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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. Interesting.... https://www.yahoo.com/news/harris-newsom-presidential-ticket-one-004905068.html
  2. In Ohio, trumps cadidate is getting killed in the polls. I will probably vote for Brown. If JD vance is gone it will leave a void. Not sure how the replacement is picked in Ohio.
  3. Well, at least it is interesting now. I watch this like I do most CFB national championship games. I have no rooting interest. I just want to see an interesting game. Up until a few days ago, I had lost interest. It is like when we have the SEC championship game rematch for the CFB game, who wants that? Now I have something more interesting to watch. I still don't care who wins. I dislike both of them. I know people from both sides are freaking out about the other side winning. I am a strong conservative Christian who doesn't really worry about who leads this country. I know the dems aren't going to march the Christians to the lions at the superdome or shut down our churches. I worry about how our country is being destroyed, but really I think both parties share some blame. Repubs have literally elected the anti-christ. It is hard for me to listen to my fellow Christians talk glowingly about Trump. So spare me all of that. from both sides. I will vote my conscience and not be pulled by any party is who scared to death of the other side. At least it might be interesting now. New race, new reasons for people to freak out, new ways the pupet masters are pulling strings.
  4. I would add Bernie Sanders. It is always good to have someone to rip on when drinking with a bunch of guys.
  5. We need proof of life. Joe blink twice if you are being coerced.
  6. 2 things can be true at once. Dem party leaders suck Repub party leaders suck I never quite understand blaming the other party. They all are power hungary and have no principals. OK, said it and I feel better!
  7. I use this line with my students and athletes all of the time. Problem is that no one questions me anymore.
  8. I was just in Nebraska. I waited until the last minute I went looking for preview magizine for the season. I couldn't find any. Are there any? Or is that a thing of the past? I am going to look online to get one, but do they exsist?
  9. A couple of questions and observations. Independents really elect the president. Went Trump in 16 and Biden in 20. What are their thoughts? Never really see that type of polling?? So, Repubs were right about Biden's issues and the Dems stuck with them? Dems were right about Trump and the Repubs stuck with him? I am watching this like I watching a Texas-Colorado FB game. I hate both teams, want a good game, but I am good with a metorite hitting the stadium.
  10. I am looking to vote 3rd party. How high does the 3rd party vote have to be for the parties to take notice? 10%?
  11. I do like pissed off Biden. That guy should show up more.
  12. Debate winner: Saturday night live Debate loser: America I felt like I was watching a SNL skit at one point.
  13. That is true, I was going for the Nebraska angle.
  14. I have known about this kid since he was born. Dad is an olympic shot putter. Mom was the Nebraska HS record holder in the shot. Terri Steer. Kid will break the HS national record in the shot. 81'. Michael Carter in the 70's. Nebraska has 1 of the best throws coaches in college. The best? That is the coach at Cal. Hopefully he comes!
  15. What if you are in the 69 position and don't want to get screwed!
  16. This is the basic problem of public education in certian areas. I am guessing mostly innercities, well basically any place where the economically challenged live. Poor rural areas also suffer. Suburban Public schools are really, really good. I know that Cleveland and Akron schools went from bad to worse. Again, 18 months of not being in person. That is why the state of Ohio went to vouchers. I do beleive in school choice, but only when it includes open enrollment. The suburnban public schools have no stomach for open enrollment. There was a backpack bill several years ago that was floated around. All state money follows the kid no matter where they go. No chance that was happening. I am a small goverment guy. My tune changes with education. We have to do education differently in poor areas.
  17. A a lot of kids did nothing. 49% didn't turn anything 20% never logged on. They lost like thousands of kids. They don't know where they went.
  18. 3 months? Cleveland School district was remote for 18 months
  19. The interesting thing is our Superintendent took an online class from John Hopkins in May of 2020. It was all about the latest info on Covid. He figured that it was for Dr.'s but signed up anyway for this class. He got in. One of the main emphasis by the leading medical experts is that schools should open immediatley. The data said covid was not effecting young people. BUT, the mental helath crisis was going to be more detrimental to young people than covid ever would be. We became the very first school in Ohio that announced we would be opening our doors in the fall. Our superintendent got emails of praide from our parents, and death threats from the community. He was called a harbinger of death and one person hope he and his whole family would die of covid. I call him Harbinger of Death from time to time. Great times! We learned that online education for most sucks
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