back that any other average team has. I get it, you're trying to get a rise outta me. Keep swinging. Maybe, when you get a chance, you can provide your own insights as to why any of our current backs will be more than just servicable. Otherwise, why don't you just run along and bother somebody else.
  11. My only small critique is that all 3 of these guys are under 6', eh? Makes it harder to "climb the ladder" over DBs. Other than that, looks like a great group, maybe best ever.
  12. That's because facts are part of the Liberal Agenda? --- The debate was good and needed, and Sanders (and by extension, the ACA) had an overwhelmingly good night. Only problem was the small business question that someone already brought up in the thread...but Cruz really didn't seize on that opportunity all that well. Thought there was a great opening for him to discuss...as well as a place for Sanders to discuss social morality in regards to business ownership. ...but it's funny/sad that Cruz, a supposedly devout "Christian", is debating that Health Care isn't a universal right when the Bible itself instructs its followers to care for the sick as if they are your own. At least the debate was rather civil, to an extent. Forgot what seeing a real debate was like after seeing Der Orangenfuhrer crap the bed time and again the past 1.5 years. Who needs facts when you can have Fake News, right? And, "Der Orangenfuhrer", beautiful, I love it!
  13. Lol, I was going to say that. The "swamp", as it were, is SO not being drained. It was just another big dumb slogan he and his handlers came up with to pander to his base. "We shall rule them with slogans". The Ape prez--who has his tiny unopposable left paw on the nuke codes--has got more billionaires and retread right wing politicos in there than ever. He's turning the swamp into a big ol' lake, and he and his rich buddies are gonna ride this gravy train for all it's worth.
  14. P.S., Obamacare would work much better, but like everything, it's a numbers game. It needs large numbers of people using it, increase volume and therefore bring down the cost. If, say, 200 million people would signed in, it would bring the cost down so as to be what it is designed to be: affordable. As it is now, the middle class is footing the bill for all the poorer people to be on it, or Medicaid, for little to no cost. It's still nvr going to be as good as what single payer could be because the insurance co.s, in Obamacare, still write most the rules and they are in it for their bottom line.
  15. Yep. Well, when I didn't have him on mute, perhaps the main goal for Cruz last night was to attack the FDA, which he did repeatedly. Cui bono from less FDA? Big Pharma, of course. Surely they have Lil Teddy in their hip pocket, bought and paid for, and that's why he's out there shilling for them.
  16. Elizabeth Warren is now forbid from speaking for the remainder of the Jeff Sessions debate. McConnell is a slimy, tiny, turtle of a man. He has done many things, but this one will not help him, it will only increase the rage of the base - it certainly has here out east. Liz read the letter in its entirety on a video on her website, and (fingers crossed) there are some rumors that the next Dem to speak may pick up where she was silenced. WAKE UP PEOPLE! McConnel's wife, Elaine Chao, frmr (anti)Labor scty under 'W', her Chinese family owns a multi billion $ shipping business. So he's living larger than large and that's why they want to make her Transportation scty now. Can you say, "revolving door"?
  17. If it didn't hurt ya, I'd forget about it. FTR, the probability of highly evolved life forms forms-aliens-out there is essentlially zero. The probability that there is even some type of the simplest evolved cellular, organic life out there in our universe is, they say, about 1 in a billion. There's nothing out there except stars, planets, more stars, and asteroids and sh#t, which, OBTW, they(a few companies) are already working on plans "mining" for minerals. Already fighting over who gets which asteroids "rights". Privatization as per usual. It's just us, folks, so you can relax. Prlly a jet light/helicopter, private plane as described or a satellite reflection or something. There IS a logical explanation. Take some vid next time.
  18. I NEVER get to see cool, spooky stuff in the sky, just the same ol' stuff. Well, glad you weren't abducted. BTW, were you 'high'?
  19. Mikale Wilbon and Adam Taylor were both :star :star 's coming out of high school. https://nebraska.rivals.com/commitments/football/2013 Interestingly enough, they both keep getting beat out for playing time and the #1 RB spot by "just 3 stars". Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Had hi hopes for Taylor, thought he may the next big thang. Well, he had bad knees coming in, bad ACL injuries in h.s., if I recall. Still, was supposedly cleared, but then I think he injured them again @ NU. So we will never know. Haven't completely given up on Wilbon, shows some flashes but doesn't look to be a between the tackle guy. Not big on blocking either, as yet, which is what is mainly keeping him off the field. Perhaps he was overrated, yes, overrated. Tre deserves a 4th star over him. Tre appears to have a chance, we shall see.
  20. Ok, now that made me LOL! Belichick's a hack, c'mon, you're not even trying...
  21. OMG, I hate this guy, maybe more tha Jeffrey Lord. They don't even pretend to not lie or spin.
  22. Yes, that's the big rip off. The public pays for certain kids to go to private, for profit schools. It's a corporate subsidy. Another "free lunch", just not for the kids.
  23. The Orangutang in Thief and his cabinet of blood sucking babbling Babboons are truly terrifying and the confirmation of that anti-public education #*+o*?! De Voz is particularly discouraging. I mostly had excellent teachers throughout the public school system and it is frequently better than the pay to play schools. Dems don't know how to fight and play dirty like the other side--the Dark Side. They got no backbone. Bannon, Sessions, well F those guys, but Jared Kuschner is the one to keep your eye on, he's the "brains" and a wolf in sheep's clothing. I'm gonna find out who he's really working for. Tillerson was CEO @ Exxon when Hugo Chavez kicked them outta Venezuela and nationalized their oil. Payback time, I suppose. All hooked in w Russian oil too. Grease those palms. Conway is a ttl mercenary, money grubbing liar. She was categorically anti-Trump, til he offered her the big $ to shill for his sorry ass. No amount of her new designer clothes and make over can put lipstick on that pig. I know, tell ya how I really feel. Oh well, I still can't believe this is happening... Good job America.
  24. http://nebraska.tv/news/local/sex-for-sale-in-nebraska-human-trafficking-hidden-in-plain-sight Hard to believe it's happening within the US.Been going on for years. OK has been an epicenter for sex trafficing for yrs and now its in NE. Well, if there was no demand... Migrant/immigrant farm labor is to a large degree labor trafficking, same model, just labor instead of sex, though there can be overlap.
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