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Everything posted by FrantzHardySwag

  1. No idea, maybe more evidence on Burr that lead to the warrant? I'm happy to see anyone that does this s#!t go down, regardless of political affiliation. Hopefully Loeffler's day is coming.
  2. Not the topic on hand, but more corruption from the right - hopefully justice prevails.
  3. I certainly don't envy you, I take my temp/full screen if I have to go into any of our facilities but we also work with a vulnerable population, and I'm younger - so it's a no brainer for me to do what I can to protect those at the highest risk.
  4. "On March 17, 2020, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) issued an update to its guidance that now expressly acknowledges that employers may implement temperature screening measures in response to the current COVID-19 pandemic. The EEOC noted that “ecause the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and state/local health authorities have acknowledged community spread of COVID-19 and issued attendant precautions, employers may measure employees’ body temperature.” The EEOC did not condition its guidance on further or future assessments by health authorities, nor is the guidance specific to certain communities in the United States. Rather the EEOC appears to be acknowledging the propriety of implementing such measures nationwide. However, the EEOC cautions employers to “be aware that some people with COVID-19 do not have a fever.” In other words, implementing temperature screenings may identify some employees who have a fever (but not necessarily COVID-19) such that an employer may isolate them or send them home from work, but it is not a perfect screening device that will identify all persons who may be contagious with the virus." Idk tell them tough s#!t, and that 3 seconds of inconvenience is not reason for an entire company to come down with a potentially deadly virus.
  5. Why the hell is someone opposed to their temp being taken????
  6. Don't worry, it's already being poo poo'd by progressives. The progressive wing should be thrilled to have the likes of AOC help fighting for progressive policies from within. Thats literally how you accomplish s#!t. Progressives could have 4 more years of Trump, or have people like AOC having actual sway within the White House. It's a f#&%ing no brainer.
  7. Yes, Eastman almost knocked off Bacon 4 years ago, for a far left progressive to almost knock off a Pro Trump/Military candidate is impressive. Hell Obama won an electoral vote out of Omaha in 2008.
  8. Blood bath today, I'll hold off on checking my TD account for a few days - I don't need that negativity in my life during a pandemic.
  9. I like Eastman, obviously gonna vote for her come November, think the Covid stuff is enough for her to flip the tables on Bacon? Irrationally backing Trump on everything isn't as popular as it was 4 years ago - but then again, this is Nebraska.
  10. It is messy. To answer your original question, If progressives broke off in the current system, it would just split the Left votes. As of right now most dems are moderate (at least active voter wise) - hence the party leans to the likes of Obama, Biden types, so it would be hard for a progressive party to have any traction what so ever. Republicans would for sure take advantage of a split and control pretty much everything for the foreseeable future. The R's seem to do a better job of keeping everyone under one tent. I truly think the groundwork is in place for the Dem party to move left, it will just require patience and continued pressure by the progressives. If they try and split off and go Green Party or stop trying to pressure the Dem Party - they are doing themselves a disservice.
  11. The anti Fauci stuff blows my mind. He’s literally a top public health expert, giving his opinion on a novel virus. People are acting like he’s out to get them.
  12. Yeah gone are the days where people hear each other out - its all toxic now. I think the Young portion of the democratic party is pretty unified in their progressive ways, that's men, woman, white, people of color - they just have to realize transitions are gradual - it won't happen overnight. Keep taking the small victories and they'll add up.
  13. I think the best course of action for the progressive wing of the Dem party, is to take every inch they can right now, their time will come. It sounds like a lot of progressives have distain for the Democratic Party, you almost see as much venom from progressives thrown at moderate dems as you do thrown at people like Trump and McConnell. Play the game, keep voting in down ballot progressives, take the little progressive steps from candidates like Biden, and keep moving forward. The majority of the Dem party right now is Older Black and White voters, who lean more moderate.
  14. I remember reading a 538 article about this, I'll try and find it when I have time. Obama aligned with a majority of the Democratic Party in terms of voters (a small fraction thought he was too liberal, a small fraction thought he was too conservative) - As well as being smack dab in the middle policy wise compared to the democratic senators and congressmen. I mean isn't this just how the system works, it's a spectrum. Obama as a moderate Dem probably aligns just as close to moderate Republicans as he does with the far left. I think the Biden of today is slightly left of Obama. I guess that's my way of saying moderate D's and moderate R's aren't so far away from each other, and Kulinski has a point. But the gap between Trump and Biden, on Immigration, Climate Change, Taxes, Health Care, Gun Control - it's pretty significant. I know the Democratic Party is right of where progressives want it to be, but if that's where the majority of the party aligns. There isn't much for progressives to do other than vote progressive down ballot candidates and continue to try and push the party their direction.
  15. I wish the snowflakes were even half as upset with a black man getting shot jogging through his own neighborhood, as they were Karen having to actually follow the Governors orders during a pandemic.
  16. The fact that 80,000 Americans have died, and our President recently said testing isn't important - and we're discussing a guy that hasn't been in office for 3.5 years - is a massive W for Trump and Russia.
  17. I mean you're not wrong to assume. First black president, very likable and respectable, suddenly arrested by DOJ of a President who calls white nationalists and nazi's "Very fine people", says he grabs woman "by the pu&&y" and admits to creeping on naked girls at the ms. TEEN usa pageant....I'm guessing the outrage would be through the roof, and who knows what would happen at that point.
  18. Obama had 7+ million more votes in 2008 than Trump had in 2016. Obama carried a much higher approval rating through his presidency. Like 100% guaranteed riots. It'd be an absolute blood bath. And depending on how many seats the Dems win in this upcoming election, it would probably lead to Trumps impeachment.
  19. I would put myself in the camp of thinking the story she tried to get out last year probably happened. I'm skeptical of this years story for reasons we've rehashed a dozen times so we don't have to do that again. I don't think my defense of Biden stems from Biden himself, but more a worry about the precedent it sets if we force someone to step down due to unconfirmed allegations (regardless of how believable or unbelievable they may be). I think we will have opened a door that will be hard to shut, and it will encourage that type of behavior from political enemies and more frightening, outside governments.
  20. Out of curiosity, is there any doubt in your mind? Are you at all skeptical about her story? I know we tend to speak in absolutes, because this is pretty much a debate setting, but I'm generally curious.
  21. The issue with this is it both collaborates her 1st and 2nd stories. So why are we to believe the 2020 version over the 2019 version?
  22. People should rightfully have their guard up, One of her lawyers is a Trump donor (He also is very good in this line of work, so no issues with her choosing him to represent her), the other lawyer DID write and edit for a Russian propaganda company named Sputnik. There was bipartisan agreement that Russia was/is trying to interfere with our elections in favor of Trump. Of course a lot of people are going to be suspicious of this, everything is timed perfectly for Trump/Russia's interests. Of course it could be a coincidence as well.
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